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Perfect Revision Notes meticulously handcrafted for GCSE subjects and subsection topics. Some notes are free to provide a sample of notes to see what we are all about!!!




Perfect Revision Notes meticulously handcrafted for GCSE subjects and subsection topics. Some notes are free to provide a sample of notes to see what we are all about!!!
GCSE Geography AQA Revision Notes - All notes topic divided for whole course Paper 1, 2, and 3

GCSE Geography AQA Revision Notes - All notes topic divided for whole course Paper 1, 2, and 3

6 Resources
Read detailed descriptions of each resource in this bundle. These resources provide immense knowledge for the Paper 1 and 2 for AQA Geography GCSE. This bundle combined more than 15,000-20,000 words worth of revision notes therefore it is very worth at the discounted price. Descriptions of each single resource contain detailed explanations of everything covered in each set of revision notes that you can view individually. Enjoy!!
Paper 2 Unit 3 Roman City Life - All Revision Notes for OCR Unit 2/3 Classical Civilisation GCSE

Paper 2 Unit 3 Roman City Life - All Revision Notes for OCR Unit 2/3 Classical Civilisation GCSE

4 Resources
Read detailed descriptions of each resource in this bundle. These resources provide immense knowledge for the Paper 2 Roman City Life OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE. This bundle combined almost 10,000 words worth of revision notes therefore it is very worth at the discounted price. Descriptions of each single resource contain detailed explanations of everything covered in each set of revision notes. Enjoy!!
Unit 1 Myth and Religion Bundle - All Revision Notes for OCR Unit 1 Classical Civilisation GCSE

Unit 1 Myth and Religion Bundle - All Revision Notes for OCR Unit 1 Classical Civilisation GCSE

6 Resources
Read detailed descriptions of each resource in this bundle. These resources provide immense knowledge for the Paper 1 myth and religion OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE. This bundle combined almost 10,000 words worth of revision notes therefore it is very worth at the discounted price. Descriptions of each single resource contain detailed explanations of everything covered in each set of revision notes. Enjoy!!
Unit 3.5 Literature - Satire and Fiction - (City Life) OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

Unit 3.5 Literature - Satire and Fiction - (City Life) OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Satire and Fiction in Rome on the OCR Unit 3 Culture Roman City Life paper 2 especially the Horace satires required for the exam. This revision resource contains over 2,000 words in order to provide you with maximum handcrafted revision resource to achieve a level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; Origins and purposes of Satire, Horace Satires background, Horace Satire 2.2 background, details and quotes in table and analysis, Horace Satire 2.6, background details of satire and important quotes in table and analysis, Horace Satire 2.8, background and details of satire All of these points are covered in extensive detail and provide you with immense knowledge of this topic section
Unit 3.4 Culture, Leisure+Entertainment (Roman City life) - Notes Classical Civilisation OCR GCSE

Unit 3.4 Culture, Leisure+Entertainment (Roman City life) - Notes Classical Civilisation OCR GCSE

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Roman Leisure and Entertainment in Rome on the OCR Unit 3 Culture Roman City Life paper 2. These 2 revision resources contain a combined 2,600 words in order to provide you with maximum handcrafted revision resource to achieve a level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; Amphitheatre design in detail and explanations, The Colosseum in Rome in great detail spanning all knowledge required to achieve top grades, Sponsorship of the Games, Types of shows at the Colosseum, Animal shows, gladiatorial events, executions, Gladiatorial background all covered in extensive detail, Different types of gladiators, Chariot Racing, The Races, proceedings in detail and great knowledge, The Theatre, Roman Tragedy, Roman Comedy, Mime and Pantomime, Actors and Audience, The Baths in great detail, Central Baths at Herculaneum, All of these points are covered in extensive detail and provide you with immense knowledge of this topic section
Unit 3.3 Culture Roman Society (Roman City life) - Notes Classical Civilisation OCR GCSE Revision

Unit 3.3 Culture Roman Society (Roman City life) - Notes Classical Civilisation OCR GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Roman Society in Rome on the OCR Unit 3 Culture Roman City Life paper 2. This revision resource contains over 800 words in order to provide you with maximum handcrafted revision resource to achieve a level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; Details, explanations of rights and liberties held by Roman citizens. Roman citizenship, Senators covered in detail and explanations, Cursus Honorum, Equites in detail, Slaves in Rome, How to become a slave, Types of slaves in Rome, Freedmen, rights and difference from citizenship, examples of Freedmen, Tomb of Naevoleia Tyche and literary analysis of examples of freedmen campaigning for their former masters. All of these points are covered in extensive detail and provide you with immense knowledge of this topic section
Culture 3.2 Roman Home+Family (Roman City Life)  - Notes Classical Civilisation OCR GCSE Revision

Culture 3.2 Roman Home+Family (Roman City Life) - Notes Classical Civilisation OCR GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to The Roman Home and Family in Rome on the OCR Unit 3 Culture Roman City Life paper 2. This revision resource contains over 900 words in order to provide you with maximum handcrafted revision resource to achieve a level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; What was the Paterfamilias, his responsibility and detailed explanations and outlining, Patron and client, the relationship and significance this played in Roman life, Education of Boys in Roman society, Evidence of Schools from Martial, How did “schools” operate in Rome including details and explanations (3 stages), Literator, Grammaticus, Rhetor, The Roman Dinner Party - its significance and role in Roman society All of these points are covered in extensive detail and provide you with immense knowledge of this topic section
Unit 3.1 Roman Housing (Roman City Life)- Notes Classical Civilisation OCR GCSE Revision

Unit 3.1 Roman Housing (Roman City Life)- Notes Classical Civilisation OCR GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Roman Housing in Rome on the OCR Unit 3 Culture Roman City Life paper 2. This revision resource contains over 1,700 words in order to provide you with maximum handcrafted revision resource to achieve a level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; Detailed outlines and description of a typical Roman insula, Literary interpretation relating to the dangers of roman insulae, Insula of Diana at Ostia, detailed example facts, The Roman Domus description and detailed explanations + plans, House of the Wooden Partition, Herculaneum, House of Menander, Pompeii, House of Octavius Quartio Pompeii, All of these points are covered in extensive detail and provide you with immense knowledge of this topic section
Unit 1.7, Death and Burial - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

Unit 1.7, Death and Burial - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Death and Burial in Greece + Rome and the traditions and rituals carried out required for the OCR Myth and Religion paper 1. This revision resource contains almost 1,300 words in order to provide you with maximum handcrafted revision resource to achieve a level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; Preparation of the body in Greece covered in great details and explanations, The funeral procession in Greece in detail, The burial of the Body in Greece, Festivals for the dead in Greece and details of how ancestors honoured and participated including the traditions that were carried out, *Anthesteria festival, Genesia festival, Wealth and Status in Rome and how this affected Roman burials and deaths, Funeral clubs, Preparations of the body in Rome, Funeral procession in Rome, Burial of the Body in Rome, Festivals for the dead in Rome in detail, The Parentalia, The Lemuria All of these points are covered in extensive detail and provide you with immense knowledge of this topic section
Unit 1.6, Myth and Symbols of Power - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

Unit 1.6, Myth and Symbols of Power - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Festivals in Greece and Rome on the OCR Myth and Religion paper 1. This revision resource contains almost 1,400 words in order to provide you with maximum handcrafted revision resource to achieve a level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; The Centauromachy in great details and explanation, The portrayal of the Centauromachy in Greece on the Parthenon, The Amazonomachy battle and depiction at Bassae in Great detail, Analysis of a section of the Frieze at Bassae, Creating realism, easily recognisable scene and filling the space, Rome and Augustus covered in great detail, background and explanations around Augustus’ life and achievements, required for the exam, Augustus’ aims regarding architecture and promoting him and his family’s image, Augustus at Prima Porta, Augustus and the Ara Pacis in Rome on the Campus Martius All of these points are covered in extensive detail and provide you with immense knowledge of this topic section
Unit 1.5, Festivals Myth and Religion - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

Unit 1.5, Festivals Myth and Religion - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Festivals in Greece and Rome on the OCR Myth and Religion paper 1. This revision resource contains over 900 words in order to provide you with maximum handcrafted revision resource to achieve a level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; The Great Panathenaea, and events that took place in detail, Rhapsodic and Musical contests, Sporting Events, Tribal contests, All night celebration, Procession, Sacrifice, City Dionysia Officials. participants, evening procession and dithyramb, Pompe - grade procession, Opening ceremony, Prize Giving, Lupercalia, Programme, sacrifice, race, Saturnalia, Programme,public and private feasting, All of these points are covered in extensive detail and provide you with immense knowledge of this topic section
Temples 1.3, Myth and Religion - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

Temples 1.3, Myth and Religion - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Temples, Sacrifices and worship (Unit 1.3) in the OCR Myth and Religion paper 1. This revision resource contains over 1,500 words in order to provide you with maximum handcrafted revision resource to achieve a level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; Function of a Greek temple and sanctuary, Detailed explanation of the temple building, Decorations in detail on Greek temples, Priests in Greece, A Greek Sacrifice, Steps in a Greek sacrifice and attendees, The Parthenon and the Temple of Zeus in detail, Parthenon Plan, Parthenon pediments and friezes, Temple of Zeus pediments and friezes, Roman priests, Priestly colleges in Rome, Roman sacrifice, Temple of Portunus in the Forum Boarium, Pantheon in Rome
Unit 1.2 Heracles Myth and Religion - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

Unit 1.2 Heracles Myth and Religion - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Heracles/Hercules 1.2 and myth and religion to the OCR Myth and Religion paper 1. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; The Birth of Hercules/Heracles in detail, The Roman fight between Hercules and Cacus, Hercules’ death and his fight against the River God Achelous, Hercules’ fight against Nesus, How did the Greeks and Romans honour Heracles/Hercules,
Physical and River Landscapes in the UK - Geography AQA Revision Notes GCSE

Physical and River Landscapes in the UK - Geography AQA Revision Notes GCSE

2 Resources
This is a bundle containing revision notes 1 and revision notes 2 as the topic was too big to condense into 1 set of revision notes. These revision resources covers everything outlines in the single documents and can be read in the descriptions of the single documents that are uploaded on my page. In total there is 2,600 words worth of revision material here, providing you will all the knowledge to easily achieve a level 9 condensed in revision resources relating to the physical environment and rivers. Enjoy!!!
Chemistry Paper 2 Topics and Explanations - Chemistry AQA Combined Science GCSE Revision

Chemistry Paper 2 Topics and Explanations - Chemistry AQA Combined Science GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to most knowledge required for the AQA Combined Science specification for Paper 2 Chemistry, written including the higher spec points. This resource explains and outlines; Crude Oil Formation, Fractional Distillation and Properties of Fractions, Cracking and Alkanes, Tests for gasses, Practical Experiment: Effect of temperature on the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid, Potable Water and Water Treatment, Waste Water treatment, Purity and Chromatography, Human Activities that cause Global Warming, Air Pollution, Early History of the Atmosphere, Oxygen increase in the atmosphere and Greenhouse effect,
Physical and River landscapes 2 - Notes Geography AQA GCSE Revision

Physical and River landscapes 2 - Notes Geography AQA GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to the physical environment and river management strategies including case studies required for the AQA Geography Specification. This revision resource contains over 1,300 words meticulously hand crafted in order to achieve grade level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; What causes flooding, What factors affect flood risk and detailed explanations, Hydrographs in detail, Flood management strategies, Hard Engineering strategies, Soft Engineering strategies in detail, Case Study: Boscastle, Effects of flood and background to Boscastle flood, Management strategies employed after Boscastle flood (flood management scheme), Issues and benefits with the flood managements scheme and facts and figures relating to the Boscastle flood
Physical and River Landscapes - Notes Geography AQA GCSE Revision

Physical and River Landscapes - Notes Geography AQA GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to physical landscapes in the UK and river landscapes required for the AQA Geography Specification Physical Paper 1. This revision resource contains almost 1,400 words meticulously hand crafted in order to achieve grade level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; Distribution of upland and lowland areas in the UK and map of Rivers in GB, Global hydrological cycle details and explanations detail, Time line and ordering of how water travels through soil from rainwater and into rivers, How do rivers become flatter and wider as they go downstream, Explanation and great detail of fluvial processes eg. Hydraulic action, Abrasion, Solution, Attrition, River transportation processes explained and outlines in detail, Formation of meanders explained and diagrams in detail, River transportation processes fully explained + definitions, Deposition definitions and reasons why deposition occurs, Floodplains explanation and formation of levees, Oxbow lake formation and processes of formation in detail and explained, Interlocking spurs in upper course of river explained and outlined, Waterfalls fully explained with accompanying detailed diagrams +retreating gorge