A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.
A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.
A fully resourced revision lesson which uses a range of exam questions (with explained answers), quick tasks and quiz competitions to enable the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within module 4 (Biodiversity, evolution and disease) of the OCR A-level Biology specification.
The topics tested within this lesson include:
Communicable diseases, biodiversity, classification and evolution
Student will enjoy the range of tasks and quiz rounds whilst crucially being able to recognise any areas which require further attention
A fully resourced revision lesson which uses a range of exam questions (with explained answers), quick tasks and quiz competitions to enable the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within module 3 (Exchange and transport) of the OCR A-level Biology specification.
The topics tested within this lesson include:
Exchange surfaces
Mammalian gaseous exchange system
Tissues in the gaseous exchange system
Transport in animals
Blood vessels
Exchange at the capillaries
Transport of oxygen
Transport in plants
Transport tissues
Movement of water through plants
Student will enjoy the range of tasks and quiz rounds whilst crucially being able to recognise any areas which require further attention
A fully resourced revision lesson that uses a combination of exam questions, understanding checks, quick tasks and quiz competitions to help the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within modules B1, B2 and B3 of the OCR Gateway A GCSE Biology specification as will be covered in Biology paper 1
The topics that are tested within the lesson include:
Cell structures
What happens in cells
Supplying the cell
The challenge of size
The nervous system
The endocrine system
Maintaining internal environments
Students will be engaged through the numerous quiz rounds whilst crucially being able to recognise those areas which require further attention
A fully resourced revision lesson which uses a range of exam questions (with explained answers), quick tasks and quiz competitions to enable the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within Topic 7 (Run for your life) of the EDEXCEL A-level Biology specification.
The topics tested within this lesson include:
The sliding filament theory
Aerobic respiration
Lactate and anaerobic respiration
The cardiac cycle
How heart rate is increased
Structure of a muscle fibre
Student will enjoy the range of tasks and quiz rounds whilst crucially being able to recognise any areas which require further attention
This bundle of 6 revision lessons covers 6 of the 7 topics that are found within Module 5 (Communication, Homeostasis and energy) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification. The topics covered are:
5.1.2 (Excretion)
5.1.3 (Neuronal communication)
5.1.4 (Hormonal communication)
5.1.5 (Plant and animal responses)
5.2.1 (Photosynthesis)
5.2.2 (Respiration)
The lessons use a range of exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions to engage the students whilst allowing them to assess their understanding of the different topics and ultimately to recognise those which require further attention
A fully resourced revision lesson which uses a range of exam questions (with explained answers), quick tasks and quiz competitions to enable the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within module 5.1.5 (Plant and animal responses) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification.
The topics tested within this lesson include:
Investigating tropisms
The mammalian nervous system
The brain
Reflex actions
Controlling heart rate
Muscle contraction
Student will enjoy the range of tasks and quiz rounds whilst crucially being able to recognise any areas which require further attention
This bundle of 4 revision lessons covers the topics found within modules 6.1 (Cellular control), 6.2 (Patterns of inheritance), 6.3 (Manipulating genomes) and 6.5 (Ecosystems) of the OCR A-level Biology specification.
The lessons uses a range of exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions to engage the students whilst allowing them to assess their understanding of the different topics and ultimately to recognise those which require further attention.
A fully resourced revision lesson which uses a range of exam questions (with explained answers), quick tasks and quiz competitions to enable the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within module 5.1.4 (Hormonal communication) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification.
The topics tested within this lesson include:
Endocrine communication
Adrenal glands
The pancreas and the release of insulin
Regulating blood glucose
Student will enjoy the range of tasks and quiz rounds whilst crucially being able to recognise any areas which require further attention
A fully resourced revision lesson which uses a range of exam questions (with explained answers), quick tasks and quiz competitions to enable the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within module 6.3.1 (Ecosystems) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification.
The topics tested within this lesson include:
Transfer of biomass
Recycling within ecosystems
Studying ecosystems
Student will enjoy the range of tasks and quiz rounds whilst crucially being able to recognise any areas which require further attention
A fully resourced revision lesson which uses a range of exam questions (with explained answers), quick tasks and quiz competitions to enable the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within module 6.1.2 (Patterns of inheritance) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification.
The topics tested within this lesson include:
Genetic variation
Monogenic inheritance
Dihybrid inheritance
Multiple alleles
Sex linkage
Using the chi-squared test
Discontinuous and continuous variation
The Hardy Weinberg principle
Student will enjoy the range of tasks and quiz rounds whilst crucially being able to recognise any areas which require further attention
A fully resourced revision lesson which uses a range of exam questions (with explained answers), quick tasks and quiz competitions to enable the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within module 6.1 (Cellular control) of the OCR A-level Biology specification.
The topics tested within this lesson include:
Gene mutations
Regulation of gene expression
The Lac Operon
Student will enjoy the range of tasks and quiz rounds whilst crucially being able to recognise any areas which require further attention
This fully-resourced REVISION LESSON has been designed to provide the students with numerous opportunities to assess their understanding of the content of module 5.2.2 (Respiration) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification. The importance of this metabolic reaction is obvious and this is reflected in the volume of questions in the terminal exams which require an in depth knowledge of the stages of both aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
The lesson contains a wide range of activities that cover the following points of the specification:
Glycolysis as a stage of aerobic and anaerobic respiration
The use and production of ATP through respiration
Anaerobic respiration in mammalian muscle tissue
The stages of aerobic respiration that occur in the mitochondrial matrix
Oxidative phosphorylation
The use of respirometers
Calculating the respiratory quotient value for different respiratory substrates
Revision lessons which cover the other sub-modules of module 5 are uploaded and tie in well with this content
A fully resourced lesson which uses a combination of exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions to enable students to assess their understanding of the topics found within module 5.2 (Excretion as an example of homeostatic control) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification.
The following topics are tested within the lesson:
The structure of the liver
Liver function
Kidney structure
Kidney function
Kidney failure
Students will be engaged through the various activities whilst crucially being able to recognise those areas which need further attention.
This bundle of 20 fully-resourced lessons have been designed to allow students who are studying the AQA GCSE Combined Science course to assess their understanding of the topics found within the following units of the specification:
B1: Cell Biology
B2: Organisation
B4: Bioenergetics
B5: Homeostasis and response
B6: Inheritance, variation and evolution
B7: Ecology
C1: Atomic structure and the periodic table
C2: Bonding, structure and properties of matter
C3: Quantitative chemistry
C4: Chemical changes
C5: Energy changes
C6: The rate and extent of chemical change
C7: Organic chemistry
C8: Chemical analysis
C9: Chemistry of the atmosphere
P1: Energy
P2: Electricity
P4: Atomic structure
P5: Forces
P6: Waves
These lessons use a range of exam questions, understanding checks, quick tasks and quiz competitions to engage and motivate the students
An engaging lesson presentation (67 slides) and associated worksheets that uses a combination of exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions to help the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within Topic 1 (Key concepts in Biology) of the EDEXCEL GCSE Combined Science specification
The topics that are tested within the lesson include:
Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
The relationship between quantitative units
Enzyme activity
The effect of temperature on enzyme activity
Digestive enzymes as biological catalysts
Transporting substances in and out of cells
Calculating gain and loss of mass in osmosis
Students will be engaged through the numerous activities including quiz rounds like “Eukaryotic vs Prokaryotic" and “ORDER, ORDER” whilst crucially being able to recognise those areas which need further attention
An engaging lesson presentation (57 slides) and associated worksheets that uses a combination of exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions to help the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within Topic 9 (Ecosystems and material cycles) of the EDEXCEL GCSE Combined Science specification
The topics that are tested within the lesson include:
Levels of organisation
Interdependence in a community
Determining the number of organisms in a given area
Recycling materials
Global warming
Students will be engaged through the numerous activities including quiz rounds like “Number CRAZY" whilst crucially being able to recognise those areas which need further attention
An engaging lesson presentation (81 slides) and associated worksheets that uses a combination of exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions to help the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within Topic 7 (Animal coordination and homeostasis) of the EDEXCEL GCSE Biology specification
The topics that are tested within the lesson include:
The endocrine system
The menstrual cycle
Hormonal and barrier methods of contraception
Control of blood glucose concentration
Students will be engaged through the numerous activities including quiz rounds like “Have they got the right BALANCE?" and the “B7 ABBREVIATIONS” whilst crucially being able to recognise those areas which need further attention
An engaging lesson presentation (56 slides) and associated worksheets that uses a combination of exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions to help the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within Topic 6 (Plant structures and their function) of the EDEXCEL GCSE Biology specification
The topics that are tested within the lesson include:
Photosynthesis and producers
The reaction of photosynthesis
Limiting factors
The structure of root hair cells
The structure of the xylem and phloem
The effect of environmental factors on the rate of transpiration
Students will be engaged through the numerous activities including quiz rounds like “XYLEM vs PHLOEM" and “Shine the LIGHT on any ERRORS” whilst crucially being able to recognise those areas which need further attention
An engaging lesson presentation (79 slides) and associated worksheets that uses a combination of exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions to help the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within Topic 9 (Ecosystems and material cycles) of the EDEXCEL GCSE Biology specification
The topics that are tested within the lesson include:
Levels of organisation
Interdependence in a community
Determining the number of organisms in a given area
Biomass and the transfer of energy between trophic levels
Recycling materials
Global warming
Decomposition and the rate of decay
Students will be engaged through the numerous activities including quiz rounds like “Number CRAZY" whilst crucially being able to recognise those areas which need further attention
An engaging lesson presentation (63 slides) and associated worksheets that uses a combination of exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions to help the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within the Biology unit B7 (Ecology) of the AQA GCSE Combined Science specification (specification unit B4.7).
The topics that are tested within the lesson include:
Abiotic factors
Biotic factors
Levels of organisation
Recycling materials
Global warming
Students will be engaged through the numerous activities including quiz rounds like “Number CRAZY" whilst crucially being able to recognise those areas which need further attention