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Level 2 & 3 Health & Social Care and T-Level resources both free and small charge ; use the search facility and I hope you find what you need. Supporting teachers




Level 2 & 3 Health & Social Care and T-Level resources both free and small charge ; use the search facility and I hope you find what you need. Supporting teachers
What is Whistleblowing and why do policies exist?

What is Whistleblowing and why do policies exist?

A Powerpoint that explains what wistleblowing is and the responsibility of employers. The final slide out of 13 is the link to the Winterbourne View documentary of abuse and whistleblowing. For more Level 1, 2 and 3 Health and Social Care CTEC and BTEC resource packages, visit my TES shop and find the full range with a handy search facility to cut own on time. #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources Happy teaching!
Primary and Secondary Socialisation Process explained and activities

Primary and Secondary Socialisation Process explained and activities

BTEC Tech Award Health & Social Care Component 2 Learning Aim A Assignment 1 resources. A 13 slide PowerPoint presentation with a video link to teach both primary and secondary socialisations. This is aimed at Level 3’s but is adaptable (no pdf’s) if you are wanting to teach at a level 2 standard. There are 5 engaging activities with asks students to explain the influences which are behind, discrimination, aggression and why people do not seek help, with a mental illness. For complete resource teaching packages for BTEC and CTEC Level’s 1, 2 and 3 visit my TES shop to find the full range, all in the same place, with a handy search facility. #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources Good luck in your teaching :-)
CTEC Level 2 Unit 1 Principles of Working in HSC LO6 complete package

CTEC Level 2 Unit 1 Principles of Working in HSC LO6 complete package

A complete resource delivery package for teaching Learning Objective 6 (LO6) for the OCR Cambridge Technical Level 2 - Unit 1 Principles of Working in Health & Social Care. There is a 29 page student booklet with the TWO engaging presentations to aid delivery and spaces in the booklet with guidance on making notes. All the information and understanding organised into one place to help students with revision. LO6. Know key principles for communicating effectively 6.1 Verbal communication, i.e. tone pace clarity asking questions i.e. a. open b. closed the communication cycle, i.e. inform, invite, listen and acknowledge SOLER principle (Egan), i.e. sit squarely, open posture, lean towards the individual, eye contact and relax 6.2 Non-verbal, i.e. body language, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact 6.3 Written, i.e. care plan, individual learning plan, risk assessment records, patient records, medical history, test results, temperature chart, e-mails, prescription 6.4 Specialist methods, i.e. sign language (BSL) PECS (picture exchange communication system) Makaton Braille assistive technology 6.5 Barriers to communication, i.e. environment, i.e. noise, space, lighting, heating, ventilation vocabulary i.e. jargon, specialist terminology, inappropriate body language, aggression, being patronising communication difficulties due to illness or disability, i.e. dementia, deafness, visual impairment, learning disability, autism, English not first language 6.6 Overcoming barriers to communication, i.e. adapting the environment i.e. lighting, sound, temperature, privacy use of appropriate vocabulary and terminology positive body language active listening use of specialist methods to communicate personal skills and qualities, i.e. patience, cheerfulness, sense of humour, empathy, respect providing a translator, interpreter, information in other languages use of an advocate #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources
CTEC Level 2 Unit 1 Principles of Working in HSC LO1 half of delivery package

CTEC Level 2 Unit 1 Principles of Working in HSC LO1 half of delivery package

A resource delivery package for teaching half the Learning Objective 1 (LO1) for the OCR Cambridge Technical Level 2 - Unit 1 Principles of Working in Health & Social Care. TES did not have the capacity to upload the complete LO1 resource package so this is in 2 uploads, unfortunatly. This covers the content 1.1 to 1.6 There is a 42 page student booklet with the FOUR engaging presentations with embedded video’s to aid delivery and spaces in the booklet with guidance on making notes. Included are activities, research tasks and then the application exam practice questions. There is a complete LO1 end of topic test out of 40 with student friendly mark scheme, to aid understanding The content of this package covers 1.1 Health, social care and childcare environments, i.e.: hospital, GP surgery, walk-in centre, dentist, optician, pharmacy, nursing home, residential home, day centre, sheltered housing playgroup, nursery, crèche, primary school, secondary school, college, after-school club 1.2 Definition of: hazard, risk 1.3 Identifying potential hazards, i.e.: infection or disease hazardous waste, chemicals and cleaning products, equipment, toys, furniture, trip hazards, electrical items, food preparation hot drinks / food 1.4 Identifying risks for individuals in care settings, burns and scalds, trips or falls, fractures, cuts, electrocution, infection, food poisoning, cross contamination, choking 1.5 Risk assessment the definition of risk assessment and the 5 stages of a risk assessment 1.6 Main facts about key health and safety legislation, i.e.: HASAWA (Health & Safety At Work Act 1974)the responsibilities of employers, employees and individuals, COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2005), the ‘COSHH file’, identification of how hazardous substances are handled, stored, used and disposed of safely, RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995), Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 2006 and the Role of the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources
Nervous system and reflex arc GCSE Science revision

Nervous system and reflex arc GCSE Science revision

48 slide editable presentation with an A3 work sheet and homework exam question. Engagement assured and I suggest the use of a laptop charger to explain some points eg.myelin sheath is the equivalent of the plastic around the cable carrying electricity, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW FOR THIS RESOURCE, THANK YOU Good luck in your teaching :-) #hscresources
Transpiration and translocation GCSE Science revision

Transpiration and translocation GCSE Science revision

39 slide presentation and 2 worksheets covering transpiration and translocation to engage even demotivated lower level learners. To make it even more memorable, give the student a leaf, the images on the presentation are ivy leaves. PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW FOR THIS RESOURCE, THANK YOU Good luck in your teaching :-) #hscresources
CTEC Level 2 Unit 1 Principles of Working in HSC LO4 complete package

CTEC Level 2 Unit 1 Principles of Working in HSC LO4 complete package

A complete resource delivery package for teaching Learning Objective 4 (LO4) for the OCR Cambridge Technical Level 2 - Unit 1 Principles of Working in Health & Social Care. There is a 30 page student booklet with the FOUR engaging presentations to aid delivery and spaces in the booklet with guidance on making notes. There is a student revision check list, a knowledge organiser and a 40 question, multiple choice end of topic test All the information and understanding organised into one place to help students with revision. LO4. Know key facts about safeguarding #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources
CTEC Level 2 Unit 1 Principles of Working in HSC LO3 complete package

CTEC Level 2 Unit 1 Principles of Working in HSC LO3 complete package

A complete resource delivery package for teaching Learning Objective 3 (LO3) for the OCR Cambridge Technical Level 2 - Unit 1 Principles of Working in Health & Social Care. There is a 25 page student booklet with the EIGHT engaging presentations to aid delivery and spaces in the booklet with guidance on making notes. There All the information and understanding organised into one place to help students with revision. LO3. Know key principles for communicating effectively 3.1 Individual rights; to choice, to protection from harm and abuse, to equal and fair treatment, to consultation, to confidentiality and to the right to life 3.2 How individual rights are supported in care environments, by applying the values of care; promoting equality and diversity, promoting individual rights and beliefs, maintaining confidentiality 3.2 by applying the childcare values of care; making the welfare of the child paramount, working in partnership with parents, guardians and families, working with other professionals, encouraging children’s learning and development, valuing diversity, ensuring equality of opportunity, anti-discriminatory practice and maintaining confidentiality 3.3 Supporting legislation, i.e.: General Data Protection Regulations May 2018 The Human Rights Act 1998 The Health and Social Care Act 2012 The Mental Capacity Act 2005 3.4 Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), provides information and advice about equality and rights, they can provide legal advice in cases of discrimination and support individuals to take cases to court. The EHRC has powers to force organisations to meet their equality responsibilities and carries out investigations and inquiries into equality issues 3.5 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), considers whether a treatment: is a benefits patients, whether it will help improve survival rates and whether it is value for money NICE also provides guidelines on how conditions should be treated and provides information for those managing and providing health and social care services 3.6 Definition of working in a person-centred way, i.e. practitioners working together with an individual planning care and support to meet the individual’s unique needs the individual is put at the centre, able to choose and control how they want their care and support to be 3.7 Person Centred Values; The Care Certificate, Standard 5: Work in a person-centred way – promoting person centred values, independence, individuality, privacy, working in partnership, offering choice, maintaining dignity, respect and protection of rights 3.8 Person centred planning, i.e. belief that an individual can plan for themselves the individual is at the core of any planning the care plan is written in the first person, e.g. ‘I would like to try a walking frame’, to make it clear it is their decision the individual has as much control as possible over their choices for care Empowerment
CTEC Level 2 Unit 5 Working in adult health & social care environments resources

CTEC Level 2 Unit 5 Working in adult health & social care environments resources

Cambridge Technical Level 2 Unit 5 Working in adult health and social care environments and an assignment brief. For each task there is a presentation and booklet for students to make notes and be guided through their course work. There is also a Distinction student example #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group, 5,200 teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
CTEC L3 Unit 15 Promoting Health; LO4 Assignments, Campaign planning and Evaluation guidance

CTEC L3 Unit 15 Promoting Health; LO4 Assignments, Campaign planning and Evaluation guidance

This resource package contains presentations, activities, guidance and health campaign suggestions required for the delivery of the Cambridge Technical Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 15 Promoting Health and Wellbeing Learning Objective 4. This covers the planning of a small scale health campaign, witness statements for feedback when implemented and examples of analysis of measurable outcomes. Resources cover all the content of LO4, as below:- 4.1 Aims and objectives, i.e. improving health of individuals and society (e.g. by providing health-related learning, exploring values and attitudes, providing knowledge and skills for change, promoting self-esteem and empowerment, changing beliefs) 4.2 Target audience (e.g. children, adolescents and young adults, adults, pregnant women, older people, adults with learning disabilities) 4.3 Context (e.g. one to one, group) 4.4 Choice of approach (e.g. empowerment, educational, behavioural, fear) 4.5 Choice of media, i.e. • appropriate to target audience (e.g. social media, posters, podcasts, information booklets, face-to-face meetings) 4.6 Measurable outcomes, i.e. what to set, how to measure, use of pre and post-campaign questionnaires and obtaining feedback 4.7 Evaluation, i.e. • aims and objectives • outcome measures/pre-set criteria • strengths and weaknesses • aspects to improve • likely impact For more free and small charge resource packages for teaching Level 2 and 3 Health and Social Care, visit my shop to find them all in the same place with a handy search facility, to cut down on time :-)#hscresources TES shop Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Cambridge Technical Level 3 Unit 2 Learning Objective 3 Laws and Legislation for Individual Rights

Cambridge Technical Level 3 Unit 2 Learning Objective 3 Laws and Legislation for Individual Rights

This package is SEVEN PowerPoints covering the different legislation in this Learning Objective, LO3; The Care Act 2014, Care Certificate 2014, The Children & Families Act 2014, The Data Protection Act, The Equality Act 2010, The Health and Safety Act 2012, The Children Act and the Mental Capacity Act. There is a card match activity and an activity for the Care Standards too. Follow me on TES and have a look through the range of resources and Unit 3 mock exam bundle There's a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-) #hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources I hope you find something useful, happy teaching ​
Digestive system structures, functions enzymes, revision activities and wall display template

Digestive system structures, functions enzymes, revision activities and wall display template

Three PowerPoint presentations; structures and functions, enzymes and villi absorbtion, to aid the delivery of the digestive system, three revision activities to engage students and two wall displays for the classroom. Did you know their is a Health and Social Care Resource sharing Facebook group with over 5,000 teachers all supporting each other, join the biggest ever subject team. #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Respiratory System - structures, mechanics of breathing, ventilation and breathing resources

Respiratory System - structures, mechanics of breathing, ventilation and breathing resources

Five PowerPoints for the delivery of the repiratory system and 3 revision activities to aid memory. If your lucky enough to have Smart Boards and notebook, there’s an interactive drag and drop activity too. Did you know their is a Health and Social Care Resource sharing Facebook group with over 5,000 teachers all supporting each other, join the biggest ever subject team. #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Human cell ultrastructure and functions presentation

Human cell ultrastructure and functions presentation

A presentation covering the ultrastructure of a human cell, as below… The function and structure of cells;  membrane  nucleus  ribosomes  rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum  mitochondria  centrioles  lysosomes  Golgi apparatus. For more free and small charge resources checkout my TES shop #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. We share ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Human genetics. Mendelian Inheritance explained Dominant and Recessive genes and Punnett Square

Human genetics. Mendelian Inheritance explained Dominant and Recessive genes and Punnett Square

A PowerPoint presentation with two embedded videos and a Punnet Square Activity that explains the basics of inherticance, dominant and recessive genes as well as allele’s, homozygous and heterozygous. For more free and small charge resources checkout my TES shop #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. We share ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Structure of a neuron fun activity and the passage of a nerve - Nervous system

Structure of a neuron fun activity and the passage of a nerve - Nervous system

PowerPoint instructions on to how to build a neuron with sweeties and label it. Student need to explain the passage of a nerve and an additional stretch and challenge question Shopping list and labels to print off, cut and laminate - fun learning and yummy too. For more BTEC and CTEC Level 1 and 2 Health and Social Care resources, follow me on TES and find the wider range all in the same place, with a handy search facility #hscresources TES shop Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources
Health and Social Care Student Intervention Planner - to record outstanding work and catch-up plans

Health and Social Care Student Intervention Planner - to record outstanding work and catch-up plans

If like me, you are fed up of forgetful students who can’t remember what you said or don’t know what they need to hand in… …here’s a A4 folding to A6 size ‘booklet’ for students to have a reminder of their outstanding course work and a planned time and date to come in and complete it! You’re welcome, stay sane!! Best printed in colour, back to back… they actually like it! #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources
Feminism; Marxist feminism, Radical feminism, Liberal feminism overview and criticisms

Feminism; Marxist feminism, Radical feminism, Liberal feminism overview and criticisms

A 16 slide PowerPoint, that gives an over view of feminism and more specifically Marxist feminism, Radical feminism, Liberal feminism and then some limitations and criticisms of feminism. This forms part of the A2. spec for Unit 10 Sociological Perspe3ctives in Health and Social Care. #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources