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HIV: Kishe’s Story

HIV: Kishe’s Story

Return to MDG 6, and focus on HIV and AIDS. Children read a story of a young orphan, Kishe, and reflect on her life story and the wider impact of HIV across generations. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Children can make a difference

Children can make a difference

Children research what are key health issues for their own class. Focus on accidents and how they can be prevented. Understand concept of preventable and how children can play an important role in prevention Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Healthy Proverbs

Healthy Proverbs

Discuss African proverbs about health and their meanings. Children design their own posters or prepare a drama /freeze frame to show meaning of healthy proverb. Compare to healthy proverbs/sayings in the UK? Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Tap Into Life

Tap Into Life

Time to celebrate water! Children use the Oxfam online water photo-montage and Water Literate’s ‘Tap Into Life’ poem set to their provided music, to both prepare a performance and write their own celebratory poems with percussive backgrounds. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Meet Amina In Malawi

Meet Amina In Malawi

Dramatic changes to people’s lives occur when access to clean, safe water and latrine facilities are brought to a community. Children discuss ‘The Long Walk Is Over’ and read Amina’s story. They make ‘before and ‘after’ diary entries for her, expressing this change. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Children and Water

Children and Water

Using an informative and clear leaflet downloaded from WaterAid, children read and discuss how children in parts of Africa are affected by lack of clean water and sanitation. Facts are collected before creating own posters and leaflets entitled ‘Children and Water’. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Cholera Case Study

Cholera Case Study

Through following a case study in Benue State, Nigeria, children learn about cholera. They plan and write a script for a video campaign to highlight and educate people about cholera, finally taking turns to use a camera to film their short cholera campaign videos. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Campaign for Clean, Safe Water

Campaign for Clean, Safe Water

Watch campaign films that educate people about the dirty water crisis in Africa. Children consider the hard-hitting facts learned and record how this makes them feel. Discuss what makes these films effective, in preparation for planning own films in the next session. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
One Well

One Well

Imagine that all the water on Earth came from one well! Children learn that the amount of water on our planet never changes and that we are all connected by the way we draw water from the same source. Children then convey this understanding through poetry. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Family Life In Roman Times

Family Life In Roman Times

This session begins some work on family life in the Roman Empire. Children prepare for, and then carry out their own research. Each group picks an aspect of family life and then use the internet as well as books and information sheets to find out some facts. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Rainforests - Creating Images weeks 1 - 2

Rainforests - Creating Images weeks 1 - 2

This poetry unit allows children to explore the wonderful array of rainforest animals. They use two poetry books to explore different features and go on to use these as structures their own poems. They have fun performing their poems to other children in the school Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Kings, Republic, Emperors

Kings, Republic, Emperors

Children locate the Roman empire on a timeline and discuss how historians and archaeologists are able to piece together the facts. They look at the 3 systems of government: monarchy, republic and emperors, and debate advantages/disadvantages of each. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Yr 5 Poetry Unit 3B Choral and performance

Yr 5 Poetry Unit 3B Choral and performance

Compare performance poems that tell a story and identify the features that make a good performance poem. Children then write their own performance poetry based on a fairy tale. Perform it for an invited audience using dramatic conventions to enhance the poem.
Yr 4 NF Unit 4 Persuasive texts: Media

Yr 4 NF Unit 4 Persuasive texts: Media

Children investigate persuasive writing devices in a variety of magazine and newspaper adverts and cinema and TV adverts. They produce an individual poster, work in groups to write a TV or radio advert and then create a trailer for a children’s DVD.
Yr 3/4 NF Unit 3A1-2B Information: Inventions

Yr 3/4 NF Unit 3A1-2B Information: Inventions

Explore how to find and present information about inventors and inventions. Give a talk as part of a group. Watch and listen to inventors explaining their ideas online. Make notes and contribute to a creative class book about inventors.
Yr 3 Unit 1B Performance and Favourite poets

Yr 3 Unit 1B Performance and Favourite poets

Two fun weeks of performing and reviewing poetry. Children read, listen to, write, learn and perform simple ‘conversation’ poems. They study and discuss a wide range of poems and write a review. A class book of favourite poems is made!
Yr 3 NF Unit 2A Instructions : Recipes and Pet Care

Yr 3 NF Unit 2A Instructions : Recipes and Pet Care

Use recipes in Beware of Boys to identify differences between fiction and non-fiction text and to stimulate recipe writing. Make pop-up cards without pics and study recipes without ingredients to identify features. Then write instructions for pet care as a poem!
Yr 1 Poetry Unit 3B Weather poems

Yr 1 Poetry Unit 3B Weather poems

A range of poetry structures is identified through examples of poetry written on the theme of weather. Children consider the effect of patterned language, imagery and rhyme. They write and perform their own weather poems.
Yr1 NF Unit 1 Lists, captions and signs

Yr1 NF Unit 1 Lists, captions and signs

Children study and compare a range of posters on the theme of pets and animals. They look at the meaning behind each and how they are effective through text, colours and pictures. They create their own posters and then web pages using headings, captions and pictures.