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The Union Flag!

The Union Flag!

Waving the flag! Using the Olympic timeline the children identify the last four countries and cities to host the Summer Olympic Games. The flag for Great Britain is pulled apart to see which countries make up the Union Jack.
Endangered orang-utans (1)

Endangered orang-utans (1)

Using the internet and fact sheets children find out more about the Orang-utans and why they have become endangered. What is being done to protect them and their habitats? What else can be done?
Causes of deforestation research

Causes of deforestation research

Children use internet search engines in small groups to find out more about a specific threat to the worlds rainforests. Children collect information in the form of notes and present their concerns and solutions to the class.
Salsa Beat! Dance To The Music!

Salsa Beat! Dance To The Music!

In this session the children get to the rhythm of Salsa! They find out about the history of the dance, before listening to some examples and getting to grips with the instruments used to create it.
Headdress to Impress!

Headdress to Impress!

The Kayapo Indians who live in the Rainforests of Brazil are famous for their ceremonial headdresses. In this session children use the internet to study their designs before creating their own to wear in the classroom.
Jungle Jars, Bowls and Pots

Jungle Jars, Bowls and Pots

In this session children take a look at typical examples of pots created by peoples of the Rainforests. They study the differences in pattern and decoration before creating their own pot from clay and decorating it.
More than a game… Saving The Environment

More than a game… Saving The Environment

Who says learning can’t be fun! Children play and interact with a variety of computer games in the internet, all with a serious message. Children evaluate which are the most fun to play but also best at getting that message across.
A day in the life! Rainforest Diaries

A day in the life! Rainforest Diaries

Your lunch is what you find to eat in the rainforest, not the contents of mum’s packed lunch! But there are other important differences too! Children use their notes from the previous session to compare their lives to those of children in the Jungle.
Effect of Global Warming

Effect of Global Warming

In this session children take a closer look at the causes of global warming and look at the long term effects. How can they do their part to reduce the greenhouse effect? They put it to the test in the Great Greenhouse Effect Quiz!
Living Life In The Rainforest

Living Life In The Rainforest

The Rainforests are home to some 1.5 million people worldwide. But what is life for them really like? Chn take a close look in this session as they delve deeper into the forests and find out about life in the Jungle using books and ICT.
Jungle Junk

Jungle Junk

Listen to the Rhythm of the Rainforest in this session! Children start by studying the Baka people who live in the African Rainforests, looking in detail at their instruments. Children then create simple instruments of their own using junk modelling techniques.
Designing Greenhouse Games

Designing Greenhouse Games

In this session children apply what they found out in the previous session about internet games to create their own Saving the Planet computer game. Whose will be most enjoyable? Which game will encourage us to do things differently?
Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

The way we are damaging the planet we live on is not sustainable! Children find out about sustainable development and look at some of the changes that we need to make. Children think of both positives and negatives for these changes.
Global Warming and Its Causes

Global Warming and Its Causes

What is global warning? Children find out what global warming is and how humans have caused and are contributing to the problem. Children compare life now to life 100 years ago and highlight the changes which have increased CO2 levels.
Weather In The Future

Weather In The Future

Discuss extreme weather events from present and past. Using data they have been given about England’s weather over the past 30 years, some children draw a climate graph and predict what will happen in the future. Other children create a weather forecast for 2050.
The Weather Today

The Weather Today

Children learn the differences between weather and climate. Are we the cause of changes in the weather? What might we have done to make this happen? Children are given some websites to research and the activity is to produce a leaflet for younger children to explain this.