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I am a student studying at Queens University Belfast. I was successful in receiving all As or A stars in my GCSE, AS and A-levels. I upload the resources I made when studying for these exams to help others achieve top grades too. The resources cover subject areas such as Geography (GCSE, AS and A2), Physics (GCSE, AS, A2), Chemistry (GCSE), Biology (GCSE), German (GCSE) and Religious Studies (GCSE).




I am a student studying at Queens University Belfast. I was successful in receiving all As or A stars in my GCSE, AS and A-levels. I upload the resources I made when studying for these exams to help others achieve top grades too. The resources cover subject areas such as Geography (GCSE, AS and A2), Physics (GCSE, AS, A2), Chemistry (GCSE), Biology (GCSE), German (GCSE) and Religious Studies (GCSE).
AS Geography Rivers Revision Notes CCEA

AS Geography Rivers Revision Notes CCEA

This resource is a full set of revision notes on the CCEA AS topic of rivers. It includes subtopics such as processes that shape fluvial environments, drainage basin processes above and below the surface, discharge and the storm hydrograph, river processes, factors affecting velocity in the river channel, erosion, transportation and deposition, hjulstrom curve, river landforms (waterfalls, rapids, pools, riffles, meanders, oxbow lake, floodplain, levees, delta), river management (channelistaion, re-sectioning, realignment, dredging, washlands, afforestation, land-use zoning) and causes and impacts of flooding. There is one case study which is Pakistan floods 2010. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own AS exams, in which i received grade A, the highest grade attainable at AS. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
GCSE CCEA Geography Earth's Structure and rocks Revision Notes (Physical)

GCSE CCEA Geography Earth's Structure and rocks Revision Notes (Physical)

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of earth’s structure and rocks. It includes subtopics such as structure of earth, crust, rocks in Northern ireland, igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks, plate tectonics theory, constructuve plate boundaries, mid-ocean ridge, destructive plate boundaries, ocean trench and subduction zone, collision zone, fold mountains, conservative plate boundary, earthquakes, liquefaction, tsunamis, shield volcanoes, composite volcanoes and super volcanoes. It includes definitions, diagrams, facts and figures with place examples throughout. It also has two case studies: Haiti earthquake 2010 and Mt. Yellowstone super volcano. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
GCSE CCEA Double Award Chemistry group 1,7,0/8 and transition elements

GCSE CCEA Double Award Chemistry group 1,7,0/8 and transition elements

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of group 1,7,0/8 and transition elements. It contains definitions, diagrams, experiments and equations. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which i received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
GCSE CCEA Double Award Chemistry Gases Revision Notes

GCSE CCEA Double Award Chemistry Gases Revision Notes

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of gases. It includes subtopics such as The gases that make up air; properties of gases (hydrogen); redox reactions; reaction with air; as a reducing agent; with nitrogen gas; uses of hydrogen; test for hydrogen; properties of nitrogen; reaction with hydrogen; uses of nitrogen; properties of ammonia gas; adding nitrogenous fertilizers to soil; uses of amonia gas; test for amonia gas; identifying an ammonium cation; properties of oxygen gas; basic oxides; acidic oxides and neutral oxides. It includes definitions, diagrams and equations. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which i received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
CCEA AS Physics work done, energy and power revision notes

CCEA AS Physics work done, energy and power revision notes

This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea as physics topic of work done, energy and power. It includes subtopics such as work done, kinetic energy, potential energy, conservation of energy, power and efficiency. These notes include equations, definitions, examples and diagrams. I used these revision notes when revising for my own as exams, in which I received an A in physics, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
A2 Geography Coastal Environments Revision Notes (Physical)

A2 Geography Coastal Environments Revision Notes (Physical)

This resource is a full set of revision notes on the CCEA A2 topic of coasts. It includes subtopics such as coastal zone, swell, sea, fetch, how do waves break on the shore, constructive and destructive waves, beach morphology, wave refraction, tides, erosional processes, transport, longshore drift, coastal landforms, eustatic change, isostatic change, emergent and submergent landforms, threat of rising sea levels due to climate change, impacts e.g. Nile delta, case stuy on Kiribati, reasons for management, shoreline management plans, cost benefit ratios, environmental impact assessments, hard and soft engineering strategies and case study on south Devon and Dorset. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own A2 exams, in which I received grade A*. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
CCEA GCSE Double Award Physics Forces Revision Notes

CCEA GCSE Double Award Physics Forces Revision Notes

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of Forces. It includes subtopics such as distance, displacement, spreed, velocity, how a slope affects average speed, velocity at an instant, acceleration, motion graphs, newton’s laws of motion, investigating acceleration using a light-gate and data logger, gravity, hooke’s law, pressure, density, kinetic theory and density, moments, centre of gravity and stability . This resource includes definitions, diagrams and experiments. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
CCEA AS Physics Linear Motion Revision Notes

CCEA AS Physics Linear Motion Revision Notes

This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea as physics topic of linear motion. It includes subtopics such as definitions of speed, displacement, velocity and acceleration, equations of motion, graphical representation of motion in a straight line and two methods for an experiment investigating free fall with a light gate. These notes include equations, definitions and axis to draw in graphs. I used these revision notes when revising for my own as exams, in which I received an A in physics, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
CCEA AS physics Projectiles Revision Notes

CCEA AS physics Projectiles Revision Notes

This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea as physics topic of projectiles. These notes include examples, equations and axis to draw in graphs. I used these revision notes when revising for my own as exams, in which I received an A in physics, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
CCEA AS Physics momentum, collisions and impulse revision notes

CCEA AS Physics momentum, collisions and impulse revision notes

This is a set of revision notes covering the ccea as physics topic of linear motion. It includes subtopics such as definition of momentum, equations for momentum and impulse, momentum, collisions and impulse in evryday life, principal of conservation of momentum, Newton’s second law, elastic and inelastic collisions and Newton’s laws of motion . These notes include equations, definitions, examples and diagrams. I used these revision notes when revising for my own as exams, in which I received an A in physics, the highest grade attainable at AS. This is an excellent resource for students to use for personal study or for teachers to use in the classroom.
CCEA A2 Geography Plates and Tectonics revision notes

CCEA A2 Geography Plates and Tectonics revision notes

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA A-level topic of plates and tectonics. It includes subtopics such as theory of plate tectonics, structure of earth, evidence of plate tectonics, causes of sea-floor spreading and subduction, plates, plate boundaries, landforms, hot-spots, volcano distribution and activity, primary and secondary volcanic effects, social, economic and environmental hazards and benefits of volcanic activity, preparing for and responding to volcanic activity, case study: Pinatubo, seismic activity, seismic waves, impacts of shaking, predicting seismic events, dilation theory, seismic gap theory, preparing for and responding to seismic events and case study: Tohoku, japan. It includes definitions, diagrams, facts and figures with place examples throughout. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own A-level exams, in which I received grade A star. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
CCEA GCSE RS Capital Punishment Revision Notes (Ethics)

CCEA GCSE RS Capital Punishment Revision Notes (Ethics)

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of capital punishment. It includes subtopics such as aims of punishment, types of crime, types of punishmen, bible teaching, arguments for and against capital punishment and restorative justice. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star in Short Course Religious Studies. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
GCSE CCEA  Religious Studies Contemporary Issues (Ethics)

GCSE CCEA Religious Studies Contemporary Issues (Ethics)

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of contemporary issues. It includes subtopics such as prejudice, discrimination, racism, ethnicity, poverty and fair-trade. It includes definitions, bible references and church teaching. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star in Short Course Religious Studies. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
CCEA GCSE  Religious Studies Abortion (Ethics)

CCEA GCSE Religious Studies Abortion (Ethics)

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of abortion. It includes subtopics such as prochoice arguments; prolife arguments; viability; bible references; church teaching; adoption and fostering as alternatives. It contains definitions, pros and cons, bible teaching, church teaching and examples. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which i received grade A star in Short Course Religious Studies. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
GCSE CCEA RS Family Issues Revision Notes (Ethics)

GCSE CCEA RS Family Issues Revision Notes (Ethics)

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of Family Issues. It includes subtopics such as celibacy; marriage; cohabitation; same sex relationships; divorce and annulment. It includes definitions, bible references and church teaching. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star in Short Course Religious Studies. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
GCSE CCEA RS Developments in Bioethics Revision Notes (Ethics)

GCSE CCEA RS Developments in Bioethics Revision Notes (Ethics)

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of developments in bioethics. It includes subtopics such as fertility treatments; alternatives to fertility treatment; arguments for and against fertility treatments; bible teaching; churh teaching and surrogacy. It includes definitions, bible references and church teaching. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which I received grade A star in Short Course Religious Studies. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.
GCSE CCEA Double Award Physics Electricity Revision Notes

GCSE CCEA Double Award Physics Electricity Revision Notes

This resource is a set of revision notes on the CCEA GCSE topic of Electricity. IT includes subtopics such as electric circuits; conventional current; conductors and insulators; power; cells in series; measuring voltage and current; resistors in series and parallel; factors affecting resistance; electricity in the home; the lighting circuit; fuses; wiring 3-pin plug; earthing; double insulation and buying electrical energy. It is an excellent resource for both students and teachers. It can be used by students in their own private revision. I developed this resource when revising for my own GCSE exams, in which i received grade A star A star in double award science. It can also be used by teachers in the classroom as notes when they go through these topics together with their class.