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HappinessTeacher's Shop

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Early Years and Key Stage 1 teacher who believes that education should be fun and a happy time for everyone.




Early Years and Key Stage 1 teacher who believes that education should be fun and a happy time for everyone.
Read a Picture Worksheets Retrieval and Imagination

Read a Picture Worksheets Retrieval and Imagination

A set of 20 worksheets with ten different pictures. Each picture includes a retrieval worksheet including retrieval questions for children to answer and an imagination worksheet which involves one of a range of activities including writing sentences, drawing a picture to answer the question or writing questions. These worksheets can be used as part of guided reading sessions. Aimed at Key Stage 1 children. Please see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/read-a-picture-retrieval- and-imagination-12361670 for my Read a Picture - Retrieval and Imagination PowerPoint.
Read a Picture Worksheets Vocabulary

Read a Picture Worksheets Vocabulary

A set of 20 worksheets with ten different pictures. Each picture includes 2 worksheets focusing on vocabulary. For one activity children need to identify a word within the sentence for example the word that describes the size of the book and then find alternative words that could be used instead. For the second activity children need to think about what they think a word means using the picture and the whole sentence to support their thinking and are then given a picture to draw linked to that word for example draw something that is precious to you. Some children will be able to read the sentences independently however for some children I will either read the sentence with them or read the sentence to them depending on their ability as these worksheets focus on vocabulary and not reading ability. These worksheets can be used as part of guided reading sessions. Aimed at Key Stage 1 children. Please see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/read-a-picture-vocabulary-12367179 for my Read a Picture - Vocabulary PowerPoint.
Read a Picture Vocabulary Bundle

Read a Picture Vocabulary Bundle

2 Resources
Read a Picture - Vocabulary - PowerPoint A set of ten pictures and accompanying sentences introducing new vocabulary. For each picture children have to identify a word within the sentences for example the word that describes the cakes or the word that tells you what the bird is doing. Once they have identified the word and talked about it’s meaning they then need to find other words that they could use instead for example they could replace large with huge, oversized. For the next activity children need to read a sentence and talk about what they think one of the words within the sentence means. This activity PowerPoint introduces children to new vocabulary and encourages them to use the picture and the whole sentence to discuss what they think words mean. For some children they will be able to read the sentences independently however for other children I will read the sentence to them or with them depending on their ability. This activity focuses on vocabulary and discussing word meaning and not on children’s reading ability. Read a Picture - Vocabulary Worksheets A set of 20 worksheets with ten different pictures. Each picture includes 2 worksheets focusing on vocabulary. For one activity children need to identify a word within the sentence for example the word that describes the size of the book and then find alternative words that could be used instead. For the second activity children need to think about what they think a word means using the picture and the whole sentence to support their thinking and are then given a picture to draw linked to that word for example draw something that is precious to you. Some children will be able to read the sentences independently however for some children I will either read the sentence with them or read the sentence to them depending on their ability as these worksheets focus on vocabulary and not reading ability. These worksheets can be used as part of guided reading sessions. Aimed at Key Stage 1 children.
Read a Picture PowerPoints

Read a Picture PowerPoints

3 Resources
Three PowerPoints covering different reading skills. Sequencing and Predictions PowerPoint A set of ten pictures each with sequencing and prediction activities. For the prediction activities, children need to answer questions about the picture eg what do you think happened before the fish found the treasure chest or what do you think will happen next. For the sequencing activity, children need to sequence sentences about the picture or complete sentences explaining what they think happened in the story. This PowerPoint encourages lots of discussion and talk from the children. Vocabulary PowerPoint A set of ten pictures and accompanying sentences introducing new vocabulary. For each picture children have to identify a word within the sentences for example the word that describes the cakes or the word that tells you what the bird is doing. Once they have identified the word and talked about it’s meaning they then need to find other words that they could use instead for example they could replace large with huge, oversized. For the next activity children need to read a sentence and talk about what they think one of the words within the sentence means. This activity PowerPoint introduces children to new vocabulary and encourages them to use the picture and the whole sentence to discuss what they think words mean. For some children they will be able to read the sentences independently however for other children I will read the sentence to them or with them depending on their ability. This activity focuses on vocabulary and discussing word meaning and not on children’s reading ability. **Retrieval and Imagination PowerPoint ** A set of ten pictures each with a retrieval activity and an imagination activity. For the retrieval activity, children need to look at the picture and then answer retrieval questions about the picture. For the imagination activity, children look at the picture and answer questions involving their imagination. This gives the children the opportunity to explain their thinking. Aimed at Key Stage 1 children
Outdoor Learning Activities

Outdoor Learning Activities

A set of 25 Outdoor Learning worksheets for KS1 children. The worksheets cover Maths, English, Science, Art, PE, Topic activities and can be completed over several outdoor sessions. Children will enjoy going on shape hunts, creating their own story about a lost suitcase, looking at and drawing the clouds and many more activities. These worksheets will encourage lots of discussion and are ideal for taking the classroom outside.
Positivity Worksheets

Positivity Worksheets

A set of 30 positivity worksheets for children to complete. The worksheets encourage children to think positively. The topics include - what is your favourite dinner, how did you make someone smile yesterday, what makes you proud. There is also a PowerPoint showing all of the positivity questions. I have used these worksheets as Early Morning Starters, as starters for PSHCE lessons or as a talking activity. The worksheets encourage children to think positively. These worksheets are aimed at Key Stage 1 children however could also be used by Key Stage 2 children too to encourage positivity.
Sentence Writing and Using Adjectives Interventions Bundle

Sentence Writing and Using Adjectives Interventions Bundle

2 Resources
Sentence Writing Intervention A sentence writing booster/intervention that can be printed off to create a booklet of activity worksheets for Early Years and Key Stage 1 children who are struggling with sentence writing. The PowerPoint covers five weeks worth of activities and introduces children to 35 of the 100 high frequency words/hfw. Each week covers reading the focus high frequency words, writing the focus words, cutting and sticking words to make a sentence and then writing a dictated sentence. I have used this activity to encourage children to write sentences with capital letters and full stops and to hold and repeat the sentence in their head. The intervention helps children to gain confidence when they are writing sentences. Using Adjectives Intervention A sentence writing booster/intervention with a focus on using adjectives in sentences. The sheets can be printed off to create a booklet of activity worksheets for Early Years and Key Stage 1 children who need support to improve their writing. The PowerPoint covers five weeks, introduces children to new adjectives and also introduces children to 31 of the 100 high frequency words/hfw. Each week covers - reading the focus high frequency words practising to write the focus words introducing the children to new adjectives for children to discuss the meaning of writing sentences including adjectives filling in missing key words and adjectives in sentences There are 7 activity sheets for the children to complete each week. I have used this activity to encourage children to use adjectives in their written work. The intervention helps children to gain confidence when they are writing sentences.
Using Conjunctions and Using Adjectives Writing Interventions Bundle

Using Conjunctions and Using Adjectives Writing Interventions Bundle

2 Resources
Using Conjunctions Writing Intervention/Booster A sentence writing booster/intervention that can be printed off to create a booklet of activity worksheets for Early Years and Key Stage 1 children who need support to improve their writing. The PowerPoint covers five weeks and introduces children to 34 of the 100 high frequency words/hfw. Each week covers reading the focus high frequency words, writing the focus words, using words to finish a sentence, joining sentences and then writing a sentence including a conjunction. There are 7 or 8 activity sheets for the children to complete each week. I have used this activity to encourage children to improve their sentences using conjunctions. The intervention helps children to gain confidence when they are writing sentences. Using Adjectives Writing Intervention/Booster A sentence writing booster/intervention with a focus on using adjectives in sentences. The sheets can be printed off to create a booklet of activity worksheets for Early Years and Key Stage 1 children who need support to improve their writing. The PowerPoint covers five weeks, introduces children to new adjectives and also introduces children to 31 of the 100 high frequency words/hfw. Each week covers - reading the focus high frequency words practising to write the focus words introducing the children to new adjectives for children to discuss the meaning of writing sentences including adjectives filling in missing key words and adjectives in sentences There are 7 activity sheets for the children to complete each week. I have used this activity to encourage children to use adjectives in their written work. The intervention helps children to gain confidence when they are writing sentences.
Maths Game Year 1

Maths Game Year 1

A Maths game aimed at Year 1 children. The game includes addition and subtraction facts to 10, 2D and 3D shapes, doubling and halving. Each child is given a differentiated clue card showing either a number problem or a shape problem, children solve the problem and then need to look for the solution in the picture slide. The aim of the game is for children to be the first to spot the solution to their problem. Children enjoy solving the problems and trying to be the first to spot their solution. This game supports children to recognise shapes, recognise number names and learn maths facts.
Kindness PowerPoint

Kindness PowerPoint

A presentation aimed at Early Years and Key Stage 1 children about kindness. The presentation explains what kindness is and how it makes people feel. The presentation asks children to think about how to show kindness and provides some ideas for how we can show kindness to each other. The presentation also explains that we can show kindness to the world around us and gives examples. The presentation could be used as an assembly or during a PSHE discussion or lesson.
Accepting Challenges PowerPoint and Worksheets

Accepting Challenges PowerPoint and Worksheets

A PowerPoint presentation about challenges. The presentation explains that every challenge comes with a reward and then gives some examples of these rewards. The presentation also talks about how we might feel when faced with a challenge and how we feel when we achieve a challenge. There are opportunities throughout the presentation for the children to discuss their own ideas about challenges. This presentation could be used as an assembly or during a PSHCE lesson. There are also 3 worksheets for children to complete as a follow up to an assembly or during a PSHCE lesson. The worksheets cover thinking about what they could say to themselves when facing a challenge, thinking about how they will feel when they achieve a challenge and breaking a challenge into small chunks. Aimed at Early Years and Key Stage 1 children
Accepting Challenges

Accepting Challenges

A PowerPoint presentation about challenges. The presentation explains that every challenge comes with a reward and then gives some examples of these rewards. The presentation also talks about how we might feel when faced with a challenge and how we feel when we achieve a challenge. There are opportunities throughout the presentation for the children to discuss their own ideas about challenges. This presentation could be used as an assembly or during a PSHCE lesson. Aimed at Early Years and Key Stage 1 children.
Positive Quotes and Affirmations Posters

Positive Quotes and Affirmations Posters

A set of 16 positive quotes and affirmations posters. These posters include positive quotes and positive affirmations to encourage children to see themselves and talk about themselves in a positive manner. The posters can be printed and laminated and displayed in the classroom either as a whole set or they could be displayed one or two at a time and changed regularly. Aimed at Early Years and Key Stage 1 children but could also be used with Key Stage 2 children For my Positive Affirmations Sentence Starters please see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12516327
Maths Spot It Game and Exit Tickets

Maths Spot It Game and Exit Tickets

2 Resources
Maths Spot It Game A Maths game aimed at Year 1 children. The game includes addition and subtraction facts to 10, 2D and 3D shapes, doubling and halving. Each child is given a differentiated clue card showing either a number problem or a shape problem, children solve the problem and then need to look for the solution in the picture slide. The aim of the game is for children to be the first to spot the solution to their problem. Children enjoy solving the problems and trying to be the first to spot their solution. This game supports children to recognise shapes, recognise number names and learn maths facts. Maths Exit Tickets A set of 50 Maths exit tickets based on Year 1 Maths curriculum. Exit tickets can be used at the end of a lesson to assess children’s knowledge and understanding. They can be used to assess what the children have learnt during the lesson or their prior knowledge. These Maths exit tickets can be used to assess Maths knowledge about number. Each ticket contains a Maths problem for the children to solve. The Maths problems include missing numbers in number sentences, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, place value, one more and one less. These exit tickets can be printed and laminated or displayed on the Interactive Whiteboard. Each child could solve the same problem or they could all have their own ticket - this method is useful for differentiating and assessing the Maths knowledge of specific children. Aimed at Key Stage 1 children
Rules Presentation and Worksheets

Rules Presentation and Worksheets

A PowerPoint presentation about rules. The presentation explains what rules are and why they are important. The presentation also talks about what would happen if we didn’t have any rules. There are opportunities throughout the presentation for the children to discuss their own ideas about rules. This presentation could be used as an assembly or during a PSHCE lesson. There are also 3 worksheets for children to complete as a follow up to an assembly or during a PSHCE lesson. The worksheets cover writing your own set of rules for school and home, thinking about why rules are important and designing a poster to encourage people to follow rules. Aimed at Early Years and Key Stage 1 children


A PowerPoint presentation about rules. The presentation explains what rules are and why they are important. The presentation also talks about what would happen if we didn’t have any rules. There are opportunities throughout the presentation for the children to discuss their own ideas about rules. This presentation could be used as an assembly or during a PSHCE lesson. Aimed at Early Years and Key Stage 1 children.
English and Phonics Exit Tickets

English and Phonics Exit Tickets

2 Resources
English Exit Tickets A set of 50 English exit tickets based on the Year 1 English curriculum. Exit tickets can be used at the end of a lesson to assess children’s knowledge and understanding. They can be used to assess what the children have learnt during the lesson or their prior knowledge. These English exit tickets can be used to assess children’s knowledge of the Year 1 curriculum. Each ticket contains a English problem for the children to answer. The English problems include spelling key words, identifying when to use question marks, full stops and exclamation marks, adding un- plus other key skills. These exit tickets can be printed and laminated or displayed on the Interactive Whiteboard. Each child could solve the same problem or they could all have their own ticket - this method is useful for differentiating and assessing the English knowledge of specific children. Phonics Exit Tickets A set of 39 phonics exit tickets. Exit tickets can be used at the end of a lesson to assess children’s knowledge and understanding. They can be used to assess what the children have learnt during the lesson or their prior knowledge. These phonics exit tickets can be used to assess phonics knowledge. Each ticket contains a grapheme and words that the children could use with the grapheme missing. Children can therefore say one of the words from their card or can work out the words and then see if they can think of their own word. These exit tickets can be printed and laminated or displayed on the Interactive Whiteboard. Each child could answer the same question or they could all have their own ticket - this method is useful for differentiating and assessing the phonics knowledge of specific children. Aimed at Early Years and Key Stage 1 children
Exit Tickets

Exit Tickets

3 Resources
English Exit Tickets A set of 50 English exit tickets based on the Year 1 curriculum. Exit tickets can be used at the end of a lesson to assess children’s knowledge and understanding. They can be used to assess what the children have learnt during the lesson or their prior knowledge. These English exit tickets can be used to assess children’s knowledge of the Year 1 curriculum. Each ticket contains a English problem for the children to answer. The English problems include spelling key words, identifying when to use question marks, full stops and exclamation marks, adding un- plus other key skills. These exit tickets can be printed and laminated or displayed on the Interactive Whiteboard. Each child could solve the same problem or they could all have their own ticket - this method is useful for differentiating and assessing the English knowledge of specific children. Maths Exit Tickets A set of 50 Maths exit tickets based on the Year 1 curriculum. Exit tickets can be used at the end of a lesson to assess children’s knowledge and understanding. They can be used to assess what the children have learnt during the lesson or their prior knowledge. These Maths exit tickets can be used to assess Maths knowledge about number. Each ticket contains a Maths problem for the children to solve. The Maths problems include missing numbers in number sentences, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, place value, one more and one less. These exit tickets can be printed and laminated or displayed on the Interactive Whiteboard. Each child could solve the same problem or they could all have their own ticket - this method is useful for differentiating and assessing the Maths knowledge of specific children. Phonics Exit Tickets A set of 39 phonics exit tickets. Exit tickets can be used at the end of a lesson to assess children’s knowledge and understanding. They can be used to assess what the children have learnt during the lesson or their prior knowledge. These phonics exit tickets can be used to assess phonics knowledge. Each ticket contains a grapheme and words that the children could use with the grapheme missing. Children can therefore say one of the words from their card or can work out the words and then see if they can think of their own word. These exit tickets can be printed and laminated or displayed on the Interactive Whiteboard. Each child could answer the same question or they could all have their own ticket - this method is useful for differentiating and assessing the phonics knowledge of specific children. Aimed at Early Years and Key Stage 1 children
English and Maths Exit Tickets

English and Maths Exit Tickets

2 Resources
English Exit Tickets A set of 50 English exit tickets based on the Year 1 curriculum. Exit tickets can be used at the end of a lesson to assess children’s knowledge and understanding. They can be used to assess what the children have learnt during the lesson or their prior knowledge. These English exit tickets can be used to assess children’s knowledge of the Year 1 curriculum. Each ticket contains a English problem for the children to answer. The English problems include spelling key words, identifying when to use question marks, full stops and exclamation marks, adding un- plus other key skills. These exit tickets can be printed and laminated or displayed on the Interactive Whiteboard. Each child could solve the same problem or they could all have their own ticket - this method is useful for differentiating and assessing the English knowledge of specific children. Maths Exit Tickets A set of 50 Maths exit tickets based on the Year 1 curriculum. Exit tickets can be used at the end of a lesson to assess children’s knowledge and understanding. They can be used to assess what the children have learnt during the lesson or their prior knowledge. These Maths exit tickets can be used to assess Maths knowledge about number. Each ticket contains a Maths problem for the children to solve. The Maths problems include missing numbers in number sentences, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, place value, one more and one less. These exit tickets can be printed and laminated or displayed on the Interactive Whiteboard. Each child could solve the same problem or they could all have their own ticket - this method is useful for differentiating and assessing the Maths knowledge of specific children. Aimed at Key Stage 1 children
Positive Quotes and Affirmations Bundle

Positive Quotes and Affirmations Bundle

2 Resources
Positive Quotes and Affirmations Posters A set of 16 positive quotes and affirmations posters. These posters include positive quotes and positive affirmations to encourage children to see themselves and talk about themselves in a positive manner. The posters can be printed and laminated and displayed in the classroom either as a whole set or they could be displayed one or two at a time and changed regularly. Positive Affirmations Sentence Starter Cards A set of 16 positive affirmation sentence starter cards. These cards include positive affirmations such as I am caring because and I am brave because. Each card starts with I am and children have to complete the sentence. The cards encourage children to talk about themselves in a positive manner. The cards can be printed and laminated or displayed in the classroom or can be viewed on the interactive whiteboard. Children can choose a card to respond to or all children can respond to the same card. Aimed at Early Years and Key Stage 1 children but could also be used with Key Stage 2 children