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Happyedugator's Shop

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(based on 140 reviews)

I have a total of 27 years teaching experience . After I received my M.Ed. from the University of Florida (hence the name "HappyEdugator"), I began teaching in elementary school, where I taught pull-out remedial classes for grades 2-5 and a section of K-1. Then I taught Pre-K for 5 years, before I went up to Middle School, where I have been in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Last year, I went back to 1st grade in a private setting. I have traveled worldwide and am also fluent in Spanish.




I have a total of 27 years teaching experience . After I received my M.Ed. from the University of Florida (hence the name "HappyEdugator"), I began teaching in elementary school, where I taught pull-out remedial classes for grades 2-5 and a section of K-1. Then I taught Pre-K for 5 years, before I went up to Middle School, where I have been in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Last year, I went back to 1st grade in a private setting. I have traveled worldwide and am also fluent in Spanish.
Storms - Hurricanes vs. Tornadoes

Storms - Hurricanes vs. Tornadoes

Storms - Hurricanes vs. Tornadoes. Paired nonfiction reading with a Venn Diagram- and compare tornadoes and hurricanes. Students read about tornadoes and hurricanes, then compare and contrast the characteristics of hurricanes and tornadoes on this basic Venn diagram activity sheet. Add to your weather unit and have students research facts about storms. Also a good supplemental resource to use when reading books that have hurricanes or tornadoes in them, such as The Cay by Theodore Taylor or Tornado Alert by Franklyn M. Branley. - HappyEdugator
Funny Jokes and Puns for the Classroom PowerPoint

Funny Jokes and Puns for the Classroom PowerPoint

Funny Jokes and Puns for the Classroom. 60 school jokes! Fun for April Fools Day or anytime! Promotes critical thinking skills. Fun two minute activities. If you have two minutes, you can still get those brains working and have fun, too! Riddles, puns, and brain teasers that are sure to make everyone smile. Fun, humorous riddles about school that will crack you up! Enjoy these when class is not quite over, but the lesson is! You can also use as a fun filler at the end of the year! Or use before or after spring break, or after state testing for comic relief. Or use them as a daily warm up! 60 slides. Show slide to reveal the beginning...click to reveal the punchline. - HappyEdugator
PowerPoint Timer - Time Remaining PowerPoint for Classroom Management

PowerPoint Timer - Time Remaining PowerPoint for Classroom Management

PowerPoint Timer! Classroom Management PowerPoint Timer. Set for any time up to 1 hour. Keep students on task with this countdown clock. The PowerPoint slides count down from 60 minutes all the way to "None." Set it for any time up to 60 minutes. It has a 2 minute warning (with a sound effect) as well to give students advance notice that time will be up soon. It can be used for timing students for many different activities including cooperative learning time, group work, independent work, timed tests, etc. A great visual aid for teaching students how to pace themselves for state tests. Just project it up on the Smartboard for all students to see. It doesn't have to be set always at 60 minutes: it can be set at any interval between 1 and 60 minutes and transitions slides each minute. Good classroom management technique to keep students on task.
Science Fair Project

Science Fair Project

Science Fair Project Student Guide. Includes 100 science project ideas, directions for creating a science fair project, how to graph and record data, and how to make a display board with dimensions and helpfu hints for success. I have also added information on how to create a logbook with rubric, parent letter, parent tips, a list of helpful websites, and a volunteer form. 19 pages. Enjoy! - HappyEdugator
Tornadoes PowerPoint

Tornadoes PowerPoint

All about tornadoes! Fully animated PowerPoint with information on how tornadoes develop. Learn about tornado structure, their effects, and how they are measured with the Enhanced Fujita scale. Great addition to your weather unit. Includes facts and details about the following topics: What is a tornado? Where and when do tornadoes form? What are the effects tornadoes? How are tornadoes classified? What is the tornado strength scale? Preparation, Duck and Cover Watches and Warnings Forecasting and tracking Also includes a link to a video clip of students in a tornado drill. Ten question interactive review at the end with answers to self check. ©2017 HappyEdugator.
Forms of Energy PowerPoint

Forms of Energy PowerPoint

Forms of Energy PowerPoint. 7 basic forms of energy. Defines what energy is, and explains the different types of energy including Mechanical energy, Thermal energy, Chemical Energy,Electrical Energy, Electromagnetic or Radiant Energy, Sound Energy, and Nuclear Energy. Animated clips make it fun! 24 slides. - HappyEdugator
Biomes of the World PowerPoint

Biomes of the World PowerPoint

Biomes of the World PowerPoint. An overview of the different biomes of the world. Includes rain forest, temperate grassland, savanna, tundra, taiga, temperate forest, mountain, desert, and three major aquatic biomes- freshwater, saltwater, and estuaries. Average temperatures, rainfall, and interesting facts about the diversity of life in each. 34 slides. Enjoy! - HappyEdugator
Interdependence of Living Things PowerPoint

Interdependence of Living Things PowerPoint

Interdependence of Living Things PowerPoint. Food chain and the interdependence of living things. Includes terms: producers, consumers, decomposers, herbivores, carnivores,omnivores, detritivores, food chains, abiotic and biotic factors. 18 slides. - HappyEdugator ©2016 HappyEdugator.
Lions - Fun Facts About Lions PowerPoint

Lions - Fun Facts About Lions PowerPoint

Lions - Fun Facts About Lions PowerPoint. Learn about lions! 18 slides of fun facts about lions, which can be used to introduce a animal theme unit of study. Informational text for reading practice. Lots of animated graphics. Learn the differences between African lions and Asian lions. What do lions eat? Where do lions live? Fun for March, which comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Engage students and grab their attention, or build background knowledge for reading books with lions, like Born Free (nonfiction), Lion Boy (fiction), or The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (fiction).
A Geologic Time Scale PowerPoint US version

A Geologic Time Scale PowerPoint US version

A Geologic Time Scale PowerPoint. A summary of the eras in Earth’s geologic history. Includes slides on Azoic, Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenzoic, and Neozoic eras. Slides cover from the origin of the planet to the rise of humans. Timeline included. Quiz included with key at the end. - HappyEdugator
Frayer Model

Frayer Model

Frayer Model. Blank Frayer Model Graphic Organizer. Build vocabulary by having students use this graphic organizer to define the term in their own words, provide relevant characteristics and pictures, and give examples and non-examples from their own experience. Includes two versions for differentiation, and two formats...one larger for projecting on a screen, and one smaller with a place for student name and date for printing. Thanks!
EDITABLE Teacher Binder Covers - School Supplies

EDITABLE Teacher Binder Covers - School Supplies

EDITABLE Teacher Binder Covers - 63 Different Ready Made Binder Covers and Spines for back to school. Choose which ones you wish to use, print out and slip into your binder front and spine. Also includes an editable cover and an editable spine, so you can add your own words if you need to! These can also be used as dividers in a larger teacher binder (cover for that included) and the spines can double as page tabs. Just print out the pages you need and put in page protectors. Print out the tabs on card stock, laminate if desired, and attach with clear packing tape to protect and make durable. Back to School background. Enjoy! - HappyEdugator With the EDITABLE BLANK covers and spines, you can create your own binders for anything you wish. Also includes ready made covers for: 504's Art Assessments Benchmarks Calendar Class Rosters Common Core Standards Conferences Curriculum Maps Cursive Data Department Duties ELL English Language Arts Evaluations Extracurricular Activities Field Trip Information Foreign Language Geography Gradebook HIstory IEP's Lesson Plans Mathematics Meeting Notes Modifications Music Newsletters Parent Guardian Contacts Passwords/Tech Information Professional Development Reading Schedule Science Social Studies Spelling Standards STEM STEAM Student Information Substitute Syllabus Teacher Binder Transportation Website Information Work Samples Writing AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY HOLIDAYS TESTING
Forms of Energy Study Guide

Forms of Energy Study Guide

Forms of Energy Study Guide. Students can answer the questions about forms of energy as they study to prepare for standardized testing. Questions on what is thermal energy, chemical energy, mechanical energy, electrical energy, electromagnetic energy, sound energy, and nuclear energy. Answer key included. - HappyEdugator
Organelles PowerPoint Presentation

Organelles PowerPoint Presentation

Organelles - PowerPoint Presentation. This is an animated 16 slide PowerPoint presentation of organelles. The first slide defines cell theory, and the following slides name the organelle, describe its function and display a picture. - HappyEdugator
Interdependence of Living Things PowerPoint

Interdependence of Living Things PowerPoint

Interdependence of Living Things PowerPoint. 16 slides on interdependence. Includes terms: producers, consumers, decomposers, herbivores, carnivores,omnivores, detritivores, food chains, abiotic and biotic factors. - HappyEdugator
Penguins Word Search

Penguins Word Search

Penguins Word Search - 14 Penguins hidden in this Penguins word search puzzle. Fun addition to a penguin unit. Print and go. No prep. - HappyEdugator