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German Nationalism: 1850s Austrian Decline
PowerPoint & two worksheets that examine the causes of the decline of Austrian power in the 1850s. The Austrian economy, the legacy of the 1848 Revolts, the Crimean War, the Second War of Italian Unification and cultural differences with much of the German Confederation are all considered.
Activities include
Analysis of a letter from Bismarck to consider the nature Austro-Prussian relations.
Linking activity to connect the problems Austria faced in this period with Austria’s policies and the consequences of those policies.
Sorting activity on facts to determine whether they apply to Austria or Prussia.
Ranking activity on how beneficial Austria’s problems were to Prussia.
Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y314 The Development of German Nationalism 1789-1919.
Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
German Nationalism: Prussia and 1848
PowerPoint & worksheet that examines the events of the 1848 Revolts in Prussia. Content includes Frederick William IV’s policies prior to 1848, the rioting in March 1848 and Frederick William’s resulting concessions, the counter-revolution in October 1848 and the resulting Prussian constitution issued by the monarch.
Activities include
Comprehension and highlighting activity on the extent the actions of King Frederick William IV of Prussia reveal him to a liberal monarch or a conservative autocrat.
Analysis of three sources from Frederick William IV to explain his changing attitudes to the 1848 Revolts in Prussia.
Sorting activity to decide whether Frederick William’s constitution was liberal in nature or not.
Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y314 The Development of German Nationalism 1789-1919.
Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
German Nationalism: The Holy Roman Empire in 1789
PowerPoint & worksheet that examines the extent of political, cultural & economic unity in the Holy Roman Empire in 1789.
Activities include
-Analysis of a map of the Holy Roman Empire in 1789.
Comprehension activity on the extent of unity / division in the Holy Roman Empire in 1789, sorting the evidence into three overarching themes; economic, political & cultural.
Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y314 The Development of German Nationalism.
Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
German Nationalism: Napoleon & Germany
PowerPoint & 3 worksheets on the impact of Napoleon Bonaparte on the development of German Nationalism at the start of the 19th Century.
Activities include
A chronology task ordering events related to Napoleon & Germany
Comprehension activity on the extent Napoleon was beneficial or detrimental to the development of Germany
Source analysis exercise on King Friedrich William III of Prussia’s letter to his people
Sorting activity on the importance of the Wars of Liberation to the development of German Nationalism
Discussion activity on Napoleon’s management of German nationalism.
Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y314 The Development of German Nationalism.
Lesson Length: 1hr x 2 depending on pace.
The Tudors: Henry VIII's Advisors
PowerPoint and two worksheets that considers what it was like to work for King Henry VIII. The lesson focuses on the careers and fates of Cardinal Wolsey, Thomas More and Thomas Cromwell.
Activities include
Starter activity in which students analyse a source by the Venetian Ambassador about the relationship between King Henry VIII and Wolsey to consider what it tells us about Henry VIII as a king.
Reading and comprehension activity on Wolsey, More and Cromwell. Pupils complete a comparative table on their attributes as Henry’s servants, their achievements, the reasons for their fall from power and whether they deserved their fate.
Source evaluation of the scaffold speeches of More and Cromwell to judge the reliability of their words in context.
Plenary / extension exercise in which students discuss why so many people aspired to work for Henry VIII given the risks.
Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering the Tudors.
Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
Medieval World: King Arthur
PowerPoint and three worksheets that consider whether King Arthur was a real historical figure. The lesson focuses on the utility of three key pieces of evidence in proving King Arthur’s historical existence.
Activities include
Starter activity in which pupils consider why English monarchs tried to impress foreign visitors by showing them the Winchester Round Table.
Main activity requires pupils to fill in a grid on how useful the Round Table, Glastonbury Graves and Artognou Stone are as evidence that King Arthur existed. Pupils rank the evidence according to their relative utility.
Pupils add the three pieces of evidence to the correct location on a partially completed timeline of King Arthur sources which already includes Gildas, Bede, etc.
Sorting activity of the surviving evidence of King Arthur’s existence into primary and secondary sources.
Conclusion in which pupils write their own justified judgment on whether King Arthur really existed.
Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering the Medieval World.
Lesson Length: 1 hour depending on pace.
Medieval World: The Feudal System
PowerPoint and two worksheets that focuses on the purpose of the Feudal System in England during the reign of William the Conqueror and who benefited from it and who did not.
Activities include
Reading and comprehension activity in which pupils read a passage on the Feudal System and identify evidence in the text to support a series of statements.
Labeling exercise of a diagram of the Feudal System using the previous passage for support.
Activity in which students link various groups in Anglo-Norman society with what they gained from the Feudal System and with what it required of them.
Ranking task to consider which group or individual benefited the most / least from the Feudal System.
Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering the Medieval World.
Lesson Length: 1 hour depending on pace.
King Henry VIII vs Suleiman the Magnificent
PowerPoint & two worksheets that compares the reigns of King Henry VIII and his contemporary Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire. This lesson is a great way to continue to teach the Tudors at Key stage 3 but also to diversify the history curriculum.
Activities include
Starter activity to identify which quote is not about Henry VIII (a positive amongst negative judgments).
A gap fill covering key areas of Henry’s reign that have likely been considered in earlier lessons to establish a baseline for the comparison.
A comprehension activity to identify evidence of Suleiman’s foreign relations, his religious policies, his treatment of wives, family members and advisers, his management of finance, and whether his policies benefited the people of his empire.
Have completed a comparison table pupils judge whether Henry and Suleiman were similar or different in their polices, actions and achievements.
Source analysis and accompanying questions on which monarch best lives up to Erasmus’ judgment on ideal kingship.
Extension task on whether a comparison of the Monarch’s achievements using a 16th century map as stimulus might not be fair.
Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering the Tudors.
Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
Women and the Vote: The First World War
PowerPoint with six slides and one Microsoft Word Document that considers the role of women in Britain during the First World War and the impact this had on female suffrage.
Activities include
Source analysis starter activity to link women to munitions work during the First World War.
Discussion activity on why the Suffragettes ended their campaign of violence at the outbreak of war.
Reading and comprehension activity to establish what roles women performed in Britain during the First World War.
Evidence based discussion on whether women could justify being given the vote based on the sacrifices they had made during the war.
An evidence based plenary discussion on the merits of the Representation of the People Act for women.
**Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class.
Lesson Length: 1 hour depending on pace.
Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.**
Medieval World: The White Ship
PowerPoint (with 5 slides) that examines the consequences of the White Ship disaster of 1120. The lesson covers King Stephen, Empress Matilda and (briefly) the Anarchy. It also offers an opportunity to consider the issue of gender in medieval Europe.
Activities include
Starter activity in which students write a definition of illegitimate.
Analysis of a list of King Henry I’s children to identify why the White Ship disaster presented such a problem.
Analysis of King Henry’s family tree to identify a suitable heir to the throne (prior knowledge of William Rufus will aid pupils here).
Discussion of the pros and cons of Henry I’s decision to name Matilda as his heir.
Source analysis to explain why the reign of King Stephen became known as the Anarchy.
Analysis of the Treaty of Wallingford to consider who won the civil war.
Extension on whether Matilda’s gender was the main reason she never ruled England.
Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering aspects of the Medieval World.
Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
Resource reviews are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
German Nationalism: Bismarck's Fall from Power
PowerPoint (with 6 slides) and two Word Documents that examines the succession of Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1888 and Bismarck’s fall from power in 1890.
Activities include
Reading and comprehension exercise in which pupils consider the challenges the Hohenzollern succession posed to Bismarck in 1888.
Source analysis exercise to establish the personality of Kaiser Wilhelm II.
Reading, comprehension and highlighting exercise to establish reasons for, and evidence of, Wilhelm and Bismarck’s antagonistic relationship.
Discussion on who was more responsible for Bismarck’s fall - the Iron Chancellor or the new Kaiser?
Sorting grid on Bismarck’s legacy - successes and failures of his career.
Plenary discussion on whether Bismarck was more successful before or after 1871.
Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y314 The Development of German Nationalism 1789-1919.
Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
German Nationalism: Caprivi's New Course
PowerPoint (with 4 slides) and two Word Documents that examines the success of Leo von Caprivi’s New Course in Germany between 1890 and 1894. The lesson considers attitudes to Catholics, socialism, tariff policy, relations with Russia, army reform and the Chancellor’s relationship with the Kaiser.
Activities include
A quick quiz covering prior learning on Bismarck’s fall from power.
Reading and comprehension exercise in which pupils complete a comparison table on Caprivi’s approach to various policy areas in comparison to Bismarck’s.
Discussion based evaluation activity to judge whether the different elements of the New Course represented continuity or change and success or failure.
Conclusion on whether the New Course did more to divide or unit Germany.
Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y314 The Development of German Nationalism 1789-1919.
Lesson Length: 45min depending on pace.
Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
USA - A Divided Union: Causes of the Women's Rights Movement
PowerPoint (with 4 slides) and two Word Documents that examines the causes of the Women’s Rights Movement in post war America. It considers the contributions of scientific and technological developments and the roles of Eleanor Roosevelt and Betty Friedan in inspiring movement.
Activities include
Starter thinking activity on what other protest movements may have inspired the Women’s Rights Movement.
Source analysis activity on the status of women based on an extract of The Feminine Mystique.
Connection activity on the consequences of scientific and technological developments for women.
Reading and comprehension activity on the roles of Roosevelt & Friedan in inspiring the movement.
Concluding judgment on the relative importance of the individuals in causing the movement.
Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 1 Depth Study 7 A Divided Union: civil rights in the USA, 1945-74.
Lesson Length: 45min depending on pace.
Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
USA - A Divided Union: Achievements of the Women's Movement
PowerPoint (with 6 slides) and one Word Document that examines the achievements of the Women’s Rights Movement in post-war America in relation to equal pay, the Equal Rights Amendment, abortion, domestic violence and women’s depiction in the media. The roles of NOW and Women’s Lib are also covered.
Activities include
Odd one out starter activity that tests earlier elements of the course; Red Scare, Civil Rights etc.
Connection activity linking the problems facing women, the actions of the Women’s Rights Movement and the extent of success.
Matching activity on the actions of Now and the Women’s Liberation Movement.
Ranking activity on the relative achievements of the Women’s Rights Movement.
Reading and comprehension activity on the reasons for opposition to Women’s Rights Movement linked to the aims and actions of the Movement.
Concluding judgment on the relative importance of NOW and the Women’s Lib to the success of the movement.
Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 1 Depth Study 7 A Divided Union: civil rights in the USA, 1945-74.
Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
China: The Great Leap Forward
PowerPoint with five slides and two worksheets that examines Mao’s attempts to industrialise China via the First Five Year Plan and the Great Leap Forward. Reasons for the success of the First Five Year Plan are contrasted with reasons for the failure of the Great Leap Forward.
Please note that the lesson refers to collectivisation and the Great Famine but does not delve into the specific causes and consequences of these.
Activities include
Quick Quiz starter activity focused on prior knowledge of China’s economy and Mao’s agricultural reforms.
Reading and comprehension on the First Five Year Plan and the Great Leap Forward leading to an activity to identify differences between the two.
Matching task on the causes of the failure of the Great Leap Forward.
Source analysis activity on a speech by Mao on the reasons for failure of the Great Leap Forward.
Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 2 Breadth Study B4 China: Conflict, Crisis and change, 1900-89.
Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace
Nazi Germany: The Nazis in the Golden Twenties
PowerPoint (with 5 slides) and two Word Documents that examines Hitler’s reorganisation of the Nazi Party in the 1920s after his release from prison. The lesson also considers how popular the Nazi Party was by 1928 as a result of these changes.
Activities include
Quick Quiz Starter activity on prior learning; the Munich Beerhall Putsch.
Source analysis exercise to identify Hitler’s change in approach to gaining power after the failure of the Putsch.
Gapfill on the key ideas in Mein Kampf.
Connection activity linking changes to the Nazi Party during the Golden Twenties with their purpose.
Plenary discussion on the extent the Nazis became popular between 1924-1928 based on statistical evidence such as book sales, seats in the Reichstag and party membership figures.
Designed for the teaching of Edexcel iGCSE History 4HI1 Paper 1 Depth Study 3 Germany: development of dictatorship, 1918-45.
Lesson Length: 45min depending on pace.
Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
German Nationalism: Anglo-German Relations
PowerPoint (with 6 slides) and one Word Document that examines Anglo-German relations under Kaiser Wilhelm II before 1914. The lesson covers the Kruger Telegram, the Naval Race, the Moroccan Crises, developments in the alliance system and the Daily Telegraph Interview.
Activities include
Quick quiz starter activity on prior learning.
Source analysis exercise on the Kaiser’s personal reasons for disliking Britain including his relationship to his mother and the death of his father.
Source analysis on why Germany’s aims/approach to Anglo-German relations was flawed.
Reading and comprehension exercise on the major incidents in Anglo-German relations to complete a table.
Discussion on who was more responsible for the decline of Anglo-German relations.
Plenary discussion with source analysis to consider the extent Germany’s approach to Anglo-German relations were a success.
Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y314 The Development of German Nationalism 1789-1919.
Lesson Length: 1hr depending on pace.
Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
Henry VIII: Foreign Policy 1509-1513
PowerPoint & two worksheets that examines the extent King Henry VIII was successful in achieving his foreign policy aims between 1509-1513 by going to war against France & Scotland. The extent to which Henry achieved glory through war, conquered territory in France and prevented Scottish interference are all considered.
Activities include
Ranking activity on the relative importance of Henry’s aims to the King himself.
Comprehension / highlighting activity to identify evidence of success and failure from the events of 1509-1513 in Henry achieving his aims.
Table to be completed in which students judge the extent of Henry’s success in achieving his aims during every stage of of his foreign policy including the Battle of the Spurs, the sieges of Therouanne & Tournai and the Battle of Flodden.
Plenary activity in which pupils consider Henry’s achievements in comparison to the early campaigns of King Francis I and Emperor Charles V.
Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y106 The Early & Mid Tudors.
Lesson Length: 1hr 30min depending on pace.
Medieval World: Sutton Hoo
Two lessons made up of two PowerPoints (each with 5 slides) and two Word Documents that examines what was buried at Sutton Hoo, whether the Saxons responsible were barbaric or civilised, whether the focus of the burial was Christian or pagan and who specifically was likely buried in Mound 1.
Activities include
Lesson 1
Starter activity in which students work out what was buried at Sutton Hoo based on a photograph from the 1939 dig.
Analysis of a source to identify the meaning of the term ‘barbaric’.
Analysis of the objects found in Mound 1 to complete a table on whether the culture responsible were civilised or barbaric.
Discussion, based on the objects, on what type of person was buried in Mound 1 at Sutton Hoo.
Lesson 2
Starter activity in which students analyse an image of a pagan burial to consider differences with modern burial practices.
Reading and comprehension exercise to understand the meaning of the term pagan.
Analysis of the objects found in Mound 1 to determine whether the culture responsible were pagans or Christians.
Discussion of why objects from both faiths were found in Mound 1.
Analysis of the objects found in Mound 1 in conjunction with a timeline to identify who was most likely buried at Sutton Hoo.
Designed for teaching an academically able Key Stage 3 class covering aspects of the Medieval World.
Lesson Length: Two 1hr lessons depending on pace.
Resource reviews are always much appreciated and help others using the site.
Mid Tudor Crisis: Economics
PowerPoint (with six slides) and two Word Documents that examine what caused the mid-Tudor economic crisis. The lesson focuses on economic problems including debasement, enclosure, unemployment, population growth, war, declining trade, inflation, disease and famine. It considers the social consequences of these problems, government attempts to deal with them and ultimately who was responsible.
Activities include
Quick quiz focused on events from the reigns of Henry VII and Henry VIII that link to economic problems in the mid-Tudor period.
A reading and comprehension task that requires students to connect the economic problems with the correct social impacts & government attempts to deal with them.
A connection task requiring students to consider the interrelated nature of mid-Tudor economic problems.
A judgment task to determine who or what was responsible for each economic problem.
A judgment task to determine which figure in Tudor government was most responsible for the Mid-Tudor economic crisis.
A reading and evaluation exercise to determine the utility of common contemporary commentators on the mid-Tudor economic crisis.
Designed for the teaching of OCR History Y106 The Early & Mid Tudors.
Duration: 1hr lessons approx.
Resource reviews and ratings are always much appreciated and help others using the site.