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GCSE Medicine L13 - Pasteur's Germ Theory & Koch's Microbes
This lesson contains:
A starter to recap previous course knowledge.
A background into the causes of disease by 1700, and what was carried over from the Renaissance.
Information about microbes and the old theory of Spontaneous Generation and the problem with it. Students complete the relevent worksheet part.
A background to Louis Pasteur and an on-board overview of how Pasteur discovered Germ Theory and his four principles for Germ Theory. This is re-enforced by a short YouTube video and consolidation exercises, including discussing his impact.
An overview of the work of Robert Koch and his hunt for microbes, including a chance to complete the worksheet.
A detailed look at the vaccinations that came from the work of both scientists.
A plenary to search for key words and explain them.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
KS3 Romans - Why Did the Romans Invade Britain?
This lesson contains:
A starter to consider why people come to Britain today. Students might suggest money, education, work, tourism. This leads on to the theme for this lesson.
An overview of where Britannia fit into the Roman’s plans and who lived on the island before the Romans came.
An activity to watch a video which briefly summarises the reasons why the Romans wanted to invade, and students make notes on their worksheet. The students then get given a more detailed sources sheet which will then help them flesh out their notes and read contemporary sources to extract the information. This can be extended by considering the main reason and giving a score to each.
A task for students to study the two invasions and to answer questions on the board about each. This includes noting why Caesar’s invasion may have failed as well as why Claudius’ invasion was more successful and worked. The students get this information from an information sheet.
A set of slides which give a brief overview of the consequences of the invasion using pictures and text.
A plenary with a quote from Tom Holland and his view of the reason why the Romans invaded. Students can argue with or against this view using what they learned in the lesson.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
Why Did Henry Break from Rome?
This lesson contains:
An introduction to why Henry broke from Rome. There is a quote and the students will argue with it later.
An activity to study lots of reasons why Henry broke from Rome. Students colour-code the reasons as love, religion, power, and money.
A task to then find out the effect his break from Rome had. The students assess how far each outcome achieved Henry’s aims.
A video from YouTube to help reinforce the lesson and go over the reasons. Students consolidate by assessing whether Henry did the right thing or not.
A plenary to assess the most important reason.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Publisher File
WW2 - Was Pearl Harbor a Victory or Mistake?
This lesson contains:
A starter to consider what Roosevelt meant by his speech about a ‘day in infamy’.
An overview of the Pacific Theatre from the invasions of the Japanese and domination of the islands with a gap fill activity to note down the declining relations between the U.S. and the Japanese.
An overview of the location of Pearl Harbour, importance and the reasons it was a good target for the Japanese.
A YouTube video to watch some scenes from the Pearl Harbour Film, then an activity to study a series of sources and what we can learn about the attack and the consequences.
A plenary to write a news report from the American perspective of the attack.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher File
WW1 L14 - Did the Empire Help Win WW1?
This lesson contains:
A starter to check student knowledge about the Empire and where the Empire reached.
An overview on the need for the Empire to call up troops from all over the world.
A short case study of Khudadad Khan, the first Indian recipient of the Victoria Cross.
An overview of the use of propaganda across the Empire and the study of some different types.
An activity to study a series of information cards provided to fill in the worksheet mind map for South Africa, Australia, Canada, India, the West Indies and New Zealand.
A final activity to argue for or against a viewpoint about the Empire making a huge impact on the victory in WW1.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Publisher File
1 x Word File
GCSE Medicine L17 - John Snow & Cholera
This lesson contains:
A starter to consider the epidemics studied so far on this course.
An introduction to Cholera as a disease and its effects. A source is used to get students to interpret the cause of the disease.
An activity where students use the information provided to complete the questions about how John Snow discovered that Cholera was caused by the waste and sewage in the water.
A final task to study on-board info and determine the effect John Snow had and whether the government were responsible for the future vaccination, or whether John Snow deserves the credit.
A choice of plenaries: first a gap fill recall task or second, a choice of exam questions.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L22 - The Creation of the NHS
This lesson contains:
A starter to recap previous course knowledge and an introduction to the NHS to see what students know about it.
An activity for students to note down, from the on-board images and info, reasons why there were problems accessing care at the turn of the century.
A task to make notes on the reasons for the NHS being created, including the increase in democracy, the impact of WW2 and the roles of William Beveridge and Aneurin Bevan.
A YouTube video covering what services the NHS offered and a gap fill exercise to consolidate its impact.
A brief summary of the resistance to the NHS.
A plenary that has a quote from Tony Blair for students to argue for or against, and a final opportunity to do a practice exam question. Either can be used, or both depending on requirements.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Publisher File
WW2 - Was the Battle of Britain Our 'Finest Hour'?
This lesson contains:
A starter to consider the famous quote by Churchill.
A run through of the situation in 1940 post-Dunkirk and the situation Britain was in.
A Youtube video of WW2 in colour to bring it to life. Students complete a comprehension multiple choice set of questions as the video plays.
An activity to consider the tactic advantages and disadvantages of both sides.
A task to use a series of sources in groups to build an arguement for the significance of the battle using the ‘GREAT’ formula. A worksheet is designed for this purpose.
A plenary to consider what factors won the Battle of Britain for the British.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Word Files
1 x Publisher File
GCSE Elizabeth L10 - The Catholic Plots Against Elizabeth
This lesson contains:
A 3 page worksheet that can be printed as a booklet (A3 is best, A4 is also fine).
Information about the Ridolfi Plot through a video summary and a consolidation activity on the worksheet. The causes, events and consequences are covered.
The causes, events and consequences of the Throckmorton Plot, to complete the worksheet, using a combination of on-screen information and a short video clip.
The causes, events and consequences of the Babington Plot, to fill out the worksheet, through a mix of a word bank for the gap fill and the information sheet.
A summary fo the consequences of the three plots, including the execution of Mary Queen of Scots.
A plenary to come up with a phneumonic to remember the sequence of events.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
1 x PDF of all Publisher Worksheets
KS3 USA in the 1920's BUNDLE
This bundle contains:
L1 - The American Dream & Booming 1920’s
L2 - Was Prohibition Doomed to Fail?
L3 - The Rise of Gangsters
L4 - Race Relations in the 1920’s
L5 - The Wall Street Crash
L6 - Life in the Great Depression
L7 - Did the New Deal Help Everyone?
The individual lessons would normally cost £16, so this bundle would save you 40%.
Dictators L7 - How Did Mussolini Rise to Power?
This lesson contains:
A starter which revises previous content on dictators, but this can be edited to suit what you have been teaching.
An introduction to Italy’s position after WW1, including the economic difficulties and the disappointment with the Treaties. Students write 2-3 sentences based on the slides about why Italy was in a difficult position.
An introduction to Mussolini, his background and his beliefs. This includes the founding of Fascism.
A main activity to use the information pages to complete a bio of Mussolini, including his fascist beliefs and the reasons people supported his ideas.
A video from YouTube that goes over how Mussolini marched on Rome. This is followed by a page of information to complete the final section on the worksheet.
A plenary with review questions based on the lesson.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Germany L13 & L14 - The Munich Putsch
An overview of the short, medium and long term reasons for the Munich Putsch.
A discussion of the plans for the Putsch and a YouTube video to give a good overview of the Putsch.
An activity to write reasons why it failed.
A colour-coding activity to discover the consequences for Hitler and the Nazis.
A plenary quiz.
An overview of the events of the Putsch.
A chance to study two differing interpretations on the success or failure of the Putsch.
An activity to go over with students how to correctly answer the interpretations question and a guide to answer it in full.
A handout with the two interpretations and space to write.
Who Was to Blame for the Peterloo Massacre?
This lesson contains:
A starter to look at 3 images of revolutions and some of the features. This sets up the image of Henry Hunt at Peterloo really well.
A background into the problems in Manchester at the time and the plans for the meeting at St. Peter’s Field.
A YouTube trailer for the Peterloo film and a short YouTube documentary to elicit answers from the class about what the people wanted and what threat there may have been. Also, what happened in the actual event. It’s a good opportunity to study the image of Henry Hunt and go back to the starter to imagine what the magistrates might have thought was going to happen (i.e. a revolution).
A long task to study a series of sources on the info sheets provided and to note down, for each, who each source blames and what evidence shows this. The students built up arguments for both sides.
A run through of the aftermath and what happened as a consequence. Students can then judge who was to blame.
An optional homework activity to design a memorial to those who died, or to publish a one-sided newspaper article about the event. The template for this is provided.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
5 x Word Files
What Was Life Like in the Workhouses?
This lesson contains:
A discussion as a starter to talk about what the government does to help poor or homeless people today.
A discussion of why there was so much poverty in Britain in the 19th Century. Students produce a mind map.
A background of the Old Poor Laws and then the New Poor Law and the goals of the law.
A discussion of the layout of a typical workhouse for students to analyse.
An overview of the jobs people performed at the workhouse with a video from YouTube showing some examples.
An activity for students to study a series of sources in groups and draw out info about life in the workhouses: food, discipline, rules, health and education.
A plenary to write a short letter to a local minister with reasons why workhouses should be closed, using the info from the main activity.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Publisher File
1 x Word File
KS3 Medieval - Consequences of the Black Death
This lesson contains:
A starter to get students talking about why diseases spread, and then hopefully they will apply that to this lesson about the Black Death.
A background info slide about the spread of the plague. Students then use on-board images to discuss what actually caused the spread. There is a gap fill exercise which can be completed to consolidate the knowledge.
An on-board discussion about how people attempted to stop the plague. Students are asked to complete a small, optional sheet (it could just be a discussion, up to you) with each, matching them with the associate image, then decide the the one that they think would work the most, and which would not.
A few slides with sources about the impact the plague had on England. Students read and discuss what they think each author is saying about the impact.
A card-sort activity where students are given lots of small statements about the plague and they have to separate them into positive and negatives. Then they choose the 3-4 best the write about in their books. This can then be extended into a writing task to make a judgement about whether the Black Death was terrible for everyone.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Word File
1 x Publisher File
GCSE Elizabeth L11 - Francis Walsingham's Spy Network
This lesson contains:
A recap quiz about the Catholic plots.
An overview of the spy network of Francis Walsingham with a video (YouTube) about the torture methods used in Tudor Britain and gives some insight and brings it to life.
An additional video, this time on the use of code breakers under Francis Walsingham, which adds insight into how he cracked the Babington plot.
A worksheet and activity to study the methods in more detail (i.e. spies, informers etc.) and to rate the effectiveness in keeping Elizabeth safe.
A final summary activity to judge the severity of each of the plots.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
Holocaust L5 - Kristallnacht
This lesson contains:
A ‘do it now’ starter which can be amended to fit whatever you have recently been studying.
A background into the emigration of Jews after the changes ot the laws in the 1930’s. it introduced Herschel Grunszpan and his murder of Ernst Von Rath. There is then a video from YouTube to back this up and tells the whole story of Kristallnacht. Students complete a series of questions as the video plays.
A small task for students to use the stats on the board to write down the 5 facts that go with them.
An additional task to read 3 sources from eye witnesses and to write down what we can learn from them about people’s experiences of the night.
A plenary to review an interpretation and what it might mean.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Word File
1 x Publisher File
Holocaust L11 - Who is Responsible for the Holocaust?
This lesson contains:
A starter that asks students to study a source image of Jews cleaning the streets. they are asked analytical questions about it and will return to the image later.
An overview of the key words for the lesson, which are ‘perpetrators’, ‘collaborators’, ‘bystanders’ and ‘resisters’. There is then a chance for students to make notes on each as you go through the next 4 slides with images.
A task to return to the source and judge who they believe in the picture fall into each of the categories. The extension is to consider why it’s sometimes hard to decide on the difference between those doing and those collaborating.
A colour-coding activity to look at a series of scenarios and judge what category of guilt they are to be placed in.
An extension of this task to then map the numbers of each scenario on a plot graph to note the impact of each and the level of ‘active’ or ‘non active’ each scenario showed. this can lead to greater analysis of the consequences of different peoples’ actions.
A review of the learning.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
1 x Word File
GCSE Medicine L14 - Lister, Simpson & Surgery Improvements
This lesson contains:
A starter to recap previous taught knowledge form the course.
An introduction to surgery noting the improvements to bleeding and infection, then starting with the problem of pain, from laughing gas to ether.
An overview of the role of James Simpson and how he discovered the use of chloroform.
A consolidation exercise to complete the gaps, then a colour-coding exercise to note the effect.
An introduction into the world of antiseptics and Listers role.
A video from YouTube to give an overview of the discovery of carbolic acid and a consolidation activity. Students then use the information provided to answer questions about Lister’s impact on antiseptics and aesceptic surgery.
A plenary to consider which one had the bigger impact.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
2 x Publisher Files
KS3 Medieval - Were Pilgrimages Holy or Holidays?
This lesson contains:
A starter to make students consider atonement and how we try to make up for things. This leads nicely on to today’s discussion of pilgrimages.
A series of on-board slides that go through the reasons that people went on pilgrimages. Students use the 4 characters on the worksheet to summarise, in their own words, the reasons people gave for going on them. A video then follows from YouTube to help visualise what the pilgrims may have seen when they finally got their destination.
An activity to consider whether religion was always in people’s minds. Students study a series of sources and give examples where religion was at the heart of it, and perhaps when other things were on pilgrim’s minds, like adventure or meeting a companion.
An overview of the importance of Jerusalem and why people might go that far on a pilgrimage. The on-board info has images and maps to help visualise. Students then complete an independent guided reading with questions on the worksheet about a typical journey to Jerusalem. Students observe what some of the positives and dangers of such a trip might have been.
A plenary to consider whether pilgrimages were holy or holidays, answering the enquiry question.
1 x Powerpoint Presentation
3 x Publisher Files