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3D Shapes - EYFS - SEN
Includes an introductory powerpoint, activity mats and differentiated worksheets. Can be used with EYFS or SEN functional skills.
Includes 21 worksheets

Design a video game lesson presentation and worksheet
This includes a powerpoint presentation and editable worksheet to support an activity about designing a video game. This can be used over a few lessons and can involve group or individual work. It includes deciding on a genre, target audience, device and designing the different game levels. Suitable for learners with SEN.

Morning Time Circle Routine - SEN - Early Years
This is a power point presentation which supports an interactive circle time routine. It is ideal to use with children with special educational needs and early years. The power point is full of links to various songs to support learning and engagement.
To access full use of this resource make sure you have:
A mirror
5 objects, textures, colours or scents to signify each of the days of the week
You may also want some weather props e.g. hat, scarf, umbrella
(all videos linked can be found on YouTube, I do not own the rights to them)

Scrambled Sentences - Entry Level English - SEN
This resource includes differentiated worksheets focusing on sentence structure. The worksheets cover simple four and five word sentences where pupils need to put the words in the correct order, including capital letters and full stops. Includes ut and stick

SEN - Rhyming words - Differentiated
Worksheets to support learning rhyming words. Differentiated from a choice of 2, 3 and 4 words. Communicate in Print symbols used to support learning. Ideal for pupils with special educational needs.
Includes 12 worksheets

Ordering Daily Events - Functional Skills - SEN
A differentiated worksheet for ordering daily events. Communicate in Print symbols used to support learning. Ideal for special educational needs, functional skills, independent living skills or early years.
Includes 4 worksheets

Entry Level 1 Spellings - sentences and tests
This resource includes worksheets covering all of the words required for Entry Level 1. Spellings lists matched up with the sentence worksheets. You will get 18 spelling worksheets, printable word lists and answer sheets.

3D Shapes - Differentiated - activity mat
Includes 12 worksheets focusing on 3D Shapes: sphere, cube, cuboid, triangular prism, square-based pyramid, cylinder, cone.
Activity mats can be laminated and used again - canbe a playdough activity
*Images were all found on google.com or communicate in print *

Romanian/English Words and Symbols
This resource contains simple words and symbols in Romanian and English, it can be used with those with special educational needs and EAL.
(All images are from Communicate in Print)

3D Shapes in the Real World - SEN - Functional Skills
9 worksheets focusing on 3D shapes in the real world. Ideal for SEN functional skills or EYFS
(All images found on Google.com or Communicate in Print)

Emotions and Feelings Charades and Talking Cards
Charade activity to support teaching about emotions and feelings with photos.
Talking cards suggest various scenarios to encourage discussions about how learners may feel.
Items can be printed and then folded and glued to create a double sided card.

Introduction to 3D Shapes - EYFS - SEN
A powerpoint to support an introduction into 3D shapes. Includes: sphere, cube, cuboid, cone, cylinder and square-based pyramid. This powerpoint also includes a sort shape identifying activity at the end.
All images found on google.com, communicate in print and widgit.com

Zones of Regulation Emotion Cards and Activities
This resource includes suggested activities for supporting each colour in Zones of Regulation and emotion cards. These items can be used for a display or as a lesson resource.

SEN - Subtraction - Functional skills - Differentiated
Differentiated subtraction worksheets: 0-5, 0-10, 0-20. Can be used for Entry level 1 maths, functional skills and primary. Communicate in Print symbols are included on the worksheets.
Includes 15 worksheets
Images from https://pixabay.com/

SEN - Addition - Functional skills - Differentiated
Differentiated addition worksheets: 0-5, 0-10, 0-20. Can be used for Entry level 1 maths, functional skills and primary. Communicate in Print symbols are included on the worksheets.
Includes 15 worksheets
Images from https://pixabay.com/

Emotions and Feelings Matching Board Activity
This is a differentiated activity for learners to match words, symbols, photos and descriptions focussing on emotions and feelings.
This resources includes two boards. It can be laminated and velcroed to be used multiple times or as a cut and stick activity.

All About Me Puzzle Peice
Excellent start of year/term or wellbeing activity. Can be used as a display once finished by multiple pupils.

Provision Plan Target Recording Document
Editable word document for recording provision plan target achievements. Ideal for members of staff to use in class to record learning. This document can be used to support the development of a person’s EHCP.

Lesson Objective Self Assessment Sheets
These sheets can be printed and used to record a pupils self assessment of a task and receive feedback from a member of staff. The sheets were created using images from Communicate in Print.