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FDR and The New Deal

FDR and The New Deal

A series of lessons, activities and revision aids for events from 1932 - 1940. (24 pages in total) Includes a comprehensive set of 26 sources to help learners determine… How Successful was the New Deal?
Source collections  + helpful student friendly templates

Source collections + helpful student friendly templates

Collections of sources for various topics themes. Also includes useful scaffolded templates to help with source skills … Topics included … Reasons for the Holocaust The Battle of the Somme Reasons for Anzac entry into the First World War Life in the Trenches Working conditions for children in the Industrial Revolution The Birth of Communism USA - Women in the 1920s The Great Depression Causes of the First World War The Gallipoli Campaign End of WW1 Rome and the Gladiators Bouddica’s Revolt The Rise of Stalin The Slave Trade: abolition.
US Boom Revision Wheel

US Boom Revision Wheel

A simple but effective summary. Cover … Why did the US economy boom? Why didn’t all industries benefit Henry Ford Problems in the farming industry Revision tips and methods
The Slave Trade

The Slave Trade

A series of lessons covering … Life in Africa Triangular Trade The Middle Passage Slave Auctions Statistics of Slavery More
The Hungarian Uprising -1956

The Hungarian Uprising -1956

A really flexible resource that cover the causes, process and effects of the Hungarian uprising. Includes skills activities and review / revision exercises. Lots of integrated links so great for virtual learning too.
Why Did the Cold War End?

Why Did the Cold War End?

A comprehensive set of sources that allow students to explore the reasons for the end of the Cold War … Focus = Gorbachev Reagan Weaknesses in Communism Events in Eastern Europe Solidarity Soviet defeat in Afghanistan
The Causes Of The American Civil War

The Causes Of The American Civil War

A smart PowerPoint presentation covering 6 of the major causes of the war : 1: Slavery 2: Abolitionists 3: Westward Expansion $: Sectionalism 5: The 1860 Election 6: Secession of the South Supported with worksheets, tasks and activities. Feedback most welcome!