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Illumismart Clip-Art and Visuals

Average Rating3.75
(based on 7 reviews)

My products and teaching styles are quirky and creative with an emphasis on Multiple Learning Styles and diversity. I create educational clip art, visuals, creative study guides and projects.




My products and teaching styles are quirky and creative with an emphasis on Multiple Learning Styles and diversity. I create educational clip art, visuals, creative study guides and projects.
FREE Emotions CommUNITY Clip-Art FREEBIE Sampler 8 Pieces BW/Color

FREE Emotions CommUNITY Clip-Art FREEBIE Sampler 8 Pieces BW/Color

FREE EMOTIONS SAMPLER! Everyone has feelings, but you can make them easier for students to manage, identify, and understand with this unique product. (Use them in your resources as well!) This fabulous clip-art set features 4 bw/4 Color emotions. Clips are 300 dpi pngs. about 3" by 5". This set is designed so buyers can determine if they prefer portrait style OR full body style if they plan to buy more Illumismart Emotions Clip-art. Check out my other Emotions Clip-Art featuring 24 full body and 24 portrait style emotions! Featured Emotions- This set features four sample EMOTIONS confused disgusted embarrassed (portrait style) bored (portrait style)
Learnings Styles Cards and Scavenger Hunt Game-4 Pages/48 Cards!

Learnings Styles Cards and Scavenger Hunt Game-4 Pages/48 Cards!

Make Learning Styles/Multiple Intelligence Theories easy to understand for students and staff with visuals! Includes a Learning Styles Scavenger Hunt game that involves finding other people and their learning preferences. Cards are in color on pngs. 300 dpi. (6 Cards/page). Individual card size is about 2.5" by 2.5". Great for special education teachers and school counselors! This Set Contains: 24 Learning Styles Cards- Scientific Terms 24 Learning Styles Cards-General Terms Includes Logic, Speech/Words, Inter/Intrapersonal, Naturalistic, Tactile, Kinesthetic, Auditory, Spatial, and even Metaphysical! Includes both symbols and student versions of cards. *Learning Styles Scavenger Hunt Handout also included. Suggested Use: *teach students about Multiple Intelligence/Learning Styles *teach adults about Multiple Intelligence/Learning Styles *play Learning Styles Scavenger Hunt or create your own games! *Spread out Learning Styles Cards and allow students to choose the way they prefer to have a certain subject/lesson taught to them (Ideal for 1:1 or small groups) *visually demonstrate a graph or data showing how many students prefer each Learning Style *for an anonymous class vote to determine how the next lesson will be presented (use black and white or grayscale print for this type of use) *come up with your own ideas for Illumismart Learning Styles Cards! * Play Illumismart's Learning Styles Scavenger Hunt
Schedule/Class Subject Cards (Upper Elementary/Middle School) 5 Pages/60 Cards! Schedule/Class Subje

Schedule/Class Subject Cards (Upper Elementary/Middle School) 5 Pages/60 Cards! Schedule/Class Subje

Make Schedules and Subjects easy to understand for your students! This unique set of subject/schedule cards features upper elementary/middle school and teen students and focuses on classes and activities associate with these age groups! With 60 cards, two prompt boards, and schedule signs to hang on white boards-demonstrating the class schedule has never been easier (or more colorful and fun!) Make schedules predictable, get your students prepared, and help them understand what will happen during the day. Excellent resource for ELL, ESL, nonverbal, special education, and students with executive functioning issues. Cards are in color on pngs. 300 dpi. (12 Cards/page). Individual card size is about 2.5" by 2.5". Great for special education teachers and school counselors! This Set Contains: 60 Subject/Class Activity Cards Including: Academics (Math, Social Studies, Science, etc.) Arts (Drama, Dance, Art, Music, etc.) Other Periods (Study, Internship/Voc, CSL, Speech, Life Skills) Activities (Holiday, Seasonal, Graduation, Guest Speaker) School Events (Fire Drill, Assembly, School Testing, Field Trip) Religious Classes/Activities (Judaism/Hebrew, Christian Studies, Prayer, Mass, Islam Studies) Frequent Visits (Library, Nurse, Counselor, Locker) Common Middle School Periods (News, DEAR/Independent Reading, Tech) ....AND MORE! Suggested Use: *show schedules, change in schedules, or alternate schedules. *display a schedule to a class or homeschool class so students know the agenda. *teach nonverbal and ESL/ELL students the names of classes and activities. *let students rate or rank their favorite and least favorite classes. *make photocopies of visual daily schedules for students who have trouble processing other schedule formats. *match with Illumismart's School Supplies Cards. "What do you need for this class?"
Noise Levels Cards Matching Game/Prompt Boards-4 Pages/48 Cards! 4 Boards!

Noise Levels Cards Matching Game/Prompt Boards-4 Pages/48 Cards! 4 Boards!

Make Noise Levels easy to understand for your students-especially those on the autism spectrum! Includes cards intended for a matching game (match visuals to the noise level "number"). Cards are in color on pngs. 300 dpi. (12 Cards/page). Individual card size is about 2.5" by 2.5". Great for special education teachers and school counselors! This Set Contains: 48 Noise Levels Cards (20 Action Cards, 5 Place/Time Cards, 20 Number Cards, 8 Word Cards) 2 Prompt Boards 2 Noise Level Chart Posters (for sorting cards) Suggested Use: *demonstrate appropriate noise levels with visuals and numbers. *play a matching game in which noise situations are matched to the noise level number (they are color coded!) *have students sort and place on the Noise Levels boards. *have students place on the prompt boards (time/place (place card such as school, library, emergency) action (action card such as quiet study time, sports time, time with friends) and level by number (number card such as 1,2, 3, etc.). *visually compare (using the "Sounds like THIS", SHOULD sound like this" prompt board) how the class should sound. *make small signs using popsicle sticks to remind a group of students what the space SHOULD sound like or show them what it DOES sound like. *Think of your own creative games and methods for using Illumismart's Noise Level Cards!
Chinese New Year Card-Making Kit! Poems, Pictures, Text, & Characters!

Chinese New Year Card-Making Kit! Poems, Pictures, Text, & Characters!

Celebrate Chinese New year with meaningful cards! Enjoy card-making poems, pictures, text, and photo face characters! With all the seasons, holidays, awareness themes, and special school days, a teacher sure has a lot to plan!Let Illumismart make it EASIER for YOU (and your students!) with this fun Chinese New Year card and get ready for a great New Year! Get ALL Illumismart's 40+ Holiday and Seasonal Card-Making Kits with the MEGA VALUE Bundle! INCREDIBLE Value. Most kits come with (at least!)... 1 Character Gift (in 3 different versions-drawing faces for kids, color and add photo for kids, and pre-colored add photo for teacher!*) *Pre-colored Children Characters come with 3 skin tones if required. Characters are cartoon children or animals. 1 People Pictures Page (for cut-outs or drawing reference) 1 Object Pictures Page (for cut-outs or drawing reference) 1 Text Page (for cut-outs or copying) 1 Original Kid Poem to put in cards (though most come with even more!) Some kits come with poems that are appropriate for teachers to give to other adults (such as parents and co-workers!)
Autism Visual Resource Kit! Over 300 Pieces! (Cards, Posters, Bonus Clip-Art!)

Autism Visual Resource Kit! Over 300 Pieces! (Cards, Posters, Bonus Clip-Art!)

11 Resources
With over 300 cards, colorful posters, coloring pages, and unique visuals, this Autism Visual Resource Kit will make your school life easier and your resource room brighter, bolder, and more accessible to your students. With years in the making, this kit is the culmination of my days spent assisting special education teachers and with populations on the autism spectrum. I decided it was time to develop a professional version of the same requests and visuals that impressed teachers, pleased parents, and delighted students. This kit is ideal for grades 4-9 (special education) and offers a variety of functions to meet the needs of a variety of students. With age appropriate visuals (featuring upper elementary, middle school kids, and teens), this resource was designed to make communication clearer for students with learning disabilities, ESL/ELL and language barriers, autism spectrum/nonverbal populations, and beyond. While it was designed with special ed./autism and school counseling in mind, many of the resources included in this bundle are also a great addition for general classrooms. This extensive kit includes... (300 dpi. png handouts and 2.5" cards in color). Classroom Posters (themes include general classroom reminders and expectations, behavior, diversity, anti-bullying, jobs, and daily changes) Coloring (for older students!) and Downtime Activities include coloring pages for older kids, blank bookmarks, blank game, blank rpg cards template, and more!) Student Rewards Cards (with visuals and rewards appropriate for students in upper elementary, middle school, and special ed. high school)! Test Accommodation Cards (discreetly remind students of upcoming tests and accommodations)! Teacher/Student Communication Cards (communicate with students over a variety of issues from break requests to fire drill alerts to behavior redirection) Emotions Cards (teach or communicate emotions using visuals of diverse upper elementary students)! Learning Styles Cards (use visuals to teach students (and staff!) about multiple intelligence theories. Includes Learning Styles scavenger hunt game!) Noise Levels Cards (play a Noise Level matching game or use visuals to demonstrate appropriate times and places for certain noise levels.)! School Supplies Cards (help teach students which supplies they need to be prepared and successful...or double as a teaching tool for ESL and nonverbal students!) Schedule and Subjects Cards (this extensive variety of visual schedule possibilities makes it easier for you and your students to foresee the day's coming attractions!) BONUS! Autism "People and Puzzles" Clip-Art for your own Products!!
CommUNITY: Teen Project Presenters Clip-Art (12 pc. BW and Color!)

CommUNITY: Teen Project Presenters Clip-Art (12 pc. BW and Color!)

This 12 piece clip-art set includes 6 teenage characters (high school age). 6 BW and 6 color. Images are about 2" by 7", 300 png with transparent background. Characters are presenting projects/speaking in front of the class. Blank posters can be filled in with any project or subject! Great for product and project covers! Each image is hand drawn (individually)! There are no recolors. Each child is a different character, inspired by real students. Featured Characters: Karen (holding blank poster) Juan (holding blank poster) Eric (presenting to class with index cards) Trish (presenting to class) Mae (torso/holding blank poster) Manny (torso/holding blank poster)
Teens and Technology Clip-Art (14 pc.: 7 BW and 7 Color)!

Teens and Technology Clip-Art (14 pc.: 7 BW and 7 Color)!

This 14 piece clip-art set includes 7 teenage characters (high school age). 7 BW and 7 color. Images are about 2" by 7", 300 png with transparent background. Characters are presenting using technology for studying. Great for product and project covers! Each image is hand drawn (individually)! There are no recolors. Each child is a different character, inspired by real students. Featured Characters: Ana (cell phone) Karima (cell phone) Micah (E-reader) Amber (desktop computer) Jade (music player/mp3 player/i-pod) Evan (laptop) Jeff (tablet)
Miguel de Cervantes' "Don Quixote" 32 pc. Clip-Art

Miguel de Cervantes' "Don Quixote" 32 pc. Clip-Art

This unique Don Quixote set features different characters from Miguel de Cervantes' famous story. Enjoy 16 detailed BW and16 Color clip-art pieces to compliment your products or classroom lessons! 300 png, sizes vary. Most images are about 3"to 7" (range). The hand-drawn style works well with print-outs and digital! Featured Character Images: Sancho Panza Dulcinea del Toboso Don Quixote 1 Don Quixote 2 (with horse) Rocinante Dapple Ginés de Pasamonte Cardenio Ricote Lucinda Caventes Cide Hamete Duke/Duchess Barber/Priest Theresa Sampson Carrasco ORoque Guinart
Special Education Visual Resource BUNDLE!130 Ct. Posters, Cards, Activities & More!

Special Education Visual Resource BUNDLE!130 Ct. Posters, Cards, Activities & More!

10 Resources
With over 300 cards, a variety of forms/documents, colorful posters, and unique visuals, this special education resource kit will make your school life easier and your resource room brighter, bolder, and more accessible to your students. With years in the making, this kit is the culmination of my days spent assisting special education teachers. I decided it was time to develop a professional version of the same requests and visuals that impressed teachers, pleased parents, and delighted students. This kit is ideal for grades 4-9 (special education) and offers a variety of functions to meet the needs of a variety of students. With age appropriate visuals (featuring upper elementary, middle school kids, and teens), this resource was designed to make communication clearer for students with learning disabilities, ESL/ELL and language barriers, autism spectrum/nonverbal populations, and beyond. While it was designed with special ed. and school counseling in mind, many of the resources included in this bundle are also a great addition for general classrooms. This extensive kit includes... (300 dpi. png handouts and 2.5" cards in color). Quick Forms and Documents for Special Ed. Teachers (quick editable docs for IEP meeting reminders, teacher feedback requests, sub reports, and more!) Student Advocacy Sheets (help students express and advocate for themselves in organized letters to teachers) Classroom Posters (themes include general classroom reminders & expectations, behavior, diversity, anti-bullying, jobs, and daily changes) Coloring (for older students!) and Downtime Activities include coloring pages for older kids, blank bookmarks, blank game, blank rpg cards template, and more!) Student Rewards Cards (with visuals and rewards appropriate for students in upper elementary, middle school, and special ed. high school) Test Accommodation Cards (discreetly remind students of upcoming tests and accommodations) Teacher/Student Communication Cards (communicate with students over a variety of issues from break requests to fire drill alerts to behavior redirection) Emotions Cards (teach or communicate emotions using visuals of diverse upper elementary students) Learning Styles Cards (use visuals to teach students (and staff!) about multiple intelligence theories. Includes Learning Styles scavenger hunt game!) Noise Levels Cards (play a Noise Level matching game or use visuals to demonstrate appropriate times and places for certain noise levels.) School Supplies Cards (help teach students which supplies they need to be prepared and successful...or double as a teaching tool for ESL and nonverbal students!) Schedule and Subjects Cards (this extensive variety of visual schedule possibilities makes it easier for you and your students to foresee the day's coming attractions!) Narwhal Notes-Make Reading Notes easier for students with these handy and narwhal-y visual guides! BONUS! Ninja Clip-Art. Because being a ninja is a prerequisite for all special education teachers!
CommUNITY Classroom Kids BUNDLE: Sets 1 & 2 (64 pc. Clip-Art w/ 4 New Kids!)!)

CommUNITY Classroom Kids BUNDLE: Sets 1 & 2 (64 pc. Clip-Art w/ 4 New Kids!)!)

SAVE by purchasing this Bundle of CommUNITY Classroom Sets 1 and 2! Also, you will get 4 new characters (color and b&w) that are available ONLY in the bundle edition! : ) This 64 piece clip-art set includes 32 diverse characters (upper elementary age). 14 BW and 14 color. Images are about 2" by 7", 300 png with transparent background. 28 kids are from Sets 1 and 2. 4 are new characters.* Each image is hand drawn (individually)! There are no recolors. Each child is a different character, inspired by real school children. This set is intended to: 1. Express diversity in the classroom 2. Express diversity within races 3. Exhibit more distinct hair, facial features, etc. 4. Feature a variety of difference backgrounds. Children in this set are African-American, Native American, Caucasian, Indian, Asian, bi-racial, mixed race, Arab, and Latino/Hispanic 5. Show happy children but give the characters a touch of personality you can use in your own products or classroom activities
CommUNITY High School BUNDLE: Sets 1 & 2 (64 pc. Clip-Art w/ 4 New Kids!)!)

CommUNITY High School BUNDLE: Sets 1 & 2 (64 pc. Clip-Art w/ 4 New Kids!)!)

SAVE by purchasing this Bundle of CommUNITY Classroom Sets 1 and 2! Also, you will get 4 new characters (color and b&w) that are available ONLY in the bundle edition! : ) This 64 piece clip-art set includes 32 diverse teenagers(high school). 14 BW and 14 color. Images are about 2" by 7", 300 png with transparent background. 28 students are from Sets 1 and 2. 4 are new characters.* Each image is hand drawn (individually)! There are no recolors. Each illustration is a different character, inspired by real students. This set is intended to: 1. Express diversity in the classroom 2. Express diversity within races 3. Exhibit more distinct hair, facial features, etc. 4. Feature a variety of difference backgrounds. Students in this set are African-American, Native American, Caucasian, Indian, Asian, bi-racial, mixed race, Arab, and Latino/Hispanic 5. Show happy students but give the characters a touch of personality you can use in your own products or classroom activities
Special Education and Calm Down Visual Resource Kits BUNDLE! For Older Kids!

Special Education and Calm Down Visual Resource Kits BUNDLE! For Older Kids!

17 Resources
SAVE with this combined offer that includes BOTH the Special Education (Autism) and Calm-Down Visual Resource Kits! This deal includes 200 pages/pieces in an extensive collection of illustrated of cards, forms, documents, games, posters, coloring pages, and BONUS clip-art! This bundle is ideal for grades 4-9 (special education) and offers a variety of functions to meet the needs of different of students. With age appropriate visuals (featuring upper elementary, middle school kids, and teens) coping with stressful situations, this resource was designed to make communication clearer for students with learning disabilities, ESL/ELL and language barriers, autism spectrum/nonverbal populations, and beyond. While it was designed with special ed. and school counseling in mind, many of the resources included in this bundle are also a great addition for general classrooms. All images are 300 dpi. png handouts and 2.5" cards in color. Products from the “Special Education” Visual Resource Kit Includes: Classroom Posters (themes include general classroom reminders and expectations, behavior, diversity, anti-bullying, jobs, and daily changes) Coloring (for older students!) and Downtime Activities include coloring pages for older kids, blank bookmarks, blank game, blank rpg cards template, and more!) Student Rewards Cards (with visuals and rewards appropriate for students in upper elementary, middle school, and special ed. high school)! Test Accommodation Cards (discreetly remind students of upcoming tests and accommodations)! Teacher/Student Communication Cards (communicate with students over a variety of issues from break requests to fire drill alerts to behavior redirection) Emotions Cards (teach or communicate emotions using visuals of diverse upper elementary students)! Learning Styles Cards (use visuals to teach students (and staff!) about multiple intelligence theories. Includes Learning Styles scavenger hunt game!) Noise Levels Cards (play a Noise Level matching game or use visuals to demonstrate appropriate times and places for certain noise levels.)! School Supplies Cards (help teach students which supplies they need to be prepared and successful…or double as a teaching tool for ESL and nonverbal students!) Schedule and Subjects Cards (this extensive variety of visual schedule possibilities makes it easier for you and your students to foresee the day’s coming attractions!) Student Advocacy Sheets (help students express and advocate for themselves in organized letters to teachers) Quick Forms and Documents for Special Ed. Teachers (quick editable docs for IEP meeting reminders, teacher feedback requests, sub reports, and more! BONUS! Autism “People and Puzzles” Clip-Art for your own Products!! BONUS! Ninjas" Clip-Art for your own Products!!
A Year of Cards, Crafts, and Coloring! 200+ Pages for Winter Holidays, Seasonal, and Events!

A Year of Cards, Crafts, and Coloring! 200+ Pages for Winter Holidays, Seasonal, and Events!

With all the seasons, holidays, awareness themes, and special school days, a teacher and/or parent sure has a lot to plan! Let Illumismart make it EASIER for YOU (and your students!) with this one-source, BIG VALUE, bundle of well over 40 KITS!!! AND WELL OVER 200 pages of everything you need to make your holidays, seasonal activities, and special school days complete! This (possibly growing!) expansive kit is hosted on Microsoft One Drive. After purchasing, you will be given directions on how to obtain access to the file. (Please allow up to 24 hours for access email. (We try to respond sooner-but sometimes it ends up being within the 24 hours range due to our 1-year old.) :) Check spam and junk mail and contact Illumismart [!at] gmail.com at any time with any questions. This Bundle comes with at least... 40+ Character Gifts (PLUS 3 different versions-drawing faces for kids, color and add photo for kids, and pre-colored add photo for teacher!*) of EACH character *Pre-colored Children Characters come with 3 skin tones if required. Characters are cartoon children or animals. 40+ People Pictures Page (for cut-outs or drawing reference) 40+ Object Pictures Page (for cut-outs or drawing reference) 40+ Text Pages (for cut-outs or copying) 40+ Original Kid Poems to put in cards (though most kits come with more than one!) Some kits come with poems that are appropriate for teachers to give to other adults (such as parents and co-workers!) 40+ Simple Coloring Pages featuring seasonal/holiday characters (in marked folder within access file). Now for the fun...this drastically inclusive kit features a variety of holiday and seasonal themes..including those that seem hard-to-find! Check out the list of all of the 40+ themes included in this AMAZING value. (EACH kit is set at about $1.50 at its lowest price! With this bundle you get ALL 40+ for $9.99! That comes to .25/kit! Card-Making Kits: 4th of July 100th Day April Fools Back to School Chinese New Year Christmas Christmas-Christian Cindo De Mayo Diwali Earth Day Easter Easter-Christian End of Year/Teacher Appreciation Fall Fall Pumpkin Patch Father's Day Field Day Graduation Grandparents' Day Groundhog Day Halloween Hannukah Kwanzaa Mardi Gras Martin Luther King Jr., Day Mother's Day New Year's Presidents' Day Ramadan Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Spring St. Patrick's Day Summer Thanksgiving Talk Like a Pirate Day Valentine's Day Veteran's/Memorial Day Winter ...and MORE!