German A1 - Definite Articles (Nominative Case)
In this lesson, the student is introduced to definite articles in the nominative case (der, die, das). A tight relationship exists between these articles and a noun’s gender, and so gender is discussed here in detail. Techniques for memorizing gender are covered as well. There is a section on the plural article (die), with examples of plural nouns used in sample sentences. The handout ends with a short exercise on definite articles and gender.
German A1 - Negative Articles 'kein' & 'keine' (Nominative)
This handout introduces students to the negative articles ‘kein’ and ‘keine’. Example sentences are included. At the end of the lesson are two short homework exercises. This lesson focuses on using negative articles in the singular, but the plural is also mentioned briefly.
German A1 - Prepositions 'aus', 'von' & 'in'
This short study guide / printable is intended for brand-new students of German and illustrates how the prepositions ‘aus’, ‘von’ and ‘in’ change the definite articles (der, die, das) into their dative forms. This is important for saying things like: “Ich komme aus der Schweiz.” / “Ich lebe in der Schweiz”, etc. Grammatical case is mentioned, but not explicitly covered here. Instead, students learn to recognize when these changes need to be made and how. Easy sample sentences are provided.
German A1 - Indefinite Articles (Nominative Case)
This handout introduces students to the nominative indefinite articles ‘ein’ and ‘eine’. The relationship between indefinite and definite articles is discussed here. Example sentences with indefinite articles are included; nouns and articles are color coded for gender. At the end of the lesson are two short homework exercises. (Students need to have a good understanding of definite articles and how they work prior to starting this lesson.)
German A1 - 'finden' vs. 'gefallen' (2-page printable)
This is a two-page printable showing the differences between the verbs ‘finden’ and ‘gefallen’ and the situations in which the two are used. The two verbs are presented here in color-coded questions in the ‘du’, ‘ihr’ and ‘Sie’ forms, and an assortment of positive/negative responses is given.
German A1 - Units of Time (Zeiteinheiten)
Printable/study sheet with German units of time and their plural endings. Each of these units of time is shown in a German example sentence. Parallel English translations are provided. Appropriate for beginning students who have learned basic conjugation principles.
German A1 - Colors (die Farben)
This four-page set includes:
1-page printable of elementary colors in German, including black, white and grey.
3-page printable displaying objects in various colors. The pictures are captioned with easy-to-understand German sentences requiring little translation. Additional examples using ‘hell’ (light) and ‘dunkel’ (dark) are shown along with the primary colors.
German A1 - Verbs with 'steigen' (einsteigen, aussteigen, umsteigen)
A quick lesson on the separable verbs ‘einsteigen’, ‘aussteigen’ and ‘umsteigen’. These handy verbs are used when boarding or exiting a vehicle, and when transferring from one vehicle to another. This handout provides a close-up look at separable verbs in action and how the different prefixes alter the meaning the root verb. Students also get a good look at the dative prepositions “aus” and “von” and how to use the 2-way preposition “in” in the accusative case. This lesson is at the high A1 level and can also be used by A2-level students.
German A1 - A1.1 Grammar Review Test 5
A1.1-level grammar review test covering:
separable verbs (present tense, ‘Perfekt’ tense, with modals),
nominative and accusative forms of ‘jeder’ (jeder, jede, jedes, jeden),
distinguishing between ‘wohnen’ — ‘leben’ ; ‘wissen’ — ‘kennen’,
expressing likes and opinions using ‘mögen’, ‘gern’, ‘gefallen’ & ‘finden’.
The test consists entirely of fill-in-the-blank questions. It’s suitable as an end-of-course assessment for informal adult courses, but can also be used for 1st-year students of German at the high school or college level. An answer key with English translations and additional notes is provided.
German A1 - A1.1 Grammar Review Test 4
A1.1-level German grammar review test covering:
‘W’ question words (was, wie, wer, wann, etc.),
containers (Flasche, Glas, Becher, etc.),
units of measure (Gramm, Kilo, Zentimeter, Quadratmeter, etc.),
The test consists of fill-in-the-blank questions and English-to-German translation. It’s suitable as an end-of-course assessment for informal adult courses, but can also be used for 1st-year students of German at the high school or college level. An answer key with English translations and additional notes is provided.
German A1 - A1.1 Grammar Review Test 2
A1.1-level German grammar review test covering:
articles (definite, indefinite, negative),
possessives (mein, dein, Ihr, etc.),
prepositions (in, im, am, um, zur, zum, ins, aus, von & bis) and
gender of pronouns (er, sie, es).
The test consists of fill-in-the-blank questions. It’s suitable as an end-of-course assessment for informal adult courses, but can also be used for 1st-year students of German at the high school or college level. An answer key with English translations and additional notes is provided.
German A1 - A1.1 Grammar Review Test 3
A1.1-level German grammar review test covering:
modal verbs (können, wollen, mögen/möchten),
‘Perfekt’ tense.
The test consists of fill-in-the-blank questions. It’s suitable as an end-of-course assessment for informal adult courses, but can also be used for 1st-year students of German at the high school or college level. An answer key with English translations and additional notes is provided.
German A1 - A1.1 Grammar Review Test Bundle
Five tests covering most of the grammar topics encountered at the A1.1 level are bundled into one convenient package. Answer keys are provided for each test; four of the five tests include additional notes and parallel English translations, handy for the self-directed student.
These materials can be used for test prep and also as an assessment tool for quickly gauging a student’s proficiency at the early A1 level. Geared more towards college-level study and continuing adult education, these tests can also be used at the high school level as end-of-semester exams and will provide a challenge to the most gifted language students.
German A2 - Two-Way Prepositions with Verbs
This handout shows how two-way prepositions are used with the verbs ‘stellen’, ‘stehen’, ‘legen’, ‘liegen’, ‘stecken’ and ‘hängen’. Students learn how transitive verbs are used with two-way prepositions in the accusative case, while intransitive verbs are used with prepositions in the dative. Phrases beginning with “Es…” are also discussed (‘Es steht…’, ‘Es hängt…’, etc.). A number of example sentences are provided for each verb along with annotations.
Reflexive Verbs Bundle
This bundle contains two lessons, one on using reflexive verbs with accusative pronouns and another on reflexive verbs with dative pronouns. Also included is a list of common reflexive verbs normally encountered in everyday conversation and reading,
German A2 - Endings for Adjectives without an Article
This lesson explains how to apply endings to attributive adjectives when no article precedes the adjective (e.g., “gute Preise”, “neues Auto”, “kleiner Raum”, etc.). Sample phrases are provided with adjectives in the nominative, accusative and dative cases.
German A2 - Adjective Endings ('der' Words)
In this lesson, students learn the endings for attributive adjectives following so-called ‘der’-words. (As a prerequisite, students should already have studied the handout on ‘ein’-word adjective endings. If not, a short re-cap on ‘ein’-word endings is provided.)
The ‘der’-words include the definite articles as well as the quasi-adjectives ‘dieser’, ‘welcher’, ‘solcher’, ‘jeder’, ‘mancher’ and ‘jener’. Example sentences are provided with adjectives in the nominative, accusative and dative cases.
German A1 - Introduction to Separable Verbs
This 3-page handout introduces students to the separable verb — first by comparing it to the English ‘phrasal verb’ and then providing examples in German.
Many people learning English have initial success with the language, but are unable to get a handle on the large number of phrasal verbs, and the rich subtleties of the language remain impenetrable to them. A similar thing can happen in German with separable verbs, therefore it’s important to become familiar with them early.
In this handout, nine common separable verbs have been chosen as examples — conjugated and used in sample sentences.
German A1 - Sentence Structure: 'TeKaMoLo' Rule
Second in a series on sentence structure (Satzbau), this 7-page handout describes how adverbs and prepositional phrases are ordered in a typical sentence or clause using the ‘TeKaMoLo’ rule. Certain exceptions to this rule are also discussed.
Twenty German example sentences are provided in large font, most with parallel English translations. All example sentences are diagrammed, some color-coded for clarity. Annotations are included in the margins to supplement the lesson text. A short summary is included on the final page, along with a space for writing notes. (This lesson is a follow-up to the “Basic Sentence Structure” handout and is geared towards students at the high A1 level.)
German B1 - Flash Cards (Preterite / Simple Past)
Collection of 158 flash cards reviewing the preterite (simple past) tense forms of common German verbs. Verbs with separable and inseparable prefixes are included, in addition to some reflexive verbs. Conjugation tables and example sentences with English translations are provided. Verbs frequently used in the preterite tense in normal, everyday conversation are indicated using check marks or equal signs, though this can vary based on region and personal preference.
How to use the flash cards: Print double-sided (short edge) and cut along the dashed lines. The German infinitive and corresponding English meaning will appear on the front side of the card. The preterite form of the verb (ich/er/sie - form), example sentence and conjugation table will appear on the reverse side. Preterite forms are color-coded to show changes to the verb — for example, from “stehen” to “standen”.