JKRSS94's ShopAverage Rating2.33(based on 6 reviews)Sociology Criminology Health and Social Care ChildcareEdit shopAdd a resource
JKRSS94Sociology Feedback lessons A01 A02 A03 activity(0)Lesson to help AQA sociology students break a lesson into A01, A02 & A03. Students are given an A* response to an education 30 marker question. Students they break it into assessment objective. Really interactive lesson
JKRSS94Unit 8 Promoting Public Health SUPPORT SHEET/WRITING FRAME P1 & P2(0)P1 and P2 guidence DETAILED
BundleJKRSS94Criminology Task 1 support sheets WJEC Specification5 ResourcesWriting frames to support students
JKRSS94Gender and achievement: External Factors(0)AQA Sociology Gender and achievement: External Factors
JKRSS94Gender and achievement- patterns and subject choice(0)AQA A-level sociology Gender and achievement- patterns and subject choice
JKRSS94Educational policy EVALUATION BOOKLET Sociology(0)Policy aims met strength/weakenesses application to social groups
JKRSS94CACHE Childcare 3 D4B2 Understand the responsibilities and limits(0)Assessment objective 3 Starter, worksheet, helpsheet for coursework & PP
JKRSS94CACHE childcare how to prepare for placement(0)Assessment objective 2, with writing frame support (higher and lower ability) and lesson.
JKRSS94Unit 10 Sociological Perspectives Learning Aim Guidance(0)Quick summary of what needs to be included in each learning aim