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Multiply and divide decimals by 10, 100 and 1000 - Year 5

Multiply and divide decimals by 10, 100 and 1000 - Year 5

This is a whole lesson based on the Year 5 Decimals objective of multiply and divide decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. This resource includes the teacher input ( learning journey), independent worksheet and a challenge activity to deepen the children’s understanding of the concept being learned. The questions have been inspired and adapted from the White Rose 3.0 scheme of work and the NCETM Teaching for Mastery documents. This document is useful for teachers who have adapted Maths Mastery and need guidance in the approach or those who are looking for variation in fluency, reasoning and problem solving or simply those who don’t want to plan it themselves but want high quality resources. This document is uploaded as a SMART Notebook file and it is interactive. The concrete/pictorial manipulative can be used, moved and manipulated. This document can be downloaded on SMART Notebook. Please note - some of my resources are available on Activinspire and some of the newer content is available on SMART Notebook, please be aware of the file you are downloading before you purchase/ download. Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. I hope this helps you with your teaching and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. Thank you. Kind regards, @MasteryMaths01
Year 6 -Reason from known facts

Year 6 -Reason from known facts

This is a whole lesson based on the Year 6 objective “Reason from known facts”. This resource includes the teacher input ( learning journey), independent worksheet and a challenge activity to deepen the children’s understanding of the concept being learned. The questions have been inspired and adapted from the White Rose Small Steps Guidance and Teaching for Mastery documents. This document is useful for teachers who have adapted Maths Mastery and need guidance in the approach or those who are looking for variation in fluency, reasoning and problem solving or simply those who don’t want to plan it themselves but want high quality resources and quality first teaching. =) This document is uploaded as a SMART Notebook file and it is interactive. The concrete/pictorial manipulative can be used, moved and manipulated. This document can be downloaded on SMART Notebook and it is also available as a PDF or as a PowerPoint for those who do not have SMART Notebook, however the PDF file is not interactive. Please note - some of my resources are available on Activinspire and some of the newer content is available on SMART Notebook, please be aware of the file you are downloading before you purchase/ download. Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. =) I hope this helps you with your teaching and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. =) Kind regards, @MasteryMaths01
Perimeter and Area- Calculate perimeter- Year 5

Perimeter and Area- Calculate perimeter- Year 5

This is a whole lesson based on the Year 5 Perimeter and Area objective of "Calculate perimeter”. This resource includes the teacher input ( learning journey), independent worksheet and a depth activity to deepen the children’s understanding of the concept being learned. The questions have been inspired and adapted from the White Rose Small Steps Guidance and Teaching for Mastery documents. This document is useful for teachers who have adapted Maths Mastery and need guidance in the approach or those who are looking for variation in fluency, reasoning and problem solving or simply those who don’t want to plan it themselves but want high quality resources and quality first teaching. =) All of the documents that are uploaded as an Activinspire file are interactive and all of the concrete/pictorial manipulative can be used, moved and manipulated. This document can be downloaded on Activinspire and it is also available as a PDF for those who do not have Activinspire. Please note - these resources are not compatible with Smart Notebook and the PDF file is not interactive. Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. =) I hope this helps you with your teaching and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. =) Kind regards, @MasteryMaths01
Percentages- Understanding percentages- Year 6

Percentages- Understanding percentages- Year 6

This is a whole lesson based on the Year 6 Percentages objective of '’ Understanding percentages". This resource includes the teacher input ( learning journey), independent worksheet and a depth activity to deepen the children’s understanding of the concept being learned. The questions have been inspired and adapted from the White Rose Small Steps Guidance and Teaching for Mastery documents. This document is useful for teachers who have adapted Maths Mastery and need guidance in the approach or those who are looking for variation in fluency, reasoning and problem solving or simply those who don’t want to plan it themselves but want high quality resources and quality first teaching. =) All of the documents that are uploaded as an Activinspire file are interactive and all of the concrete/pictorial manipulative can be used, moved and manipulated. This document can be downloaded on Activinspire and it is also available as a PDF for those who do not have Activinspire. **Please note - these resources are not compatible with Smart Notebook and the PDF file is not interactive. ** Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. =) I hope this helps you with your teaching and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. =) Kind regards, @MasteryMaths01
Find fractions equivalent to  non- unit fractions- Fractions- Year 5

Find fractions equivalent to non- unit fractions- Fractions- Year 5

This is a whole lesson based on the Year 5 fractions objective of “Find fractions equivalent to non- unit fractions". This resource includes the teacher input ( learning journey), independent worksheet and a depth activity to deepen the children’s understanding of the concept being learned. The questions have been inspired and adapted from the White Rose Small Steps Guidance and Teaching for Mastery documents. This document is useful for teachers who have adapted Maths Mastery and need guidance in the approach or those who are looking for variation in fluency, reasoning and problem solving or simply those who don’t want to plan it themselves but want high quality resources and quality first teaching. =) This file is a SMART NOTEBOOK file. Please note - some older resources are available on Activinspire and some of the newer content is available on SMART Notebook, please be aware of the file you are downloading before you purchase/ download. Thank you for taking the time to review these resources. =) I hope this helps you with your teaching and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. Kind regards, Miss Maths @MasteryMaths01
Fluency and the 5 big ideas of Mastery CPD

Fluency and the 5 big ideas of Mastery CPD

This is presentation is based on What is Fluency and how it relates to the 5 big ideas of the Mastery Maths approach. This CPD covers the following aims: What is fluency? Fluency through concrete, pictorial and abstract Number fluency Three laws - commutative, distributive and associative law Vocabulary and STEM sentences More specifically this presentation covers: Starter - How fluent are you? Why do chn need to be fluent? Curriculum expectations What are the fundamentals in mathematics? Procedural fluency vs conceptual fluency Examples of activities and variation for fluency The three elements of fluency - Accuracy, efficiency and flexibility Effective practice to develop fluency How do we make our chn fluent? Concrete, pictorial and abstract examples Commutative law Distributive law Associative law The 5 big ideas and examples of questions Representation and Structure: Access, Patterns and Making Connections - Examples of questions Mathematical Thinking: Chains of reasoning and Making connections - examples of questions Variation: procedural, conceptual and making connections - examples of questions Fluency: number facts, efficiency, accuracy, flexibility and making connections- examples of questions This document is useful for teachers, maths leads or maths specialists who have adapted Mastery Maths or Singaporean Maths and need to deliver a CPD in fluency to enhance their staffs subject knowledge. All of the documents that are uploaded as an Activinspire file are interactive and all of the concrete/pictorial manipulative can be used, moved and manipulated. This document can be downloaded on Activinspire and it is also available as a PDF for those who do not have Activinspire. Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. =) I hope this helps you with your teaching and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. =) Kind regards, @MasteryMaths01
Statistics - Two-way tables - Year 5

Statistics - Two-way tables - Year 5

This is a whole lesson based on the Year 5 Statistics objective of “Two way tables”. This resource includes the teacher input ( learning journey), independent worksheet and a depth activity to deepen the children’s understanding of the concept being learned. The questions have been inspired and adapted from the White Rose Small Steps Guidance and Teaching for Mastery documents. This document is useful for teachers who have adapted Maths Mastery and need guidance in the approach or those who are looking for variation in fluency, reasoning and problem solving or simply those who don’t want to plan it themselves but want high quality resources and quality first teaching. =) All of the documents that are uploaded as an Activinspire file are interactive and all of the concrete/pictorial manipulative can be used, moved and manipulated. This document can be downloaded on Activinspire and it is also available as a PDF for those who do not have Activinspire. Please note - these resources are not compatible with Smart Notebook and the PDF file is not interactive. Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. =) I hope this helps you with your teaching and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. =) Kind regards, @MasteryMaths01
Percentages- Order fractions, decimals and percentages - Year 6

Percentages- Order fractions, decimals and percentages - Year 6

This is a whole lesson based on the Year 6 Percentages objective of '’ Order fractions, decimal and percentages". This resource includes the teacher input ( learning journey), independent worksheet and a depth activity to deepen the children’s understanding of the concept being learned. The questions have been inspired and adapted from the White Rose Small Steps Guidance and Teaching for Mastery documents. This document is useful for teachers who have adapted Maths Mastery and need guidance in the approach or those who are looking for variation in fluency, reasoning and problem solving or simply those who don’t want to plan it themselves but want high quality resources and quality first teaching. =) All of the documents that are uploaded as an Activinspire file are interactive and all of the concrete/pictorial manipulative can be used, moved and manipulated. This document can be downloaded on Activinspire and it is also available as a PDF for those who do not have Activinspire. **Please note - these resources are not compatible with Smart Notebook and the PDF file is not interactive. ** Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. =) I hope this helps you with your teaching and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. =) Kind regards, @MasteryMaths01
Developing fluency? CPD- Mastery Maths

Developing fluency? CPD- Mastery Maths

This is presentation is based on What is Fluency? for Mastery Maths. This CPD covers the following aims: What is fluency? Fluency through concrete, pictorial and abstract Number fluency Three laws - commutative, distributive and associative law Vocabulary and STEM sentences More specifically this presentation covers: Starter - How fluent are you? Why do chn need to be fluent? Curriculum expectations What are the fundamentals in mathematics? Procedural fluency vs conceptual fluency Examples of activities and variation for fluency The three elements of fluency - Accuracy, efficiency and flexibility Effective practice to develop fluency How do we make our chn fluent? Concrete, pictorial and abstract examples Commutative law Distributive law Associative law This document is useful for teachers, maths leads or maths specialists who have adapted Mastery Maths or Singaporean Maths and need to deliver a CPD in fluency to enhance their staffs subject knowledge. All of the documents that are uploaded as an Activinspire file are interactive and all of the concrete/pictorial manipulative can be used, moved and manipulated. This document can be downloaded on Activinspire and it is also available as a PDF for those who do not have Activinspire. Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. =) I hope this helps you with your teaching and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. =) Kind regards, @MasteryMaths01
Number line o 1,000,000 - Year 5 - Place Value

Number line o 1,000,000 - Year 5 - Place Value

This is a whole lesson based on the Year 5 Place Value objective of “Number line to 1,000,000”. This resource includes the teacher input ( learning journey), independent worksheet and a depth activity to deepen the children’s understanding of the concept being learned. The questions have been inspired and adapted from the White Rose Small Steps Guidance and Teaching for Mastery documents. This document is useful for teachers who have adapted Maths Mastery and need guidance in the approach or those who are looking for variation in fluency, reasoning and problem solving or simply those who don’t want to plan it themselves but want high quality resources and quality first teaching. =) This file is a SMART NOTEBOOK file and and all of the counters are interactive and can be used moved and manipulated. Please note - some of my resources are available on Activinspire and some of the newer content is available on SMART Notebook, please be aware of the file you are downloading before you purchase/ download. Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. =) I hope this helps you with your teaching and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. Kind regards, Miss Maths @MasteryMaths01
Percentages- Percentages of missing values (2)- Year 6

Percentages- Percentages of missing values (2)- Year 6

This is a whole lesson based on the Year 6 Percentages objective of '’ Percentages of missing values (2)". This resource includes the teacher input ( learning journey), independent worksheet and a depth activity to deepen the children’s understanding of the concept being learned. The questions have been inspired and adapted from the White Rose Small Steps Guidance and Teaching for Mastery documents. This document is useful for teachers who have adapted Maths Mastery and need guidance in the approach or those who are looking for variation in fluency, reasoning and problem solving or simply those who don’t want to plan it themselves but want high quality resources and quality first teaching. =) All of the documents that are uploaded as an Activinspire file are interactive and all of the concrete/pictorial manipulative can be used, moved and manipulated. This document can be downloaded on Activinspire and it is also available as a PDF for those who do not have Activinspire. **Please note - these resources are not compatible with Smart Notebook and the PDF file is not interactive. ** Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. =) I hope this helps you with your teaching and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. =) Kind regards, @MasteryMaths01
Partition numbers to 1,000,000 - Year 5 place value

Partition numbers to 1,000,000 - Year 5 place value

This is a whole lesson based on the Year 5 Place Value objective of “Partition numbers to 1,000,000”. This resource includes the teacher input ( learning journey), independent worksheet and a depth activity to deepen the children’s understanding of the concept being learned. The questions have been inspired and adapted from the White Rose Small Steps Guidance and Teaching for Mastery documents. This document is useful for teachers who have adapted Maths Mastery and need guidance in the approach or those who are looking for variation in fluency, reasoning and problem solving or simply those who don’t want to plan it themselves but want high quality resources and quality first teaching. =) This file is a SMART NOTEBOOK file and and all of the counters are interactive and can be used moved and manipulated. Please note - some of my resources are available on Activinspire and some of the newer content is available on SMART Notebook, please be aware of the file you are downloading before you purchase/ download. Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. =) I hope this helps you with your teaching and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. Kind regards, Miss Maths @MasteryMaths01 Tes paid licence How can I reuse this?
Year 6 - Square and cube numbers

Year 6 - Square and cube numbers

This is a whole lesson based on the Year 6 objective “Square and cube numbers". This resource includes the teacher input ( learning journey), independent worksheet and a challenge activity to deepen the children’s understanding of the concept being learned. The questions have been inspired and adapted from the White Rose Small Steps Guidance and Teaching for Mastery documents. This document is useful for teachers who have adapted Maths Mastery and need guidance in the approach or those who are looking for variation in fluency, reasoning and problem solving or simply those who don’t want to plan it themselves but want high quality resources and quality first teaching. =) This document is uploaded as a SMART Notebook file and it is interactive. The concrete/pictorial manipulative can be used, moved and manipulated. This document can be downloaded on SMART Notebook and it is also available as a PDF or as a PowerPoint for those who do not have SMART Notebook, however the PDF file is not interactive. Please note - some of my resources are available on Activinspire and some of the newer content is available on SMART Notebook, please be aware of the file you are downloading before you purchase/ download. Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. =) I hope this helps you with your teaching and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. =) Kind regards, @MasteryMaths01
10,100,1000,10,000 and 100,000 more or less - Year 5- Place Value

10,100,1000,10,000 and 100,000 more or less - Year 5- Place Value

This is a whole lesson based on the Year 5 Place Value objective of “10,100,1000,10,000 and 100,000 more or less”. This resource includes the teacher input ( learning journey), independent worksheet and a depth activity to deepen the children’s understanding of the concept being learned. The questions have been inspired and adapted from the White Rose Small Steps Guidance and Teaching for Mastery documents. This document is useful for teachers who have adapted Maths Mastery and need guidance in the approach or those who are looking for variation in fluency, reasoning and problem solving or simply those who don’t want to plan it themselves but want high quality resources and quality first teaching. =) This file is a SMART NOTEBOOK file and and all of the counters are interactive and can be used moved and manipulated. Please note - some of my resources are available on Activinspire and some of the newer content is available on SMART Notebook, please be aware of the file you are downloading before you purchase/ download. Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. =) I hope this helps you with your teaching and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. Kind regards, Miss Maths @MasteryMaths01
Assessment for Learning: How to drive learning forward CPD

Assessment for Learning: How to drive learning forward CPD

Unlock the Potential of Your Classroom with Assessment for Learning CPD! Are you ready to revolutionize your teaching approach and empower your students for success? Discover the transformative power of our Assessment for Learning CPD (Continuing Professional Development) program – a groundbreaking opportunity to amplify learning, tailor instruction, and drive student achievement to new heights! Illuminate Learning Pathways: Dive into the art of formative assessment, mastering techniques to gauge student understanding in real time and guide your teaching with precision. Cultivate Critical Thinkers: Explore strategies that foster independent thinking, self-evaluation, and student-led progress, nurturing lifelong learners and active contributors to their own education. Collaborative Expertise: Benefit from the wisdom of seasoned educators who share proven assessment strategies and practical implementation tips. What’s Included in the CPD: This presentation is based on Assessment for Learning and focuses on the following: Questioning Feedback Challenge Evidence-based research - Teaching Walkthrus and The Metacognition Handbook Strategies to check for understanding Metacognition and metacognitive practices Don’t miss this transformative opportunity to reshape your classroom dynamics and propel your students toward success. Our Assessment for Learning CPD equips you with the tools you need to create an engaging, adaptive, and student-centered learning environment. Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. I hope this helps you and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. Thank you. Kind regards, Miss Maths @MasteryMaths01
The 5 Big Ideas of Teaching for Mastery - CPD

The 5 Big Ideas of Teaching for Mastery - CPD

This presentation is based on The 5 Big Ideas of Teaching for Mastery and clearly explains what Mastery maths is and explains what is isn’t! This CPD covers the following: The 5 Big ideas: Representation and Structure, Fluency, Mathematical Thinking, Variation and Coherence. More specifically this presentation covers: Representation and Structure CPA Stem sentences The difference between pattern and structure Different representations with consideration given to: what concrete resources do you have in your school? Where are they? What do you /don’t you use? What might the barriers be? For your year group, what are your key manipulatives? Various research by: Bruner, Heibert, Russell, Boonen, van Wesel, Jolles & van der Schoot Fluency What does it mean to be fluent? Various questions to test and discuss fluency Fluency and the National Curriculum (with a close look at the fundamentals of mathematics) Fluency: Efficiency, accuracy and flexibility Fluency- More than memorisation Procedural and Factual Knowledge Fluency facts chart for KS1 showing the addition facts that children should be fluent with by the end of Year 2 Times table chart and the importance of the commutative law Various research by: Russell, Boaler and McClure Mathematical Thinking -Unpicking Mathematical Thinking in terms of looking at patterns in order to discern structure; looking for relationships and connecting ideas, reasoning logically, explaining, conjecturing and proving What does mathematical thinking look like in your classrooms at the moment? How do you know? Activities and Questions provided to get participants to think mathematically Various research by: Nunes, NRICH, EEF and NCETM Variation What is Variation? Procedural Variation Conceptual variation Activity to unpick and understand variation Carefully chosen questions to reveal variation Variation vs Variety Key messages about variation **Coherence ** What is coherence? Coherence and the links to the other Big Ideas Activity to expose the importance of coherence, sequencing and progression Key considerations for Coherence This document is a PowerPoint document and is useful for teachers, maths leads or maths specialists who has adopted the Mastery Maths approach or those who are thinking about taking on this approach. This is also a useful resource for those who need to deliver a CPD. Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. I hope this helps you and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Kind regards, @MasteryMaths01
Addition and Subtraction - Mental strategies for addition - Year 5

Addition and Subtraction - Mental strategies for addition - Year 5

This is a whole lesson based on the Year 5 Addition and Subtraction objective of “Mental strategies”. This resource includes the teacher input ( learning journey), independent worksheet and a depth activity to deepen the children’s understanding of the concept being learned. The questions have been inspired and adapted from the White Rose Small Steps Guidance and Teaching for Mastery documents. This document is useful for teachers who have adapted Maths Mastery and need guidance in the approach or those who are looking for variation in fluency, reasoning and problem solving or simply those who don’t want to plan it themselves but want high quality resources and quality first teaching. =) All of the documents that are uploaded as an Activinspire file are interactive and all of the concrete/pictorial manipulative can be used, moved and manipulated. This document can be downloaded on Activinspire and it is also available as a PDF for those who do not have Activinspire. Please note - these resources are not compatible with Smart Notebook and the PDF file is not interactive. Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. =) I hope this helps you with your teaching and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. =) Kind regards, @MasteryMaths01
Powers of 10 - Year 5 - Place Value

Powers of 10 - Year 5 - Place Value

This is a whole lesson based on the Year 5 Place Value objective of “Powers of 10”. This resource includes the teacher input ( learning journey), independent worksheet and a depth activity to deepen the children’s understanding of the concept being learned. The questions have been inspired and adapted from the White Rose Small Steps Guidance and Teaching for Mastery documents. This document is useful for teachers who have adapted Maths Mastery and need guidance in the approach or those who are looking for variation in fluency, reasoning and problem solving or simply those who don’t want to plan it themselves but want high quality resources and quality first teaching. =) This file is a SMART NOTEBOOK file and and all of the counters are interactive and can be used moved and manipulated. Please note - some of my resources are available on Activinspire and some of the newer content is available on SMART Notebook, please be aware of the file you are downloading before you purchase/ download. Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. =) I hope this helps you with your teaching and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. Kind regards, Miss Maths @MasteryMaths01
Multiples - Year 5 - Multiplication and Division

Multiples - Year 5 - Multiplication and Division

This is a whole lesson based on the Year 5 Multiplication and Division objective of “Multiples”. This resource includes the teacher input ( learning journey), independent worksheet and a depth activity to deepen the children’s understanding of the concept being learned. The questions have been inspired and adapted from the White Rose Small Steps Guidance and Teaching for Mastery documents. This document is useful for teachers who have adapted Maths Mastery and need guidance in the approach or those who are looking for variation in fluency, reasoning and problem solving or simply those who don’t want to plan it themselves but want high quality resources and quality first teaching. =) All of the documents that are uploaded as an Activinspire file are interactive and all of the concrete/pictorial manipulative can be used, moved and manipulated. This document can be downloaded on Activinspire and it is also available as a PDF for those who do not have Activinspire. Please note - these resources are not compatible with Smart Notebook and the PDF file is not interactive. Thank you for taking the time to review my resources. =) I hope this helps you with your teaching and if it does please could you be kind enough to leave some positive feedback. =) Kind regards, @MasteryMaths01
Year 5 Word Ninja

Year 5 Word Ninja

This resource is editable for any year group. Just change the headings accordingly. This particular word Ninja is for Year 5 chn to slowly introduce them to the Year 5 SPAG content whilst reviewing some of the Year 4 SPAG objectives. I hope you enjoy! Kind regards, @Masterymaths01