Detailed lesson for AQA A Level Literature Aspects of Tragedy covering the poem and all assessment objectives, includes:
Annotated extracts of the poem
Breakdown of narrative
Context, inc. the gothic movement
Language, form and structure
Embedded video of poem recital
Feminist and tragic readings
Practice Question
Detailed lesson in line with Assessment Objectives.
Summary of Paper 1, Section 2 with sample exam questions
Broad Victorian context on women narrows to Rossetti
Form and structure
Analysis and alternative interpretation
Annotated poem slides
Lesson focusing on tips on how to approach OCR English Literature A Level Paper 2 Question 5: language analysis, including:
2019&2022 grade boundaries compared
Mark scheme
Dystopian reading list
Dystopian conventions
Typical Question 5 based on an extract from Nineteen Eighty-Four THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF OLIGARCHICAL COLLECTIVISM
Consolidation questions
Easily adaptable
A revision lesson with resources. Each question is covered in detail with relevant strategies for all abilities, and model answers. There is between three/four hours teaching here.
Simple walk-through of AQA Language Paper 1 [Reading and Writing Sections] using an extract from The Great Gatsby. Simple strategy for Q3: structure and colour-coded model paragraphs for both Q3&Q4.
A Year 9 into Year 10 Transition Booklet to prepare Year 9 students for English Language Paper 1. There is lots of advice, skills practise, differentiated tasks, reading for pleasure, and a practice paper at the end.
Lesson on AQA GCSE Literature Paper 2 An Inspector Calls Act One Recap. It includes:
Form and structure
General historical context
Key speeches from Act One
Detailed plot resource
Exam question and model paragraph
Sentence starters
This can be easily adapted to your class or to other exam boards, hence no AOs on slides
Detailed AQA GCSE English Literature lesson revising the main ideas in the novella. It includes:
Basic plot
Revision template
Quiz with answers
Form and structure
Exam question on Scrooge’s attitude and behaviour (Stave One)
Success criteria and mark scheme
Two student responses
Model introduction with thesis statement
Planning slides
Easily adaptable to other exam boards
Very detailed AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 1 lesson and resources recapping knowledge of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, includes:
Basic plot of story for visual learners
Detailed chapter summaries
Chapter list and some contextual overview
Quiz with answers
Key vocabulary
Exam technique
Mark Scheme
Annotated exam extract (atmosphere of suspicion)
Success Criteria
Detailed plan
Model introduction and thesis statement
Colour-coded model paragraph
Easily adaptable
Very detailed AQA GCSE Literature lesson and resources on the supernatural in Macbeth includes:
Quiz with answers
Supernatural context, and early modern versus modern audience interpretation
Each relevant scene in the play annotated
All the characters in the supernatural plot
Exam question (1.3)
Colour-coded model introduction with thesis statement
Colour-coded student response
Planning focus
Easily adapatable to other exam boards
AQA English Literature A Level, Elements of Crime ‘Porphyria’s Lover’
Very detailed lesson covering all AOs
Includes socioeconomic context and elements of crime
Form and Structure
Alternative Readings
Exam question
Examiner advice
Colour-coded model paragraph
Edexcel A Level Paper 1 Drama, Section B: A Streetcar Named Desire Overview and Exam Questions in line with the Assessment Objectives
Mark Scheme
All past paper question up to 2023
Plot, tragic form and structure
Overview of Theme, Symbol, Motif, Language
June 2017 Practice Question
Guided Plan
Very detailed lesson in line with Assessment Objectives.
Key Terminology
Brief individual publishing context for all texts on the main reading list
General contextual overview – manifest destiny and the American Dream
Advice from the exam board and model paragraph
Question 1 Extract Analysis (Thomas Wolfe) with full candidate response and examiner’s commentary
Three lessons focusing on the Animal Farm question on the OCR Literature Paper using the AOs, includes:
Part A and B, including exam question and extracts
Detailed context
Annotated extracts
Form and structure
Hints and tips
Model responses
OCR 2023 grade boundaries
Detailed lesson on how to approach the Hamlet (Drama and Poetry Pre-1900) exam questions, including:
Overview of course
2022 grade boundaries
Exam questions A&B
Candidate responses
Mark Scheme
Examiner’s commentary
Stichomythia extract
Detailed lesson on Hamlet & Ibsen/Rossetti question for the OCR Drama and Poetry Pre-1900 paper, including:
Summer 2022 grade boundaries
Mark scheme
Candidate responses
Examiner’s comments
Literary and socioeconomic context
A GCSE Year 9 into 10 Transition Booklet including vital information and a range of differentiated tasks for the step up to GCSE English Language, and a complete English Language Paper 1 scheme based on Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men - both sections of the paper are explored in detail with differentiated tasks and resources. This is ideal for teaching at the beginning of Year 10.
Detailed lesson on AQA GCSE Literature Paper 2 on how to approach a theme question. It includes:
Exam questions
Mark Scheme in a nutshell
Theme with a focus on collective responsibility
Excerpt from the play
General essay tips
Example responses
Examiner’s commentary
Tips for signposting the examiner
Writing a thesis statement
This can be easily adapted to your class or to other exam boards, hence no AOs on slides