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Just So Stories Planning Year 4

Just So Stories Planning Year 4

Just So Stories Planning Year 4 Includes: National Curriculum Objectives Focus Targets for WTS, EXS and GDS Steps to Success Learning Journey Camel - Speech Elephant Speech How the Camel got its Hump How the Rhinoceros got his skin Pictures of animals they could choose
Mummification Instructional Writing Y4

Mummification Instructional Writing Y4

Instructional Writing Stimulus: • Children have been asked by the Hasslemere Museum to write instructions for how to mummify a body, which can be shown to other schools that visit. Capture, sift and sort: • Analyse a range of instructional texts identifying a criteria for what makes a good information text and the features they use. • Investigate the use of language (second person, imperative verbs, time connectives) • Generate class success criteria: what do you think successful instructions should include? • Post it notes from each group onto learning wall Create, refine and evaluate: • Apprentice Piece – Write a set of instructions using skills learnt in pieces prior to writing and supplementary pieces to focus on specific areas of need. • Plan an instruction text in line with the success criteria. • Self assess against success criteria
Zootropolis/Paddington Bear Year 4 Unit

Zootropolis/Paddington Bear Year 4 Unit

Zootropolis/Paddington Bear Year 4 English Unit This is at least 2 weeks long and includes 2 apprentice piece and final writes. The resources are character descriptions, atmospheric descriptions, recipe for Paddington. Planning Overview WALT/LO for each lesson 2 apprentice/final pieces Character descriptions Atmospheric Descriptions Paddington Ingredients pictures
Wonder KS2 Guided Reading Unit - 8 Lessons

Wonder KS2 Guided Reading Unit - 8 Lessons

This is a Wonder Guided Reading Unit for KS2. It includes Learning Objectives and assessment foci for each lesson. Most slides have quotes, but you will need the book to hand to read the first few chapters.