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GCSE American West | Plains Indians REVISION

GCSE American West | Plains Indians REVISION

**For teaching Edexcel GCSE 9-1 The American West c.1835-c.1895 Key Topic 1 Destruction of Plains Indians Way of Life This is a revision work booklet designed for a two hour lesson covering the destruction of Plains Indians way of life. No additional resources are needed! This work booklet includes a range of activities, including multiple-choice quizzes, fill in the gap, card sorts and videos (all hyperlinked). The topics covered are: Who were the Plains Indians Tribal structures Importance of the buffalo Plains Indians beliefs US government policy and the Plains Indians Causes of conflict The Indian Wars Extermination of the buffalo Reservations and cultural and legal end of the Plains Indians Please review if you purchase, and check out my other GCSE American West resources.
King John Scheme of Work BUNDLE

King John Scheme of Work BUNDLE

6 Resources
Entire scheme of work for teaching King John (11-14s). Lessons include: 1. King John - Good King, Bad King? 2. How well did King John rule? 3. Interpretations of King John 4. Why did the barons rebel against King John? 5. Magna Carta Includes knowledge organiser! Please review if you purchase, and check out my other resources and bundles.
Battle of Marston Moor

Battle of Marston Moor

Suitable for 11-14s for the English Civil War. Looks at the importance of the Battle of Marston Moor, includes differentiated task on Cavaliers vs Roundheads. Whole lesson plus all resources.
GCSE: Introduction to WW1 Medicine

GCSE: Introduction to WW1 Medicine

For teaching GCSE Edexcel 9-1 Medicine Through Time - British Sector on the Western Front This whole lesson plus resources (as a booklet, but can be easily adapted to be worksheets for exercise books) is an introduction for WW1 Medicine. This lesson looks at; What are trenches? How did we come to trench warfare? Analysing two letter extracts from Richard Smethurst, with a focus on medical conditions that can be ascertained from them Trench structure A selection of WW1 videos for making a mind-map about life in the trenches, including The Somme, Gas, Barbed Wire and more. The whole lesson has an underlying focus on medicine to encourage students to discuss and consider the medical conditions that may arise in the trenches. Please review if you purchase, and check out my other WW1 Medicine lessons!
Modern Medicine | DNA & Lifestyle

Modern Medicine | DNA & Lifestyle

For teaching Edexcel 9-1 Medicine Through Time 1250-present. Modern Medicine: Was DNA the biggest medical breakthrough of the twentieth century? This lesson covers the discovery of DNA and it’s impact on understanding of cause of disease. This lesson also covers the role of lifestyle factors on health and the case study of lung cancer. This includes: Glossary of key terms What is DNA Roles of Watson, Crick, Wilkins and Franklin in the discovery of DNA Differences between infectious and genetic diseases Lifestyle factors Impact of DNA on medicine Lung Cancer case study Also included: Accompanying differentiated work booklet to suit the needs of all students in your class! 20 question quiz plus answers based on the lesson Please note you will need the Hodder and Pearson textbooks for this lesson. Please review if you purchase, and check out my other Medicine Through Time resources!
OCR Henry VII Rebellions BUNDLE

OCR Henry VII Rebellions BUNDLE

3 Resources
Bundle of lessons for teaching OCR A Level Rebellion and Disorder in Tudor England 1485-1603. 3 lessons for teaching Henry VII’s rebellions: Lesson 1: Dynastic rebellions (Lovell & Stafford, Simnel and Warbeck) - including looking at the context of Henry VII’s reign with the Wars of the Roses and the Battle of Bosworth Field Lesson 2: Taxation rebellions (Yorkshire and Cornwall) - including the causes behind rises in taxation Lesson 3: Essay planning - a step-by-step guide on answering an exam question based on the rebellions of Henry VII Also included; Accompanying work booklet to each lesson, with a wide range of fun activities! Fully resourced 2 hour lessons Detailed teacher guidance notes Cover sheet for folders Exam style questions including AfL sheet Thanks for looking at this resource, and please check out my other Tudor Rebellion lessons and resources. Please review if you purchase!
OCR Tudor Rebellions | Essay Planning - Henry VII

OCR Tudor Rebellions | Essay Planning - Henry VII

For teaching OCR A Level Rebellion and Disorder in Tudor England 1485-1603 Whole lesson which plans the following exam question: How far do you agree that Lambert Simnel’s rebellion was the most serious of the period 1485-1509? This lesson plans the above exam question step-by-step; from introduction to conclusion, with starter sentences and detailed planning! This is the first essay students will complete after studying the rebellions of Henry VII so they will be comparing the threat of the dynastic and economic rebellions faced by Henry VII. Students have done very well after this lesson in their essay and it lead to greater understanding of how to write the essay. Also included Fully resourced lesson Detailed essay planning guide Model answer AfL sheet Thanks for looking at this resource, and please check out my other Tudor Rebellion lessons and resources (especially on Henry VII’s rebellions). Please review if you purchase!
OCR Henry VIII Rebellions BUNDLE

OCR Henry VIII Rebellions BUNDLE

4 Resources
For teaching OCR Disorder and Rebellion in Tudor England 1486-1603 4 lessons for teaching Henry VIII’s rebellions: Lesson 1: Henry VIII’s foreign policy and why it caused rebellion (Amicable Grant) Lesson 2: Rebellion in Ireland (Silken Thomas / Kildare) Lesson 3: Why Henry VIII’s religious policies caused rebellion (Pilgrimage of Grace) Lesson 4: Essay Planning: The Tudor Regime was never seriously threatened by the rebellions of the period 1485-1547. How far do you agree? Also included; Accompanying work booklet to each lesson, with a wide range of fun activities! Fully resourced 2 hour lessons Detailed teacher guidance notes Cover sheet for folders Exam style questions including AfL sheet Thanks for looking at this resource, and please check out my other Tudor Rebellion lessons and resources. Please review if you purchase!
The Middle Passage - The Zong

The Middle Passage - The Zong

For teaching 11-14s Slave Trade - The Middle Passage INCLUDING the case study The Zong! Whole lesson plus worksheets on the Middle Passage. Students will first understand what the Middle Passage is with reference to the Triangular Trade. Students will then look at the conditions in the Middle Passage watching the clip from ‘Amistad’ and answering quiz questions on a worksheet (provided). Students will then look at the case study of the Zong. Here, students will read a passage about the case study of the Zong and choose from 3 differentiated options; answering comprehension questions, write a letter from the ship, or writing a speech to judge explaining why the slave trade owners on the Zong were guilty of murder. This is a fascinating lesson which encourages students to consider the implications of the slave trade; and begin to look at the abolition of the slave trade. Please review if you purchase, and check out my other slavery resources!
Kett's and Western Rebellions 1549 BUNDLE

Kett's and Western Rebellions 1549 BUNDLE

2 Resources
For teaching OCR A Level Disorder and Rebellion in Tudor England FOUR HOURS of lessons for teaching Kett’s and Western Rebellions, looking at causes, nature and impact of both. All resources are included! Includes essay planning, a variety of tasks including role play, and in depth studies at both rebellions. Please review if you purchase, and check out my other Tudors lessons and resources!
Tudors 20 question quiz

Tudors 20 question quiz

20 question quiz with answers on the Tudors. Perfect for revision! Suitable for KS2 or KS3. Part of a SOW bundle on the Tudors on my shop - please check it out!
OCR Tudor Rebellions Political Stability BUNDLE

OCR Tudor Rebellions Political Stability BUNDLE

This BUNDLE includes 3 double lessons for teaching OCR A Level Rebellion and Disorder under the Tudors POLITICAL STABILITY. Lessons include; The monarch and the church Policies, parliament and councils and law and order Nobility, gentry and attitudes Students will complete a variety of tasks and activities to understand the role of political stability. Includes detailed essay planning for a political stability question, plus exam style question! Access to the OCR Tudor Rebellion textbook is needed. Please review if you purchase, and check out my other Tudor Rebellion resources and lessons!
Titanic Home Learning Pack

Titanic Home Learning Pack

This is a home learning pack for teaching the Titanic - suitable for KS2 or KS3. This pack is 18 pages long and includes a variety of tasks and activities which can be completed by a student. This was designed to be completed independently and all information and resources needed are included in the pack! This is perfect for parents who can print this off and give to their child, or for teachers to set online as students can fill in the pages. Feedback is welcome.
GCSE Elizabeth I: Poverty

GCSE Elizabeth I: Poverty

Whole lesson plus accompanying work booklet for teaching Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Early Elizabethan England - the problem of the poor This is an outstanding graded lesson! Designed as a team challenge, students will work through FOUR fun and exciting challenges, each looking at a different aspect of the poor; Who were the poor? Why was there an increase in poverty and vagabondage? To what extent were the poor a concern for Elizabeth I? Poor or vagabond? Tasks are differentiated for all students in your class - 9 to 1! Includes a 20 question quiz. I personally love delivering this lesson, and I hope you enjoy it too! Feedback is welcome!
WW1 Medicine for KS3

WW1 Medicine for KS3

Whole lesson plus resources needed for teaching Medicine on the Western Front for KS3! This is perfect for introducing Medicine Through Time to KS3 ready for GCSE. How effectively were medical problems dealt with on the Western Front? This lesson was used as a taster lesson for Year 9 who were thinking of taking GCSE (we study Edexcel Medicine Through Time 9-1). Students have some wow factor moments, differentiated source work, and videos! This is a really popular lesson. Feedback is welcome.
Introduction to World Religions

Introduction to World Religions

Suitable for KS3 - An Introduction to World Religions This lesson looks at; What is Philosophy and Ethics What are the main religions (match the symbol to the religion) How old are the main religions? What percentage of the world follow each religion? Perfect as an introductory lesson. Includes a pie chart and graph for some maths curricula links! Feedback is welcome, please check out my other Philosophy lessons and resources.
GCSE Weimar Germany REVISION - includes exam!

GCSE Weimar Germany REVISION - includes exam!

For teaching Edexcel 9-1 Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939 This PowerPoint and full practice exam paper focuses only on the Weimar Republic. Perfect for setting as an end of topic test and revision. Includes a breakdown and model answers for each exam question type! Feedback is welcome; please check out my other Weimar and Nazi Germany lessons and resources.
Rebellions of Edward VI REVISION

Rebellions of Edward VI REVISION

For teaching OCR A Level Rebellion and Disorder under the Tudors 1485-1603. This is a revision lesson for revising the rebellions of Edward VI: Year of commotion: Kett’s Rebellion Western Rebellion Includes; Lesson PowerPoint - looks at background to the Year of Commotion, the two rebellions, and the impact of the Year of Commotion Rebellion notes Cover sheet for folders ALL resources are included! Feedback is welcome; please check out my other OCR Tudor Rebellions lessons and resources!
OCR Tudor Rebellions: Mary I and Edward VI BUNDLE

OCR Tudor Rebellions: Mary I and Edward VI BUNDLE

6 Resources
For teaching OCR A Level Rebellion and Disorder under the Tudors 1485-1603 Bundle of lessons for teaching the rebellions of Edward VI and Mary I: Lesson 1: Causes of Western and Kett’s Rebellions 1549 Lesson 2: Nature and impact of Western and Kett’s Rebellions 1549 Lesson 3: Lady Jane Grey and Wyatt’s Rebellions Also included: 20 question quiz with answers - perfect for revision! TWO revision lessons for the rebellions of Edward VI and Mary I Feedback is welcome, please review if you purchase!