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Resources by Laurence Boulter
Foundation Types

Foundation Types

Level 3 Construction resource that asks students to describe a range of foundation options using isometric sketching.
Investigating Utilities

Investigating Utilities

Level 3 Construction resource that asks students to investigate prices and coverage of a range of utility companies.
Microbit Xmas Wearable Tech : Workbook 3 PRESSURE SWITCH

Microbit Xmas Wearable Tech : Workbook 3 PRESSURE SWITCH

Third booklet in a series that explores the development of a novelty Santa hat as wearable tech using the BBC Microbit. Suitable for KS3 Computing or Design and Technology. This third 8 page booklet in the series looks at a range of switch types then explores how home made versions might be made. Pupils then sketch their own ideas and explore the code required to start their novelty hat program.
Microbit Xmas Wearable Tech : Workbook 2 XMAS WEARABLE TECH

Microbit Xmas Wearable Tech : Workbook 2 XMAS WEARABLE TECH

Second booklet in a series that explores the development of a novelty Santa hat as wearable tech using the BBC Microbit. Suitable for KS3 Computing or Design and Technology. This second 8 page booklet in the series introduces the range of micro:bit sensors, LED matrix and message strings and asks how these might be applied to this project. The booklet then looks at connecting external inputs and ends with experimenting with code.
Microbit Xmas Wearable Tech : Workbook 4 PLANNING MANUFACTURE

Microbit Xmas Wearable Tech : Workbook 4 PLANNING MANUFACTURE

Fourth booklet in a series that explores the development of a novelty Santa hat as wearable tech using the BBC Microbit. Suitable for KS3 Computing or Design and Technology. This fourth booklet in the series asks pupils to plan their tasks and identify equipment, components and tools needed. They are then asked to compose a Gantt chart then establish manufacturing costs.
Microbit Xmas Wearable Tech : Workbook 1 GETTING GOING

Microbit Xmas Wearable Tech : Workbook 1 GETTING GOING

First booklet in a series that explores the development of a novelty Santa hat as wearable tech using the BBC Microbit. Suitable for KS3 Computing or Design and Technology. This first 8 page booklet in the series introduces the range of micro:bit sensors, LED matrix, message strings and ends with creating and uploading some code to the micro:bit.
Thinking About Micro:bits and the IOT.

Thinking About Micro:bits and the IOT.

A set of three worksheets designed to provide discussion when leading in to work with the micro:bit. 1. THE INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) Presents pupils with a range of IOT devices and asks pupils to consider why they are connected to the cloud. 2. WHAT PRODUCTS COULD I USE A MICRO:BIT FOR? asks pupils to respond to a range of micro:bit applications and consider further how these associations could be developed. 3.MICROBIT PARTS A quick exercise for identifying and recording the different parts of a micro:bit.
STEM Team Bridge Project - Press release task, social enterprise voucher and tax return form.

STEM Team Bridge Project - Press release task, social enterprise voucher and tax return form.

The STEM Team Bridge Project is a whole class project aimed at Design and Technology at either KS3 or KS4. Each team is provided with an account with 100,000BB (Boulter Bucks) and invited to purchase from a range of available contracts for which the return for successful completion is greater than the purchase price. This resource contains three tasks to supplement the contracts. A press release agreement, a social enterprise voucher and a tax return form used to complement work towards to the contracts. These resources are in PDF format. Editable Word files are available on request for purchasers
Introducing Electronic Prototyping

Introducing Electronic Prototyping

Introducing Electronic Prototyping is a workbook containing 9 simple exercises aimed aimed at developing familiarity with an electronic prototyping board. The exercises can be completed as standalone tasks or in conjunction with prototyping kits. Students simply draw the connections from component to circuit board to connect battery pack, lamps, switches, resistors and LEDs in a number of series and parallel circuits. A wordsearch and a crossword are also provided. Exercise included are… Know your Prototyping Board Building a Simple Circuit Lamps in Parallel Lamps in Series Controlling a Lamp with a Switch Controlling Two Lamps with a Switch A Simple LED Circuit Controlling an LED with a Switch Controlling Two LEDs with a Switch Basic Electronics Crossword Basic Electronics Wordsearch The workbook is in PDF format formatted to print as a 14 page landscape booklet printed back to back and stapled on the short edge.
Micro:bit tutorial 1 LONG COUNTDOWN

Micro:bit tutorial 1 LONG COUNTDOWN

This presentation is one of a series aimed at supporting teachers wanting to introduce micro:bit programming into their lessons. The presentation is authored in a way to mimic the use of the block editors with a step by step tutorial while freeing the teacher to lead discussion. Each presentation contains linked questions to deepen learning and an embedded video to illustrate the microbit output. The full PowerPoint presentation is available together with a link to a YouTube video to help the teacher familiarise themselves with the presentation sequence. 1 LONG COUNTDOWN simply takes the class step by step in producing a sequential countdown on the microbit's LED display .
Micro:bit tutorial 4 HEARTBEAT

Micro:bit tutorial 4 HEARTBEAT

This presentation is one of a series aimed at supporting teachers wanting to introduce micro:bit programming into their lessons. The presentation is authored in a way to mimic the use of the block editors with a step by step tutorial while freeing the teacher to lead discussion. Each presentation contains linked questions to deepen learning, challenges for pupils to adapt the code and an embedded video to illustrate the microbit output. The full PowerPoint presentation is available together with a link to a YouTube video to help the teacher familiarise themselves with the presentation sequence. 4 HEARTBEAT introduces a while loop to fade in and out a beating heart on the LED matrix.
Xmas Wearable Tech MicroBit Project Bundle

Xmas Wearable Tech MicroBit Project Bundle

4 Resources
Challenge your pupils to design a bit of wearable tech for Xmas. Turn a cheap Santa hat into an interactive novelty using a BBC MicroBit and a few LEDs and buzzers. These four 8 page booklets take pupils through the design work required to produce their own product.
Micro:bit tutorial 3 MOVEMENT SENSOR

Micro:bit tutorial 3 MOVEMENT SENSOR

This presentation is one of a series aimed at supporting teachers wanting to introduce micro:bit programming into their lessons. The presentation is authored in a way to mimic the use of the block editors with a step by step tutorial while freeing the teacher to lead discussion. Each presentation contains linked questions to deepen learning, challenges for pupils to adapt the code and an embedded video to illustrate the microbit output. The full PowerPoint presentation is available together with a link to a YouTube video to help the teacher familiarise themselves with the presentation sequence. 3 MOVEMENT SENSOR reuses the decision loop introduced in SHORT COUNTDOWN to react to selected micro:bit inputs.
Micro:bit tutorial 5 BUTTON WAR

Micro:bit tutorial 5 BUTTON WAR

This presentation is one of a series aimed at supporting teachers wanting to introduce micro:bit programming into their lessons. The presentation is authored in a way to mimic the use of the block editors with a step by step tutorial while freeing the teacher to lead discussion. Each presentation contains linked questions to deepen learning, challenges for pupils to adapt the code and an embedded video to illustrate the microbit output. The full PowerPoint presentation is available together with a link to a YouTube video to help the teacher familiarise themselves with the presentation sequence. 5 BUTTON WAR introduces a second decision loop to test for two conditions before incrementing or decreasing a variable.
Micro:bit tutorial 2 SHORT COUNTDOWN

Micro:bit tutorial 2 SHORT COUNTDOWN

This presentation is one of a series aimed at supporting teachers wanting to introduce micro:bit programming into their lessons. The presentation is authored in a way to mimic the use of the block editors with a step by step tutorial while freeing the teacher to lead discussion. Each presentation contains linked questions to deepen learning, challenges for pupils to adapt the code and an embedded video to illustrate the microbit output. The full PowerPoint presentation is available together with a link to a YouTube video to help the teacher familiarise themselves with the presentation sequence. 2 SHORT COUNTDOWN builds on the code from LONG COUNTDOWN and introduces a variable and a iterative loop to produce a more efficient algorithm.
GDPR Awareness CPD - Breach Awareness

GDPR Awareness CPD - Breach Awareness

GDPR CPD - Breach Awareness This GDPR CPD resource is aimed at developing awareness of data breaches in staff by asking them to consider a series of common scenarios. This group activity removes the burden of the GDPR lead to deliver training as the school authority, and instead asks staff to identify the actions and mitigations required to deal with some common causes of data breaches in schools. The session ends with a set of priorities for improving security when handling data in school. The activity resources are published as a single A3 PDF as a pack to be provided to groups of staff and can be adapted to support CPD sessions from 20 to 90 minutes.
Team Cheque Books.  20 individualised cheques for 10 team chequebooks.

Team Cheque Books. 20 individualised cheques for 10 team chequebooks.

Developed for the STEM Team Bridge Project but can be used in many contexts. This PDF file can be printed to produce 10 individualised chequebooks containing 20 cheques. Each cheque includes team number, 8 digit account number unique to the team, cheque number and stub. An editable version is available on request to purchasers.