My resources are focused on teaching children a second (or more!) language in a developmentally appropriate and fun way! Learn French and Spanish through a 5 level system, beginning with early immersion (level 1) through songs and video animation, to sentence levels with an increasing focus on literacy.
For free learning, subscribe to my youtube channels:
Hoping to help make the second language learning journey as easy as possible!
My resources are focused on teaching children a second (or more!) language in a developmentally appropriate and fun way! Learn French and Spanish through a 5 level system, beginning with early immersion (level 1) through songs and video animation, to sentence levels with an increasing focus on literacy.
For free learning, subscribe to my youtube channels:
Hoping to help make the second language learning journey as easy as possible!
French immersion video animation by Language Learning Lab aims to enable children to listen, learn and express key vocabulary from this popular French song - Deux petits oiseaux! ❤️
This level 1 resource contains the following:
✔ Deux petits oiseaux in video animation
✔ Large and small images of key vocabulary (nouns) from the song
✔ Checklist of key vocabulary
This video is a fantastic introduction to hello, goodbye and introducing yourself in French! Furthermore, many other vocabulary learning opportunities are promoted through the animation - bird, tree, branch, leaves, wings, sitting, fly, up, down etc! A short song can bring so many language rich conversations!
My YouTube channel called French@LanguageLearningLab has songs, stories and vocabulary videos to support children learning French as a second language.
Other Level 1 resources (learn French through songs and music)
• French Immersion - Bundle of Video Animations of 21 popular French songs
French video animations by Language Learning Lab aims to enable children to listen, learn and express key vocabulary from 21 popular French songs. It is well known that music and singing are great ways to introduce children to the pattern and rhythm of language. Level 1 resources are focused on French immersion using songs and music.
There are checklists to keep track of the videos used in lessons. The 21 French Video Animations Bundle is organised into 4 themes:
Le Fermier dans son Pré
Les Petits Poissons dans L’eau
Une Poule sur un Mur
Trois Petits Canards
Le Vieux MacDonald avait une Ferme
Mini Beasts
Vole Papillon
Le Petit Ver de Terre
L’araignée Gypsy
Petit Escargot
La Fourmi m’a piqué la Main
Coccinelle demoiselle
Wild Animals
Un Eléphant
Un Grand Cerf
C’est la Baleine
La Famille Tortue
Mon Ane
Il court, Il court le Furet
Le Lapin s’est Sauvé dans le Jardin
Une Souris Verte
Deux Petits Oiseaux
Alouette, Gentille Alouette
10 of the videos have materials to support learning which includes A5 and small pictures of core vocabulary. This is a growing bundle so with time supporting materials will be included for all 21 video animations.
My YouTube channel called French@LanguageLearningLab has songs, stories and vocabulary videos to support children learning French as a second language.
French colour jigsaw resource by Language Learning Lab aims to enable children to listen, learn and express colour/ color knowledge in French: red, blue, green, yellow, pink, purple, orange, grey, brown, black and white. (Level 2 - learn vocabulary), and provides early exposure to simple phrases.
This resource includes:
✔ 11 color jigsaws with four object pictures (3 jigsaws on A4)
✔ 11 jigsaws with 4 objects in black and white
✔ How to use information
✔ Vocabulary Checklist
My YouTube channel called French@LanguageLearningLab has songs, stories and vocabulary videos to support children learning French as a second language.
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Other French Vocabulary products:
• French colors - Vocabulary Picture Resource - les couleurs - French immersion!
French colour resource by Language Learning Lab aims to enable children to listen, learn and express colour knowledge in French: red, blue, green, yellow, pink, purple, orange, grey, brown, black and white. (Level 2 - learn vocabulary - colours)
This resource includes:
✔ A5 Colour splashes and Border design in with colour words
✔ Small colour splashes and border design with color words
✔ Activity suggestions (how to use the colour resource) and progress checklist
✔ Worksheets to reinforce learning of key vocabulary.
My YouTube channel called French@LanguageLearningLab has songs, stories and vocabulary videos to support children learning French as a second language.
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French resource by Language Learning Lab aims to enable children to listen, learn and express colour/ colour knowledge in French in short phrases (Level 3 - phrase level plus focus on early writing).
The colours focused on are: red, blue, green, yellow, pink, purple, orange, grey, brown, black and white.
This resource includes:
✔ A5 Colour splashes and Border design in with colour words.
✔ Small colour splashes and border design with colour words.
✔ Pictures of objects in 10 different colours.
✔ Activity suggestions (how to use the colour resource)
✔ Worksheets to reinforce learning of key vocabulary and practise writing.
✔ Examples of French you might use to learn colours.
✔ Progress checklists for single word vocabulary and for phrase level.
My YouTube channel called French@LanguageLearningLab has songs, stories and vocabulary videos to support children learning French as a second language.
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Related Products
• French Immersion Things that go together -Picture Resource - Vocabulary&Phrases
• French Immersion - Bundle of Video Animations of 21 popular French songs
Spanish Halloween resource by Language Learning Lab aims to enable children to develop number knowledge in Spanish: 1 - 21 (Level 2 - learn vocabulary). Children play by matching the Spanish number word to the number.
This Halloween No Print Interactive Spanish Game to learn numbers includes:
✔ 21 interactive number questions - looking at a Spanish number word and identifying the number.
✔ Noises to let children know whether their answers are correct or incorrect by using sounds - applause for correct and a bleep noise to indicate try again.
✔ Answer grid and Scoring sheet.
My YouTube channel called Spanish@LanguageLearningLab has songs, stories and vocabulary videos to support children learning Spanish as a second language.
French resource by Language Learning Lab aims to enable children to listen, learn and express number knowledge in French: 0 -21 (Level 2 - learn vocabulary)
This resource includes:
✔ A5 number cards
✔ Small number cards
✔ 2 part puzzles for 0 -21 with number and number word in French.
✔Activity suggestions (how to use the French Number resource)
✔ Counting boxes 0 -10 with Halloween pictures!
✔ Progress checklist
My YouTube channel called French@LanguageLearningLab has songs, stories and vocabulary videos to support children learning French as a second language.
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Best wishes,
Other French Vocabulary products:
• French colors - Vocabulary Picture Resource - les couleurs - French immersion!
Spanish Halloween resource by Language Learning Lab aims to enable children to develop number knowledge in Spanish through counting and identifying the Spanish number 1 - 21 (Level 2 - learn vocabulary). Children play by counting the Halloween pictures and finding the Spanish number word.
This Halloween No Print Interactive Spanish Game to learn numbers includes:
✔ 21 interactive counting slides with Halloween pictures.
✔ Noises to let children know whether their answers are correct or incorrect by using sounds - applause for correct and a bleep noise to indicate try again.
✔ Answer grid and Scoring sheet.
My YouTube channel called Spanish@LanguageLearningLab has songs, stories and vocabulary videos to support children learning French as a second language.
French Halloween resource by Language Learning Lab aims to enable children to develop number knowledge in French by identifying the next number in a pattern 1 - 21 (Level 2 - learn vocabulary). Children play by matching the French number word to the number.
This Halloween No Print Interactive French Game to learn numbers includes:
✔ 19 interactive number questions - looking at a number sequence of three and identifying the number word in French that comes next.
✔ Noises to let children know whether their answers are correct or incorrect by using sounds - applause for correct and a bleep noise to indicate try again.
✔ Answer grid and Scoring sheet.
My YouTube channel called French@LanguageLearningLab has songs, stories and vocabulary videos to support children learning French as a second language.
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French Halloween Number resource by Language Learning Lab aims to enable children to develop number knowledge in French: 1 - 21 (Level 2 - learn vocabulary). The interactive game helps children to match the number with the French number word.
This No Print Interactive Game includes:
✔ 21 interactive number questions - looking at a number and identifying the number word.
✔ Noises to let children know whether their answers are correct or incorrect by using sounds - applause for correct and a bleep noise to indicate try again.
✔ Answer grid and Scoring sheet.
French Halloween resource by Language Learning Lab aims to enable children to develop number knowledge in French through counting and identifying the French number 1 - 21 (Level 2 - learn vocabulary). Children play by counting the Halloween pictures and finding the French number word.
This Halloween No Print Interactive French Game to learn numbers includes:
✔ 21 interactive counting slides with Halloween pictures.
✔ Noises to let children know whether their answers are correct or incorrect by using sounds - applause for correct and a bleep noise to indicate try again.
✔ Answer grid and Scoring sheet.
French Halloween resource by Language Learning Lab aims to enable children to develop number knowledge in French: 1 - 21 (Level 2 - learn vocabulary). Children play by matching the French number word to the number.
This Halloween No Print Interactive French Game to learn numbers includes:
✔ 21 interactive number questions - looking at a number word and identifying the number.
✔ Noises to let children know whether their answers are correct or incorrect by using sounds - applause for correct and a bleep noise to indicate try again.
✔ Answer grid and Scoring sheet.
French Christmas Number resource by Language Learning Lab aims to enable children to develop number knowledge in French: 1 - 21 (Level 2 - learn vocabulary). The interactive game helps children to match the number with the French number word.
This No Print French Interactive Number Game includes:
✔ 21 interactive number questions - looking at a number and identifying the number word.
✔ Noises to let children know whether their answers are correct or incorrect by using sounds - applause for correct and a bleep noise to indicate try again.
✔ Answer grid and Scoring sheet
Spanish Halloween Number resource by Language Learning Lab aims to enable children to develop number knowledge in Spanish: 1 - 21 (Level 2 - learn vocabulary). The interactive game helps children to match the number with the Spanish number word.
This Spanish No Print Interactive Game includes:
✔ 21 interactive number questions - looking at a number and identifying the Spanish number word.
✔ Noises to let children know whether their answers are correct or incorrect by using sounds - applause for correct and a bleep noise to indicate try again.
✔ Answer grid and Scoring sheet *************************************************************************************************************************************************
My YouTube channel called Spanish@LanguageLearningLabhas songs, stories and vocabulary videos to support children learning Spanish as a second language.
Spanish Christmas Number resource by Language Learning Lab aims to enable children to develop number knowledge in Spanish: 1 - 21 (Level 2 - learn vocabulary). The interactive game helps children to match the number with the Spanish number word.
This Spanish No Print Interactive Game includes:
✔ 21 interactive number questions - looking at a number and identifying the Spanish number word.
✔ Noises to let children know whether their answers are correct or incorrect by using sounds - applause for correct and a lightening noise to indicate try again.
✔ Answer grid and Scoring sheet ******************************************************************************************************
My YouTube channel called Spanish@LanguageLearningLab has songs, stories and vocabulary videos to support children learning Spanish as a second language.
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Best wishes,
Spanish Christmas Number resource by Language Learning Lab aims to enable children to develop number knowledge in Spanish: 1 - 21 (Level 2 - learn vocabulary). The interactive game helps children to match the number with the Spanish number word.
This Spanish No Print Interactive Game includes:
✔ 21 interactive number questions - looking at a number and identifying the Spanish number word.
✔ Noises to let children know whether their answers are correct or incorrect by using sounds - applause for correct and a lightening noise to indicate try again.
✔ Answer grid and Scoring sheet
Spanish Christmas resource by Language Learning Lab aims to enable children to develop number knowledge in Spanish: 1 - 21 (Level 2 - learn vocabulary). Children play by matching the Spanish number word to the number.
This Christmas No Print Interactive Spanish Game to learn numbers includes:
✔ 21 interactive number questions - looking at a Spanish number word and identifying the number.
✔ Noises to let children know whether their answers are correct or incorrect by using sounds - applause for correct and a bleep noise to indicate try again.
✔ Answer grid and Scoring sheet.
My YouTube channel called Spanish@LanguageLearningLab has songs, stories and vocabulary videos to support children learning Spanish as a second language.
French Christmas resource by Language Learning Lab aims to enable children to develop number knowledge in French: 1 - 21 (Level 2 - learn vocabulary). Children play by matching the French number word to the number.
This Christmas No Print Interactive French Game to learn numbers includes:
✔ 21 interactive number questions - looking at a number word and identifying the number.
✔ Noises to let children know whether their answers are correct or incorrect by using sounds - applause for correct and a bleep noise to indicate try again.
✔ Answer grid and Scoring sheet.
My YouTube channel called French@LanguageLearningLab has songs, stories and vocabulary videos to support children learning French as a second language.
French immersion using 10 popular French songs (vocals and piano) to help children learn ‘Transport’ in French as a second language. Your class will learn to sing ‘Wheels on the bus’, ‘Row your boat’ and ‘Zoom, zoom, zoom we’re going to the moon’ in French for example! ❤️
French immersion through music and songs. This resource contains:
✔ 10 songs are in Mp3 format.
✔ A5 booklet containing the song lyrics in French and English.
✔ A5 vocabulary section with bright pictures of core, functional verbs.
✔ Activity ideas on how to support children to learn French in play and daily routines.
✔ Song ideas and suggested props.
✔ Learning checklist.
List of MP3 transport songs in French:
• Les roues du bus
• Bateau sur l’eau
• Au feu leas pompiers
• Elle descend de la montagne
• Maman les petits bateaux
• L’autobus
• Zoom, zoom, zoom
• Trois petits hommes
• Rame dans ton bateau
• Il était un petit navire
Related Products - Level 1 (French immersion using songs and music)
• French Immersion - Bundle of Video Animations of 21 popular French songs
• French Immersion - 10 Songs in MP3 & Song booklet - Learn verbs/ actions words
For free videos to support second language learning in French please see my YouTube channel called French@LanguageLearningLab has songs, stories and vocabulary videos to support children learning French as a second language.
French Song in video animation by Language Learning Lab aims to enable children to listen, learn and express key vocabulary from this popular French song - Vole, vole, vole papillon! ❤️
This level 1 resource contains the following:
✔ Vole, vole, vole papillon in video animation
✔ Large and small images of key vocabulary (nouns) from the song
✔ Checklist of key vocabulary
The video is already on my Youtube channel which is why the cost is less than other video animations in my shop.
It is well known that music and singing are great ways to introduce children to the pattern and rhythm of language. Furthermore, the video provides an opportunity for vocabulary to be explored further! Lots of French vocabulary can be discussed: Nouns - butterfly, hand, school, village, house ; verbs - fly, turn and clap/ tap!
My YouTube channel called French@LanguageLearningLab has songs, stories and vocabulary videos to support children learning French as a second language.
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Other French Immersion Level 1 resources (learn French through songs and music):
• French Immersion - Bundle of Video Animations of 21 popular French songs
• French Immersion - 10 Songs in MP3 & Song booklet - Learn verbs/ actions words