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LoveFrance's Shop

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(based on 23 reviews)

Dear Teachers and Supervisors, thank you for looking at my shop, here you will find a range of resources, displays and key words, grammar, work sheets, cover work with answers and power points. I also have letters to parents about trips and visits with town workbooks, suitable for junior and secondary up to A level. I hope that you will find something to help with your planning and save you time.




Dear Teachers and Supervisors, thank you for looking at my shop, here you will find a range of resources, displays and key words, grammar, work sheets, cover work with answers and power points. I also have letters to parents about trips and visits with town workbooks, suitable for junior and secondary up to A level. I hope that you will find something to help with your planning and save you time.
Football-Clothes-Worksheet-Coverwprk-Independent learning

Football-Clothes-Worksheet-Coverwprk-Independent learning

Football clothes is a lesson plan and activity sheet to allow students to work independently. Part of a series of football inspired worksheets that I created to engage my students in learning French. Designed so that if you need to you can leave it with the cover supervisor, answers and a vocabulary sheet included. New French learners KS2 to 3. Gap fill, word and sentence recognition, grammar reinforcement, translation and writing task.
Football-positions-Worksheet-Coverwork-Independent learning

Football-positions-Worksheet-Coverwork-Independent learning

Football positions is a lesson plan and activity sheet to allow students to work independently. Part of a series of football inspired worksheets that I created to engage my students in learning French. Designed so that if you need to you can leave it with the cover supervisor, answers and a vocabulary sheet included. New French learners KS2 to 3. Gap fill, word and sentence recognition, grammar reinforcement, translation and writing task.
TEFL Culture-Misogyny should be a hate crime-news article 23/09/20

TEFL Culture-Misogyny should be a hate crime-news article 23/09/20

TEFL - This article is designed for French students of English. A link to a Guardian article 23/09/20 discussing why Misogyny should be considered a hate crime. Tasks include looking up specific words, recognising cognates, using context to work out meaning, answering questions on the text. Answers are included for independent checking.
Climate change - French news article A level

Climate change - French news article A level

A recent article 21/09/20 from Le Point about climate change. Up to date and topical for Advanced level students. Activities include word and sentence recognition, translation and research. Answer sheet included. I hope you and your students find it useful, any feedback would be welcome.
Culture-News article Les mignonnes French A level

Culture-News article Les mignonnes French A level

A news article from Le Monde 16/09/2020. Les mignonnes is a topical cultural subject on cinema that should interest A level students. With my class we read the whole article together and see what we know about the topic without delving too much into the details of the language as this is for the question paper. Working in pairs students answer questions that support them working out meaning through context a verbal and a written translation and some comprehension questions. Depending on the level of your group or individuals further support can be given by the teacher where necessary and a follow up or homework activity set. The question sheet includes the answers to save you time. I hope that you find this useful and that your students enjoy the tasks. Any feedback is welcome!
Home learning, independent, French Grammar 2. gender in language

Home learning, independent, French Grammar 2. gender in language

Part 2 of a series of French grammar worksheets beginning with the very basics, explaining grammar points in English and the equivalent exercises in French. New to French or prior learner, for Home learning, independent work or cover lessons. It helps my students to understand why we need to learn grammar when learning a language, see the similarities and differences, acquire an understanding of the basic rules, look out for patterns in language and is also an opportunity to revise English grammar too. This pdf comes in 2 versions a simple word pdf and a canva with an answer sheet for self-correction, supervisor or peer correction.
Home learning, independent French Grammar 1. Nouns

Home learning, independent French Grammar 1. Nouns

For students new to French and for those who have been studying French for a while I have designed a series of worksheets that cover French grammar beginning with the very basics, explaining grammar points in English and then the equivalent in French. It helps my students to understand why we need to learn grammar when learning a language and is also an opportunity to revise English grammar too. Exercise 1. Nouns has exercises in both languages and comes with an answer sheet for self correction. Two versions attached, one is a word document and the second is a more student friendly version in colour.
Independent Home learning or cover work - French snacks

Independent Home learning or cover work - French snacks

This worksheet is designed to keep students year 7-9 occupied with a range of grammar, comprehension and word recognition tasks on the theme of snacks, likes and dislikes. It includes short and extended translation exercises, and a writing task. The answer sheet is included to allow self/peer or cover supervisor marking. It can be used as home learning or a cover lesson
French news article coronavirus

French news article coronavirus

This resource is designed for Students of French preparing for GCSE or Alevel exams, it is an article about Covid-19 from Le Monde newspaper. I have written some comprehension questions and also included the answer sheet. Please feel free to share it with your students if you feel it will support their distance learning.
Home learning, at school or independent  French greetings

Home learning, at school or independent French greetings

Home learning,in school or independent learning worksheet with answers. French greetings-Salutations is designed for students with a little knowledge of French so that they can work independently to answer all of the questions. The activities include gap filling exercises, translation, word recognition. The answer sheet is provided to enable self/peer or supervisor correction.
Home, school, independent learning. French Months and seasons

Home, school, independent learning. French Months and seasons

Home, school, independent learning French months & seasons is an activity sheet to keep students occupied for up to an hour, answers included for self-correction. Suitable for students with a little knowledge of French. Includes a variety of activities: gap fill, matching, word and sentence recognition, reading, translation and writing tasks.
Anytime quiz

Anytime quiz

This quiz is designed as a fun way to test or revise students knowledge of topics covered in years 7 and 8. It can be worked on as a whole class activity or as a paired or group challenge, can be left as a cover lesson for students to work on independently.
Christmas resources for coverwork

Christmas resources for coverwork

7 Resources
I have put together my best selling Christmas resources for KS3 cover work in the run up to the festive season. They come with an answer sheet so that the cover teacher or supervisor can support students in marking their own work. You will find a variety of tasks and activities to encourage students to work independently focusing on various grammar points, spelling and understanding of French culture. I hope you find them useful, Merry Christmas!
Le Spiderman francais

Le Spiderman francais

This worksheet was created from a current news article published in Le Monde. Making students of French aware of current affairs that they may have heard about in the English news from another view. Taking the article and creating questions that help with student comprehension. Aimed at a good level GCSE class or beginner A level students it includes activities to support understanding of the use of verbs, working out meaning from content, a short translation activity, answering questions on content in English, using English and context to help work out new words/phrases. The answer sheet is included allowing the teacher to enable students to work independently and mark their own work.
Home, school, independent learning French festivals-1st May cover work

Home, school, independent learning French festivals-1st May cover work

Home, school, independent learning French festivals designed to help students to understand a bit about French culture , La fete du travail is for students who already have some knowledge of French, year 9 +. Answer sheet included. There are a variety of activities: comprehension, translation, working out French words using context, un-jumbling words and word recognition. I hope you find it useful.
french class treasure hunt

french class treasure hunt

I created this to get the students to look around them at the displays in my classroom, I added a few basic cultural questions. My new year 7 sudents enjoyed this and it works well as an icebreaker if you put them in pairs.
Home learning, Independent French revision/work-pack

Home learning, Independent French revision/work-pack

16 Resources
Parents and teachers, this may be useful during this remote learning time. I have put together a bundle of my best selling cover-work resources for KS3 classes designed to keep a class busy and working independently. A variety of activities aimed at word recognition and grammar, translation and writing. Answer sheets allow you or the supervisor to direct peer or self marking. I hope that you find this useful.
February cover-work

February cover-work

2 Resources
For the month of February to help you with cover work I have put together 2 of my best selling resources at this time of year. La chandeleur and St Valentine both have a number of different activites based around word recognition and grammar, they come with an answer sheet so can be used for a cover lessson left with a supervisor for peer/self marking.