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Hello! Welcome to my shop. Please take a moment to browse. You’ll find high quality biology resources that are fun, engaging and pupil-led. As a teacher I've implemented the things I've always wanted in my lessons, into my resources. That is, resources of excellent quality that truly impact learning. As we know, efficiency is paramount therefore my full-lessons incorporate mark-schemes too, all ready to go! Leaving you with more time to focus on being present for your students.




Hello! Welcome to my shop. Please take a moment to browse. You’ll find high quality biology resources that are fun, engaging and pupil-led. As a teacher I've implemented the things I've always wanted in my lessons, into my resources. That is, resources of excellent quality that truly impact learning. As we know, efficiency is paramount therefore my full-lessons incorporate mark-schemes too, all ready to go! Leaving you with more time to focus on being present for your students.
6.3 Gas exchange in fish and insects A-Level (Year 12) biology

6.3 Gas exchange in fish and insects A-Level (Year 12) biology

This resource includes a 38-slide PowerPoint that will take up to two full lessons to complete. The presentation alternates between high-quality information slides and student-focused activities and includes mini-plenaries throughout. It covers the following learning objectives for the OCR A-level specification (-with significant overlap for AQA) detailed below. Alongside each objective I have detailed the options for activities that are included in the resource. You will find every activity to have a corresponding mark scheme that is integrated into the PowerPoint to aid easy peer/self-assessment. Describe the mechanism of ventilation and gas exchange in bony fish and insects (Grade C): Starter: fishy jokes; information slides on Fick’s Law, the structure of fish gills; mini-plenary to discuss how gill structure is related to function - link to video to support less able students; Gas exchange in bony fish worksheet; Mini-plenary to create a table on Ventilation Structures and Functions; Summary Qs and mark scheme. Explain the countercurrent flow mechanism (Grade B): Countercurrent flow information slides; countercurrent flow - link to online animation; Becoming a gas exchange surface role play activity; Gas exchange in bony fish worksheet; Summary Qs and mark scheme. Examine the gaseous exchange system of a bony fish and insect trachea (Grade A): Dissection of a bony fish - link to online method; homework task for students to write their own method; Gaseous exchange in insects information slides; Stucture and Function of the Tracheal System worksheet and mark scheme; Ventilation and one-way flow in insects information slides; Ventilation Feature and Effects mini-plenary; Quality of Written Communication Exam Question and mark scheme. Hope it helps you save time in your planning! Any feedback is much appreciated.
13.4 DNA and the genome GCSE (Grade 1-9) Biology

13.4 DNA and the genome GCSE (Grade 1-9) Biology

This resource is designed for the new AQA GCSE (Grade 1-9) Biology specification. Everything you need is within the powerpoint - just print the worksheets from there, but I’ve also included the activities as pdf files in case you prefer to print from individual files. It includes several different activities to cover the following learning objectives: Recall that DNA is the material of inheritance (Grade 4) Describe what a genome is (Grade 6) Explain applications for genetics (Grade 8) There are extension activities included and all activities come with a mark scheme/crib sheet or marking guidance for self or peer assessment.
Cloning and biotechnology NEW A-Level biology spec: Natural & artificial cloning, Biotech, Culturing

Cloning and biotechnology NEW A-Level biology spec: Natural & artificial cloning, Biotech, Culturing

This is an entire lesson series for the Chapter: Cloning and Biotechnology for the NEW OCR A-level specification which has vast overlap with the AQA spec. There are a total of 124 PowerPoint presentation slides partitioned into individual lessons with identifiable lesson objectives. The scheme of work has been developed to engage your students through an array of different learning activities and will form the basis for the entire lesson series. It comes complete with answers to activities and practice exam questions so you don’t need to spend the time hunting for answers. It includes accurate and high quality information slides interspersed with pupil activities for the following sub-topics within the Chapter Cloning and Biotechnology: Natural clones: vegetative propagation Clones in plants: tissue culture, micropropagation, artificial cloning Artificial clones in animals: reproductive cloning, embryo splitting, somatic cell nuclear transfer, non-reproductive cloning Biotechnology: today and yesterday, advantages of using microorganisms Using biotechnology to make food: yoghurt, cheese, baking, alcohol, single-cell protein Other processes involving biotechnology, antibiotic and insulin production, bioremediation, asepsis Microorganism cultures: aseptic technique, practical (in pictures) using dye to streak agar Population growth: serial dilution practical, growth curve data to plot, phases of growth Immobilised enzymes: Advantages of use, methods for immobilisation, Industrial uses of immobilised enzymes, practical using alginate beads
Patterns of inheritance NEW A-level biology specification: Variation, Discontinuous, Mono & Dihybrid

Patterns of inheritance NEW A-level biology specification: Variation, Discontinuous, Mono & Dihybrid

This is an entire lesson series for Patterns of Inheritance for the NEW OCR A-level specification which has vast overlap with the AQA spec. There are a total of 151 PowerPoint presentation slides partitioned into individual lessons with identifiable lesson objectives. The scheme of work has been developed to engage your students through learning activities and will form the basis for the entire topic of Patterns of Inheritance. It includes accurate and high quality information slides interspersed with pupil activities for the following sub-topics within the chapter on Patterns of Inheritance: 1) Variation: intraspecific and interspecific; the affects of genes and environment on phenotype 2) Causes of Genetic Variation: crossing over; independent assortment; random segregation 3) Monhybrid Inheritance: incomplete dominance; codominance 4) Dihybrid Inheritance: autosomal linkage; sex-linked; hemizygosity 5) Multiple alleles and Epistasis 6) The Chi-squared test 7) Factors affecting the evolution of a species (stabilising & directional selection), Genetic drift, Bottlenecks and the Founder Effect 8) The Hardy-Weinberg Principle 9) Isolating mechanisms in forming new species including artificial selection
Cardiac cycle A-Level worksheet, exam qs & answers

Cardiac cycle A-Level worksheet, exam qs & answers

This revision resource is designed for OCR A-level Biology but is equally suitable for other boards. This resource contains: a worksheet for the topic on Transport in Animals: The Cardiac Cycle model answers for the worksheet information card exam questions mark scheme. This resource is easily differentiated by students choosing to use the information card or completing the worksheet independently. The model answer sheet/key is included for either peer/self assessment. Students that finish early can be looking to extend their understanding by completing the exam questions with mark schemes. The worksheet and information slides are very detailed therefore it is recommended that they be printed in A3 for use. I have included pdf versions in addition to the powerpoint files as powerpoint, opened in different versions, can cause some formatting issues. The powerpoint files are there so that you can edit the resources, if you wish to do so. Topics include: Cardiac muscle; Atrial Systole; Ventricular Systole; Diastole; The importance of Valves; Pressure changes in the heart; Electrical Conduction; Components of an ECG trace. Other individual worksheets and exam questions are available to complete this series of lessons on Mass Transport. There is also a Bundle that includes all 5 worksheets with corresponding information sheets and exam questions. Please leave a review if you find my resources helpful. Leave three reviews and I will send you a fourth resource of similar value free via email. If you have any issues please contact me at MEstEstEst@gmail.com. Thank you.
Module 6 - Genetics and Ecosystems: Cellular Control; Cloning and Biotech; Manipulating Genomes; Patterns of Inheritance; Populations and Sustainability; Recycling -Nitrogen and Carbon Cycles

Module 6 - Genetics and Ecosystems: Cellular Control; Cloning and Biotech; Manipulating Genomes; Patterns of Inheritance; Populations and Sustainability; Recycling -Nitrogen and Carbon Cycles

11 Resources
This bundle contains all the lessons for Module 6 (OCR exam board) - Genetics, Evolution and Ecosystems. Student activities, worksheets and practice exam questions with answers/crib sheets are included. This is your year planned! This bundle will provide you with everything you need to deliver high quality lessons to your Year 13 classes. Each chapter is partitioned into individual lessons with identifiable learning objectives. Each PowerPoint presentation is equivalent to 1-2 lessons and contains a series of different learning activities interspersed with high quality information slides that can be printed for students to add their own notes. Why don’t you visit my shop to have a look at some of my resources sold singularly to have an idea of the quality and content of my bundled resources.
Transport of Oxygen & Carbon dioxide A-level worksheet, exam qs & answers

Transport of Oxygen & Carbon dioxide A-level worksheet, exam qs & answers

This revision resource is designed for OCR A-level Biology but is equally suitable for other boards. This resource contains: a worksheet for the topic on Transport in Animals: oxygen and carbon dioxide transport model answers for the worksheet information card exam questions mark scheme. This resource is easily differentiated by students choosing to use the information cards or completing the worksheet independently. The model answer sheet/key is included for either peer/self assessment. Students that finish early can be looking to extend their understanding by completing the exam questions with mark schemes. The worksheet and information slides are very detailed therefore it is recommended that they be printed in A3 for use. I have included pdf versions in addition to the powerpoint files as powerpoint, opened in different versions, can cause some formatting issues. The powerpoint files are there so that you can edit the resources, if you wish to do so. Topics include: Oxygen dissociation by haemoglobin; ‘S’-shaped curve explained; Carbon dioxide transport; The Formation of Hydrogencarbonate ions; The Bohr Shift. Other individual worksheets and exam questions are available to complete this series of lessons on Mass Transport. There is also a Bundle that includes all 5 worksheets with corresponding information sheets and exam questions. Please leave a review if you find my resources helpful. Leave three reviews and I will send you a fourth resource of similar value free via email. If you have any issues please contact me at MEstEstEst@gmail.com Thank you.
15.4 Evolution & speciation* 15.6 Fossils and extinction 15.7 More about extinction GCSE biology

15.4 Evolution & speciation* 15.6 Fossils and extinction 15.7 More about extinction GCSE biology

GCSE biology Grade 1-9 AQA specification. This resource provides all the material you need to teach these three lessons. Resources are all contained within one file however for those that prefer to print from single files I have included the practise exam questions as a separate file too. It covers the following learning objectives (1-3) including speciation* and the activities associated with each objective are described. *Note speciation is for Triple Biology students only - Biology only. Recall Wallace’s ideas and how they influenced Darwin (aiming for grade 4): Starter - Finish the sentences to recap lesson of fossils - mark scheme included for peer/self-assessment Discussion - Information slides on Darwin and Wallace Discussion - Information slides on what the fossil record shows Task - Identify the true and false statements about fossils Optional plenary task - Self-assessment questions Explain how organisms become extinct and describe how mass extinction can occur (aiming for grade 6): Discussion - Information slides about organisms that cause extinction and how mass extinctions occur Activity - link to movie trailer for Deep Impact Discussion - information slides and animations on the effects of meteorite strike Summary Questions - Think, pair, share and summarise responses Exam Questions - mark scheme included Optional plenary task - Self-assessment questions Explain how species arise and the importance of isolation* (aiming for grade 8) *Biology only: Video - link to trailer for Disney film Up Video - Discussion of table-top maintain and link to video on The history of Venezuela’s ancient Tepuis Discussion - information slides to describe and discuss the process of speciation and the importance of isolation Task - long answer QWC exam question - mark scheme included Optional plenary - link to clip from the Might Boosh ‘Isolation’ and task to adapt lyrics (included) to describe how a new species is generated. Your feedback on this resource would be gratefully received.
Manipulating Genomes NEW A-Level biology spec: DNA Sequencing; DNA profiling; PCR; Electrophoresis;

Manipulating Genomes NEW A-Level biology spec: DNA Sequencing; DNA profiling; PCR; Electrophoresis;

This series of PowerPoint presentations covers the chapter Manipulating Genomes. There are a total of 150 slides partitioned into individual lessons with identifiable learning objectives. It has everything you need to deliver the entire lesson series and is written for the NEW OCR A-level specification with vast overlap between the AQA specification. It includes accurate and high quality information slides and a vast range of engaging pupil activities (with answers!) for the following topics within the chapter on Manipulating Genomes: DNA sequencing: Sanger sequencing; Pyrosequencing; Bioinformatics Applications of gene sequencing: Human genome; Comparisons between or within species; Synthetic biology; Bioethics DNA profiling: Polymorphisms; STRs; VNTRs; Applications of DNA profiling Polymerase Chain Reaction: Principles; Process; Applications Electrophoresis; Principles; Process; - interactive digital learning tools employed Genetic Engineering: Techniques; Applications Issues relating to genetic manipulation Gene therapy
11.7 The Artificial Control of Fertility GCSE (Grade 1-9) Biology

11.7 The Artificial Control of Fertility GCSE (Grade 1-9) Biology

Content is for the NEW AQA GCSE biology specification. GCSE Biology lesson plan/PowerPoint presentation contains all the activities and resources (in one file!) to achieve the following learning objectives: To describe different methods of hormonal and non-hormonal contraception - information slides followed by Linking Activity (link the hormone-based contraceptive to the active ingredient and its function); Exam Questions (just print the slide) with fully integrated mark scheme. To explain how methods prevent pregnancy - quick quiz starter to recap roles of hormones in the menstrual cycle; information slides and Linking Activity. To analyse scenarios and decide on the most appropriate method of contraception - Sorting task to identify the benefits and drawbacks of using condoms; Family Planning Clinic - a game type activity where pupils take on the role of the Healthcare Professional or the Client and determine what advice should be followed (all cards for the game are included - just print!) There are a series of mini-plenary and AfL tasks throughout the lesson and each includes fully integrated answers (mark scheme) for peer or self-assessment.
Communicable diseases: Organisms that cause disease & Transmission of pathogens A-level biology OCR

Communicable diseases: Organisms that cause disease & Transmission of pathogens A-level biology OCR

This resource provides you with two lessons of material to enable your students to achieve the following learning objectives: Recall the different types of pathogen that can cause communicable diseases in animals (Grade C) Describe the means of transmission of animal- and plant-communicable pathogens (Grade B) Discuss the factors that affect transmission (Grade A) The material in the PowerPoint presentation and the accompanying resources is written for the OCR specification Biology A course. There are many different activities including a quiz; creating pathogen profile cards; card sort to link the pathogen, disease and symptoms; matching photos of social scenes with disease; a worksheet on the transmission of malaria (including mark scheme); name that pathogen plenary task; homework suggestions; extension tasks and exam questions.
13.1 Types of Reproduction (sexual & asexual) and 13.2 Meiosis GCSE Biology (Grade 1-9)

13.1 Types of Reproduction (sexual & asexual) and 13.2 Meiosis GCSE Biology (Grade 1-9)

Content is for the NEW AQA GCSE biology specification. GCSE Biology lesson plan/PowerPoint presentation contains all the activities and resources (in one file!) to achieve the following learning objectives: Recall that there are two types of reproduction (Grade 4) - information slides provided; identify a series of examples as being either sexual or asexual forms of reproduction Compare the main differences between asexual and sexual reproduction (Grade 6) - complete table to compare sexual and asexual reproduction characteristics; watch video on sexual and asexual reproduction Explain how the type of reproduction affects variety in the offspring (Grade 8) - information slides provided; explain the difference task with word bank to help lower ability pupils and extension/challenge question Describe how cells divide by meiosis to form gametes (Grade 4) - information slides provided; sorting task to put the stages of mitosis in the correct order Explain how meiosis halves the number of chromosomes in gametes and fertilisation restores the full number (Grade 6) - information slides provided; task to compare mitosis and meiosis - table provided Compare the processes in sexual reproduction that give rise to variation (Grade 8) - information slides provided; Exam-style questions to complete. All activities, sorting tasks; mini-plenary; exam-style questions, include the answers for peer or self-assessment.
13.3 The Best of Both Worlds GCSE (Grade 1-9) Biology (Pros & cons of Sexual & Asexual Reproduction)

13.3 The Best of Both Worlds GCSE (Grade 1-9) Biology (Pros & cons of Sexual & Asexual Reproduction)

Content is for the NEW AQA GCSE (Grade 1-9) Biology specification. This GCSE Biology lesson plan/PowerPoint presentation contains all the activities and resources (in one file!) to achieve the following learning objectives: Recall how organisms adapt to changing circumstances (Grade 4) -information slides; summary questions and answers Describe the advantages and disadvantages of both forms of reproduction (Grade 6) - starter activity: pupils given statements which they must identify as being an advantage or disadvantage of sexual or asexual reproduction; summary questions and answers; practise exam questions and mark scheme Explain how organisms can reproduce both sexually and asexually (Grade 8) - Video link with corresponding questions on plasmodium parasite lifecycle; puzzle to cut and sort together to depict the lifecycle of the malarial parasite All activities include the answers for peer or self-assessment.
Mass Transport - Haemoglobin, oxygen transport, circulatory systems, structure of the heart, cardiac cycle

Mass Transport - Haemoglobin, oxygen transport, circulatory systems, structure of the heart, cardiac cycle

5 Resources
This bundle includes the first 5 lessons of the unit on mass transport: 7.1 Haemoglobin 7.2 Transport of oxygen by haemoglobin 7.3 Circulatory system of a mammal 7.4 The structure of the heart 7.5 The cardiac cycle Each PowerPoint is detailed, of excellent quality and has fully integrated pupil-led activities with answers - so there is no need for you to prepare answers/mark schemes as they are all there.
13.5 DNA structure and protein synthesis GCSE Grade 1-9 triple biology content

13.5 DNA structure and protein synthesis GCSE Grade 1-9 triple biology content

This resource is designed for the new AQA GCSE (Grade 1-9) TRIPLE Biology ONLY* specification. Everything you need is within the PowerPoint - just print the activities from there, but I have also included the exam questions as a separate file in case you prefer to print from individual files. The complete lesson includes multiple lesson activities, mini-plenaries and exam practice built into high quality PowerPoint slides. The following learning objectives are covered within this lesson: Recall the base paired structure of DNA (Grade 4) - video, recap questions Explain steps in the process of protein synthesis (Grade 6) - information slides, summary, practice exam questions Link the mutations in the DNA code to the proteins made (Grade 8) - information slides, practice exam question (longer answer - 5 marker). Both the slides and the word document contain the mark scheme and can be used for peer/self-assessment. I have now included the mini-plenary task as a separate file so that you can print straight from pdf rather than printing slides from the PowerPoint. *Biology ONLY content is the triple GCSE award in science
B2.17 Anaerobic Respiration GCSE Biology

B2.17 Anaerobic Respiration GCSE Biology

Lesson plan (PowerPoint) and activities to achieve the following learning objectives: 1) Recall that the process of anaerobic respiration releases less energy than aerobic respiration 2) Recall the word equation for anaerobic respiration 3) Explain why heart rate and breathing rate increase with exercise 4) Define excess post-exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC 5) Calculate heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output, using the equation 6) Explain why, during vigorous exercise, muscle cells start to respire anaerobically 7) Explain why heart rate and breathing rate remain high after exercise Exam questions - answers included in the PowerPoint. Differentiated exercises included with challenge questions.
GCSE Biology crosswords NEW specification Chapter 11: Hormonal coordination. Lessons 1-5

GCSE Biology crosswords NEW specification Chapter 11: Hormonal coordination. Lessons 1-5

This compilation of crosswords are for the new AQA GCSE specification in biology. These can be used as a plenary, a short revision task or as a starter to recap at the previous lesson. There are 5 crosswords in total. There are 3 files for each crossword: 1) the crossword and clues at the bottom of the page; 2) the crossword with the corresponding word bank included (for differentiation); 3) the crossword completed with the answers filled in (for self/peer assessment). The topics included are: 1) Principles of hormonal control 2) The control of blood glucose levels 3) Treating diabetes 4) The role of negative feedback 5) Human reproduction
6.5 Limiting water loss NEW Year 12 Biology specification

6.5 Limiting water loss NEW Year 12 Biology specification

This PowerPoint includes all the activities (in one file) to achieve the following learning objectives: 1) Describe how plants limit water loss 2) Explain how xerophytes conserve water 3) Compare/contrast the conservation of water in plants and insects The activities included are: starter sorting activity to link terminology of plants with their descriptor (integrated answers in PowerPoint); think pair share activity on the theory of water potential (integrated answers in PowerPoint); information cards for pupil-led activity to complete information in a table on features and adaptations of xerophytes (integrated answers in PowerPoint); exam questions (integrated answers in PowerPoint).
7.5 The cardiac cycle NEW Year 12 Biology specification

7.5 The cardiac cycle NEW Year 12 Biology specification

This PowerPoint includes all the activities (in one file) required to achieve the following learning objectives: Describe the stages of the cardiac cycle (C grade) Explain how valves control the flow of blood through the heart (B grade) Explain the volume and pressure changes which take place in the heart during the cardiac cycle (A grade) All activities and the answers are included and fully integrated into the PowerPoint.
The Eye - Biology GCSE Kaleidocycle

The Eye - Biology GCSE Kaleidocycle

2 x Hexagonal Kaleidocycles. One for fun (!) and one for summarising everything you need to know about the eye including: 1) Structure of the eye 2) Accommodation 3) Myopia 4) Hyperopia Once made pupils can be instructed to talk about each hexagonal face of the kaleidocycle and teach each other about the eye.