Information about Tutankhamun and 20 questions to answer.
Includes 2x editable worksheets.
Speech bubbles for Writing ideas about finding King Tut.
Thought bubbles around a sketch of King Tut.
PDF version for easy printing.
Word version for editing.
40 impressive facts about castles. This would be a great starting place for an information text on castles or just to find out more about castles generally. hope you enjoy!
40 Cool facts about the Amazon Rainforest. This would make a good starting resource for an information text or stepping stone into the topic of forests.
40 interesting facts about the Vikings. Would make a great starting ‘talking point’ for the class or as a stepping stone into a new topic. Could also be used as a way to embed more facts into an information text.
Worksheets for:
Using adjectives to describe
Planning the sections of the story
Writing out the story with images as support.
Suitable for Y1/Y2/Y3
A 200 word paragraph about each continent.
Suitable for 5-8 year olds.
Was written for a Y2 class.
Hope this resource is helpful for teaching about climate, weather, landmark, food and people of each continent.
Top Tips for Tansitioning to Secondary School.
Also, some useful strategies fr reducing stress and anxiety.
We hope this resource is useful for your students.
Aimed at Year 6.
1000 words of information about Farming.
Topics covered are:
Farm Animals
Sheep Dogs
Farm to Fork
Suitable for ages 5-9 year olds.
Has been planned and written for a Year 2 class.
Lovely information with suitable simple images.
3x 10Q quizzes.
10x questions about dissney films
10x questions about Pokemon
10x questions about Marvel
Suitable for 7-9 year olds
Written for a Year 2 class.
Hope you enjoy this resource.
Six lessons planned out with internet links that work (Sept 2017!)
Covers all of the Y5 objectives (new curriculum 2014+) that must be taught for Year 5. This was planned for my Y5/6 class.
Word format means that you can edit and adjust as you need to.
All lessons have Learning Challenge, Starter, Main Tasks, Plenary and Resource List.
200 words per information text - each has 5 comprehension questions directly linked to the text.
Topics include:
Introduction to Ancient Rome
Ancient Roman Clothing
Roman Food 2000 years ago!
The Roman Army
Jobs in Ancient Rome
An excellent resource for 7-10 year olds.
It was planned for a Year 3 and Year 4 class.
Word document is editable.
Information suitable for 8-11 year olds. Covers all 6 of the key religions of the world. Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Sikhism.
Word version so it can be edited. Enjoy!
Missing number problems.
Simple sheets with missing values less than 50.
Addition and Subtraction problems.
Some multiplication problems.
A missing symbols sheet for an extension.
Suitable for Y2, Y3 and some lower Y4s.
ALL Word documents that can be edited.