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Paper 2 Question 5 4 model responses

Paper 2 Question 5 4 model responses

4 Resources
4 model responses for Paper 2 Question 5 from 4 past AQA papers. Each response starts and ends with an aencdote to gain marks for whole text structure and organisation. Vocabulary, punctuation and sentence structures are consistently sophisticated and ambitious. The 4 questions covered are as follows: June 2020 - Travel November 2019 - Animals November 2018 - Cars June 2018 - Sport
The Witches in Macbeth

The Witches in Macbeth

This A3 Macbeth revision resource contains analysis of 30 quotations that focus on the influence of the witches across the play. They are presented chronologically. I ask students to pick out the most important quotations and plot them onto a revision timeline.
Jekyll and Hyde Quiz #2

Jekyll and Hyde Quiz #2

A second 50 question quiz on Jekyll and Hyde with 5 questions on each chapter. Includes the recommended answer sheet on page 2. Ideal for testing students’ knowledge of the text after a first read-through.
Jekyll and Hyde Quiz

Jekyll and Hyde Quiz

5 challenging multiple choice questions on every chapter of Jekyll and Hyde. There are 50 questions in total. Includes the answer sheet on page 2. Ideall for testing students’ direct knowledge of the text after a first reading. Designed to fit snugly onto an A3 sheet for ease of printing. Can also work on A4. Includes a PDF and editable word version.
Paper 2 Question 5 November 2019 Grade 9 response

Paper 2 Question 5 November 2019 Grade 9 response

A grade 9 750 word model response to the AQA November 2019 Paper 2 Question 5 about animals. Starts with a powerful anecdote before moving to presenting the central argument. It explores and then dismisses the counter argument before adding a conclusion that links back to the opening anecdote to help gain marks for whole text organisation and structure.
Jekyll and Hyde 24 key quotations for GCSE

Jekyll and Hyde 24 key quotations for GCSE

A revision sheet for 24 key quotations from Jekyll and Hyde. It includes thoughtful explanations on the three key themes of the novel: Duality - 8 quotations Morality - 8 quotations Appearance versus reality - 8 quotations Designed to fit snugly onto an A3 or A4 sheet for ease of printing.
Macbeth Timeline

Macbeth Timeline

A detailed timeline that charts the development and descent of Macbeth’s character across each act of the play. Embeds key quotations throughout. Great revision tool of direct knowledge for any question that looks at the development of Macbeth’s character across the play.
Paper 2 Question 5 Grade 9 exemplar (June 2020)

Paper 2 Question 5 Grade 9 exemplar (June 2020)

A grade 9 response to the AQA June 2020 Paper 2 Question 5 about whether or not travel was a waste of time. It starts with a powerful anecdote, has 2 paragraphs arguing the benefits of travel, then it looks at and dismisses the counter argument before reaching a conclusion which links back to the opening anecdote to gain marks for whole text structure and organisation. Vocabulary is sophisticated throughout and punctuation is advanced.
Grade 9 Paper 2 Question 5 AQA November 2018 Cars

Grade 9 Paper 2 Question 5 AQA November 2018 Cars

A grade 9 response to the AQA November 2018 Paper 2 Question 5 about cars. It starts with a powerful and detailed anecdote to explain why I agree with the statement. It considers and then dismisses the counter argument. It provides a solution. It ends with a return to the powerful anecdote from the start to gain high makrs for sophisticated organisation and structure. Vocabulary and punctuation is sophisticated throughout.
Paper 2 Question 5 June 2018 Sport Grade 9

Paper 2 Question 5 June 2018 Sport Grade 9

A grade 9 response to the AQA June 2018 Paper 2 Question 5 about corruption in sport. ‘All sport should be fun, fair and open to everyone. These days, sport seems to be more about money, corruption and winning at any cost.’ Write an article for a newspaper in which you explain your point of view on this statement. It starts with a powerful anecdote. It moves on to two content paragraphs about how corruption and money is ruining sport. The next paragraph offers a solution. It ends by returning to the anecdote to gain high marks for sophisticated whole text structure and organisation.
Romeo and Juliet Character Timeline

Romeo and Juliet Character Timeline

A timeline that explains how the characters of Romeo and Juliet develop across each act of the play. Useful revision for preparing to write an exam response on these 2 characters. Designed to fit snugly onto one A4 or A4 sheet for ease of printing. Also includes a timeline worksheet on Romeo’s character.
An Inspector Calls Character Quiz

An Inspector Calls Character Quiz

This quiz has 8 multiple choice questions on each of the 6 main characters from An Inspector Calls so 48 questions in total. A great resource for checking students’ understanding of each character. Includes the answer sheet. Designed to fit snugly onto one A3 or A4 page for ease of printing.
Using a motif for Paper 1 Question 5

Using a motif for Paper 1 Question 5

Using a motif is a great way to gain marks for structure and organisation in Paper 1 question 5. This resource contains 4 high grade examples of how to use a motif for Paper 1 Question 5. They are responses to the November 2021 question: write a story about a new beginning. Example 1: Motif is turquoise candle Example 2: Motif is a broken pocket watch Example 3: Motif is a silver key Example 4: Motif is tulips. Also contains 3 examples that use an object as a motif in drop, shift, zoom, leave narratives. This is a great resource for modelling how to use motifs so students can then go on to choose their own object to develop across the text.
Women in An Inspector Calls

Women in An Inspector Calls

A high grade response looking at how women are presented in An Inspector Calls. Not quite in top band. It requires a little more analysis of dramatic methods (A02) to reach the top band but the A03 is strong.
Lady Macbeth Quotation Quiz

Lady Macbeth Quotation Quiz

15 multiple choice questions on 15 key Lady Macbeth quotations. Designed to snugly fit on one A4 page. Ideal for testing students’ direct knowledge of this character. Includes the answer sheet on page 2.
An Inspector Calls Quiz

An Inspector Calls Quiz

50 multiple choice questions on An Inspector Calls designed to fit snugly onto one A3 sheet. Ideal for testing students’ direct knowledge of the text. Includes the answer sheet on page 2.