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Le verbe être (conjugaison_présent)
This resource is either for beginners to learn the conjugation of the verb ‘to be’, or can also be used as a revision tool for students who are still struggling remembering the conjugation of this irregular verb.

Edexcel GCSE_Y11_Les habitudes alimentaires_Exercice
I have created this resource to guide my weakest GCSE students into writing about their eating habits. This exercise has been designed to help with their writing skills and their comprehension.

Les adjectifs irréguliers_beau, nouveau, vieux
In this resource, you fill find a table showing the irregularities of these adjectives, an explanation of these irregularities with examples as well as a practice exercise with answers to use as a class activity.
I have also added a power point presentation to use alongside this activity.

Le verbe être (conjugaison_le futur proche)
This is a worksheet for a conjugation class activity for beginners or for revision. The vocabulary used is basic as it is aimed for beginners but I am planning on making similar worksheets for higher level, using more complex sentences and more advanced vocabulary.
In this resource, you will find a student copy with gaps, a teacher version with answers, as well as a power point for (peer-marking) class correction.

AQA 2017: Stimulus Card_Le bénévolat
AS/A Level French Stimulus card to practise 'Le bénévolat' from the new AQA curriculum

AQA 2017: Stimulus Cards_La famille
AS/A Level French Stimulus cards to practise 'La famille en voie de changement' from the new AQA curriculum. Having no past papers, I have created these cards to prepare the students for the end of year oral exam.
I have used photos and texts from the web (as well as my artistic flair ;-) ) in order to create this material. The aim is to make cards on all the topics so it will be a busy summer... I hope you enjoy them!
Feedback would be much appreciated.
Thank you all.