Emotional Check in Display LEGO in French.
Ask your class how they are each day in French.
They can add their name to how they are feeling or hold their hands up when you discuss one of them.
Week 1: Introduction to Electricity
Define key terms such as current, voltage, and resistance
Discuss the different sources of electricity, such as batteries and generators
Explain how electricity is produced and transmitted
Conduct simple experiments to demonstrate how electricity flows through a circuit
Week 2: Conductors and Insulators
Differentiate between conductors and insulators
Identify materials that are good conductors and insulators
Build a simple circuit to test conductivity of different materials
Week 3: Circuits and Components
Explain the difference between open and closed circuits
Identify the different components of a circuit, such as switches and resistors
Create and analyze different circuits with different components
Week 4: Series and Parallel Circuits
Define and differentiate between series and parallel circuits
Build and compare circuits in series and parallel configurations
Analyze the properties of each type of circuit and their applications
Week 5: Energy and Power
Define and differentiate between energy and power
Calculate the energy and power of a circuit using basic formulas
Discuss the importance of energy conservation and efficiency in electrical systems
Week 6: Safety and Maintenance
Identify common electrical hazards and safety precautions
Discuss the importance of proper maintenance and care for electrical equipment
Conduct a review of the key concepts learned throughout the previous weeks and review for any misconceptions or unanswered questions.
Week 1: Introduction to Colour Theory Objective: Students will understand the basics of colour theory and how it can be applied to create art.
• Introduce the primary colours (red, blue, yellow) and secondary colours (purple, green, orange).
• Discuss complementary colours (opposite on the colour wheel) and how they can be used to create contrast.
• Provide examples of art pieces that demonstrate colour theory principles.
• Students will create a colour wheel using the primary and secondary colours and label them.
Week 2: Introduction to Perspective Objective: Students will understand the basics of perspective drawing and how to create the illusion of depth in art.
• Define perspective drawing and provide examples of art pieces that use this technique.
• Teach the basic principles of one-point and two-point perspective.
• Demonstrate how to draw simple objects (e.g. boxes, cylinders) using perspective.
• Students will practice drawing simple objects using perspective.
Week 3: Introduction to Still Life Objective: Students will understand the basics of still life drawing and how to accurately represent objects in a composition.
• Discuss the concept of still life and provide examples of still life art pieces.
• Teach the principles of proportion, shading, and composition.
• Demonstrate how to draw a simple still life composition.
• Students will create their own still life composition and draw it.
Week 4: Introduction to Sculpture Objective: Students will understand the basics of sculpture and how to manipulate materials to create a three-dimensional art piece.
• Discuss the concept of sculpture and provide examples of sculptural art pieces.
• Teach the basics of sculpture materials (e.g. clay, paper mache, wire).
• Demonstrate how to create a simple sculpture using the chosen material.
• Students will create their own sculpture using the material provided.
Week 5: Introduction to Printmaking Objective: Students will understand the basics of printmaking and how to create a print using a variety of techniques.
• Discuss the concept of printmaking and provide examples of printmaking art pieces.
• Teach the basics of printmaking techniques (e.g. relief, intaglio, screen printing).
• Demonstrate how to create a simple print using the chosen technique.
• Students will create their own print using the technique taught.
Week 6: Final Project Objective: Students will use the skills and techniques learned throughout the previous lessons to create a final art project.
• Allow students to choose their preferred medium (drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking).
• Encourage students to use the principles of colour theory, perspective, still life, and sculpture in their final project.
• Provide feedback and support as needed.
• Students will present their final project to the class and discuss their inspiration and artistic choices.
Rainbow Pencils - Alphabet and Punctuation Signs
A Colourful display set with all the letters of the alphabet both capitalised and lower case. Including punctuation signs.
Times Tables Cards that I have backed on coloured paper have been so effective with pupils. I have written the answer of each question on the back. They can either write down the answer with a whiteboard marker and check it at the end or practice them verbally with a friend. The colours just brighten it up as well. The children have been so excited to get to their next colour rather than their next times table!
4 per page number cards 0-20. Good size for small hands, and can be used in various ways. Great for display or practice cards.
Best to be backed on to coloured paper to give a more positive and happier look.
84 Basic addition and subtraction missing number cards under 20 that I have backed on coloured paper have been so effective with pupils. I have written the answer of each question on the back. They can either write down the answer with a whiteboard marker and check it at the end or practice them verbally with a friend. Another game is to lay out the answer cards and put the question that fits the answer on top. The colours just brighten it up as well, I have chosen to back the answers on a different colour paper as the questions.