Maths MagicianAverage Rating3.71(based on 168 reviews)Providing high quality Maths resources for the primary classroom. Edit shopAdd a resource
MissJG133An Introduction to Factor Rainbow(0)Simple lesson presentation introducing the idea of factor rainbows.
MissJG133Doubling and Halving Caterpillar Investigation(1)Investigate the length of caterpillars that follow the rule, even numbers are halved and odd numbers add one.
MissJG133Year 3 Addition Adding Multiples of 10 to a 3 digit Number Function Machine and Place Value Chart(0)A short introductory teaching activity linked to addition in year 3.
MissJG133Finding Percentages of a Number Using Bar Models Word Problem(0)A flipchart teaching how to use bar models to support solving word problems linked to percentages
MissJG133Transformations in All 4 Quadrants Translations Reflections and Rotations(0)A lesson presentation focussing on transformations.
MissJG133Year 6 Rounding Starter Rounding to the neartest 10, whole, tenth, hundredth(0)A nice interactive number generator for the children to round, perfect for lesson starters to improve fluency and consolidate prior learning.
MissJG133Translating Shapes on an Axes(0)A lesson presentation introducing translating shapes in the first quadrant
MissJG133Numicon Representing And Comparing Two Digit Numbers(1)A teaching activity using Numicon to represent and compare two digt numbers.
MissJG133Place Value Number Generator Activity for Rounding and Partitioning 6 Digit Numbers(0)An interactive resource to allow children the chance to practise rounding and partitioning up to 6 digit numbers.
MissJG133Number Problem Solving Worms Beetles and Lizards(0)A nice investigation exploring combinations of heads and legs. Explores different ways of working to get an answer.
MissJG133Consecutive Numbers Investigation Adding 1 Digit Numbers(0)A nice investigation that givens children the chance to practise adding 1 digit numbers in an investigative context.
MissJG133Bar Model Word Problems Mixed Operations(0)A selection of word problems on a flipchart with bar models to model solving. A nice activity for whole class teaching
MissJG133Adding Money and Calculating Change from £5.(0)A nice flipchart and children's activity practising finding change.
MissJG133Part Whole Diagrams Part Whole Houses for numbers up to 12(0)A nice lesson resources introducing children to part whole models, which is a good stepping stone towards bar models for younger children.
MissJG133Year 1 Part Whole Houses Using Part Whole Models for Addition Facts to 12(0)A nice resources that is a stepping stone towards bar modelling. Contains whole lesson pack and one worksheet.
MissJG133Year 3 Pictograms and Tally Charts Cars(0)A nice set of resources to introduce tally charts and pictograms, includes printable simple tasks for children.
MissJG133Target Number Challenge Finding Ways of Making Different Numbers(0)An engaging task exploring different ways of making numbers only using certain cards. Complete with lesson flipchart and two levelled challenge for the children.
MissJG133Year 3 Adding £ and p Finding all the Possiblities(0)Lesson pack exploring and practicing and pounds and pence using expanded column method. Comes with teaching presentation and investigation task.
MissJG133Year 6 Investigating the Angles in Regular Shapes(0)Complete lesson pack introducing an investigation linking the number of triangles a shape can be divided into the the sum of the interior angles.