A lovely practical investigation exploring the lengths of trains that can be made with Cuisenaire rods. Complete with teaching presentation in Promethean and Smart Format and 4 levels of pupil challenges, could be extended over several lessons.
A lesson bundle with teaching tasks and pupil tasks focussing on describing, comparing and sorting 3D shapes according their properties, with a focus on prisms. Could easily be extended over several lessons.
A complete bundle of resources to support introducing ratios, includes shading ratios, simplifying ratios, Smarites ratios and word problems involving ratios. Over 40 pages of teaching sequence resources and 7 pupil task sheets.
Complete lesson pack with teaching presentation and children's task to introduce shape names up to 12 sides, children name and explore number of sides before making shapes using triangles.
A large selection of resources to support teaching money to Year 2. Linked to the White Rose Materials. Comprehensive lesson packs to cover at leave 3 lessons with varied children's tasks, although could easily be extended over more lessons. Contains 3 detailed flipcharts.
A lesson pack linking finding 10, 50 and 1% of numbers to finding more complex percentages. Lesson pack with children's task to display on board (or printed) encouraging children to explain their methods.
An extensive bundle of teaching resources and children’s tasks to support teaching equivalent fractions- covers bar model, multiplication, equivalent fraction webs and missing numerators/ denominators. Enough resources to cover 2/3 lessons.
A huge selection of resources to support the use of place value counters understand place value and calculation. Worth over £50 separately. A great set of lessons to support introducing and using this resource.
A comprehensive lesson pack with teaching tasks - starter/ main / plenary, a pupil starter task, two differentiated task sheets with two levels of extension questions. A pick up and teach pack.