A large bundle of resources to support teaching the year 4 fractions and decimals objectives. Comes with lesson presentations and pupil tasks. At least 16 lessons, worth over £50 separately.
A nice bank of activities to support reasoning in the context on money, with Notebook/ Flipchart examples and pupil task cards. Enough material to extend over multiple lessons.
Complete lesson pack exploring substitution expressions within the context of a function machine. Comes with pupil task and teaching presentation. All are fully adaptable so can be extended or simplified as required.
A bundle of 7+ fully resources lessons exploring writing and ordering decimal numbers, a pick up and teach resource, with reasoning tasks that could be extended over more lessons. Covers introducing hundredths, representing, ordering and comparing fractions and more.
Complete lesson bundle in which children generate a fraction dice, and then use bar models to find equivalent fractions. Comes with several tasks as well as challenges, and complete lesson presentations.