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Sylwadau Cyfnod Darllen / Cwestiynau
Syniadau o sylwadau i ddefnyddio mewn cyfnod darllen wrth ddarllen gyda plant.
Syniadau hefyd o rai cwestiynau i holi wrth ddarllen gyda plant.

Reading Record Comments / Question Prompts
Ideas for reading record comments and question prompt when reading with a child.

Creating an ideal future
An activity based on creating their ideal future.
Some ideas which may be helpful on the second page.

Dyfodol Delfrydol
Gweithgaredd ar creu dyfodol delfrydol.
Rhai syniadau i hwyluso’r dysgu ar yr ail dudalen.

Multiplication Tips and Tricks
Powerpoint looking at some of the tips and tricks to remember the times tables. Up to table 10.

The Greatest Showman
Greatest Showman Lesson on Reading Comprehension / PSHE. Powerpoint includes ideas on how to use the different activities.

Gêm Dyfalu'r Gair - Cliwiau Cyfesurynnau
Gêm dyfalu’r gair gan ddefnyddio cyfesurynnau. Mae posib golygu’r tudalen er mwyn ail ysgrifennu’r brawddegau i fod mwy penodol e.e. geiriau sydd yn gysylltiedig â’r topic gwaith, geiriau sydd yn gysylltiedig â’r Nadolig ayyb.
Bydd angen iddynt ysgrifennu’r cliwiau fel cyfesurynnau wedyn bydd y partner yn defnyddio’r cliwiau i ddarganfod y gair.

Coordinate 'Guess the word' Game
Guess the word game incorporating Literacy and Coordinates.
This game is aimed to be played with a partner. The worksheet is instructed to use random words however it is possible to edit it to be more precise e.g. to only include new words related to the theme of work/ words related to the time of the year e.g. Christmas.
They would only write the clues (the coordinates) to the word and the partner would need to work out what the word is.