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Physics bridge challenge worksheet
Physics bridge building challenge worksheet. This is a fun activity for both students and teachers alike. Give students this worksheet, cellotape, scissors, and paper and watch them let out there inner engineer.
Have you ever walked, ridden your bike or driven in a car over a long bridge? Bridges must be sturdy enough to support the weight of many people and cars without collapsing. One important part of designing a bridge is selecting the right materials. Another is making sure those materials comprising it are shaped in a way to make them strongest. In this project you will build a simple “bridge” using materials you already have on hand—paper and tape! Can you build a miniature bridge that doesn’t collapse?

Y12 Physics Introductory presentation
A brief introductory presentation for new A-Level Physics Students.

Ions, atoms and isotopes lesson - Worksheets included
A year 9 lesson aimed at teaching students about ions, atoms and isotopes.

L3 - Particles, anti-particles and photons - KS5 Lesson AQA
An A-level Physics lesson for Particles, anti-particles and photons. Frequent knowledge checks through exam questions with answers built into the presentation.
Worksheets - Exam questions and answer sheets included.
Outcomes (Need to Know)
that every type of particle, there is a corresponding antiparticle.
that the positron, the antiproton, the antineutron and the antineutrino are the antiparticles of the electron, the proton, the neutron and the neutrino respectively.
Comparison of particle and antiparticle masses, charge and rest energy in MeV.
Photon model of electromagnetic radiation, the Planck constant,
Knowledge of annihilation and pair production processes and the respective energies involved. The use of E = mc2 is not required in calculations.

L2 - Stable and unstable nuclei - KS5 Lesson AQA
An A-level lesson introducing stable and unstable nuclei. Frequent knowledge checks through exam questions with answers built into the presentation.
Worksheets - Exam questions and answer sheets included.
Outcomes (Need to Know)
The strong nuclear force; its role in keeping the nucleus stable;
short-range attraction to about 3 fm, very-short range repulsion below about 0.5 fm;
Equations for alpha decay and β- decay including the neutrino
Only mediates interactions between hadrons

L1 - The Atom (Specific Charge) - KS5 Lesson AQA
An A-level lesson introducing the atom and specific charge. Frequent knowledge check through exam questions with answers built into the presentation.
Worksheets - Exam questions and answer sheets included.
Lesson outcomes
Describe the model of the atom including protons, neutrons and electrons.
Identify the charge and mass of the proton, neutron and electron in SI and relative units.
Define specific charge and calculate the specific charges of the proton and the electron and of nuclei and ions.
Define proton number and nucleon number and recognise nuclear notation.
Explain the meaning of isotopes.