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Edexcel Weimar & Nazi Germany 7 Page History

Edexcel Weimar & Nazi Germany 7 Page History

Edexcel GCSE History Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-1939 7 Page History Summary of the GCSE topic split into the key sections Weimar Germany Rise of Nazis Hitler becomes Chancellor Hitlers Dictatorship Life in Nazi Gemanys Exam Questions - 12 Mark and 16 Mark Practice Perfect for revision for grades 1-9
Edexcel American West, Migration & Settlement Revision Overview

Edexcel American West, Migration & Settlement Revision Overview

Edexcel GCSE History American West, 1830-95 3 Page Revision Overview Summary of Migration & Settlement theme from the American West Includes a focus on the consequence, importance and examplar narrative questions. Includes top level detail in topics like Oregon Trail, Transcontinental Railroad, Homestead Act, Mormon Migration, California Gold Rush, Dawes Plan, Exoduster Movement, Oklahoma Land Rush etc. Perfect for revision for grades 1-9
9-1 GCSE British Medicine Through Time - Lung Cancer Case Study

9-1 GCSE British Medicine Through Time - Lung Cancer Case Study

GCSE British Medicine Through Time New 2016 Specification Grades 9-1 Can be used for AQA, Edexcel, OCR or iGCSE exam boards. Revision/summary sheet covering issues, diagnosis and treatment of cancer in the 1900s-2000s Looks at key points, impact and examples. Includes; Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy and modern treatments Part of Modern Medicine 1900-Present Medicine topic. Please see my other lessons & resources Feedback welcome
American West - Cattle Industry Booklet

American West - Cattle Industry Booklet

Edexcel GCSE History American West Complete Workbook/Booklet Contains the complete thematic study of the Cattle Industry in the West The Beef Bonanza: The Development of the Cattle Industry (Cattle Trails, Abilene, Open Range Ranching) Changes to the lives of cowboys The decline of the Cattle Industry (Great Die Up) Includes starter/Do Now activities, assessment, feedback and homework quizzes. Includes Narrative, Consequence and Importance exam question practice and models A4 PDF - Print it and put it under the visualiser Perfect for revision for grades 1-9
Edexcel Medicine - Middle Age/Medieval Medicine A3 Revision

Edexcel Medicine - Middle Age/Medieval Medicine A3 Revision

Edexcel GCSE History British Medicine Big Picture of The Middle Ages/Medieval Period Overview activities that focus on the period 1250-1500 4 Page revision sheet Includes focus on key areas - cause, treatment, surgery, care, hospitals and prevention/public health, Black Death and factors (Church, Galen & Hippocrates) Timeline Activity to start Exam Comparison Question (4 Mark) with model answers to support and Explain Question Planning (12 Mark) Retrieval Practice throughout A3 PDF - Print it out, use for revision with you working under the visualiser. Perfect for revision for grades 1-9
Edexcel Germany - Stresemann & German Recovery (1923-29) A3 Revision

Edexcel Germany - Stresemann & German Recovery (1923-29) A3 Revision

Edexcel GCSE History Weimar and Nazi Germany Big Picture of the German recovery under Stresemann (1924-29) Overview activities that focus on the Germany recovery with a larger focus on the extent of recovery by 1929 Interpretations Practice (4, 4 and 16 Mark) with model answers to support Retrieval Practice throughout A3 PDF - Print it out, use for revision with you working under the visualiser. Perfect for revision for grades 1-9
KS3 History - Why did American declare Independence in 1776?

KS3 History - Why did American declare Independence in 1776?

KS3 History Empire, Monarchy and British America Complete Lesson Topic: The causes of the American Revolution. This lesson is part of an enquiry called ‘Why did Monarchy fall out favour?’ With a focus on the causes of the declaration of independence. It includes A3 Worksheet and Lesson Guided Reading - Two versions for differentiation Analysis of Hamilton ‘You’ll be back lyrics’ and video Active Reading Comprehension questions based on reading Please see my other resources
GCSE History - American West, Decline of the Cattle Industry

GCSE History - American West, Decline of the Cattle Industry

Edexcel GCSE History American West Decline of the Cattle Industry, 1880s-90s Overview of the end of the Beef Bonanza on Great Plains looking at a narrative of the decline and the move to small ranching. Includes Overstocking, Barbed Wire, Drought and the Great Die Up (Winter 1886-7) Consequences Exam Q of the Great Die Up - Cowboys, Open Range, Small Ranches Recap Activity on whole cattle Industry Two worksheets to accompany the lesson, with all details needed Perfect for revision for grades 1-9
GCSE Medicine - Recap & Review, Industrial Medicine Revision

GCSE Medicine - Recap & Review, Industrial Medicine Revision

Edexcel GCSE History British Medicine 1250-Present Recap & Review - Revision PowerPoint Overview of the Industrial Medicine theme, 1700-1900 Simple, accessible focus on key knowledge and practice of exam questions (4, 12 and 16 Marks) Big picture of the period Cause & Diagnosis Treatment & Surgery Prevention and Public Health Care & Hospitals Medical progress & factors Perfect for revision for grades 1-9
GCSE History - Recap & Review Modern Medicine Revision

GCSE History - Recap & Review Modern Medicine Revision

Edexcel GCSE History British Medicine 1250-Present Recap & Review - Revision PowerPoint Overview of the Modern Medicine theme, 1900-present Simple, accessible focus on key knowledge and practice of exam questions (4, 12 and 16 Marks) Big picture of the period Cause & Diagnosis Treatment & Surgery Prevention and Public Health Care & Hospitals Medical progress & factors Perfect for revision for grades 1-9
GCSE History - Recap & Review, American West Settlement & Migration

GCSE History - Recap & Review, American West Settlement & Migration

Edexcel GCSE History American West, 1830-95 Recap & Review - Revision PowerPoint Overview of the Migration & Settlement theme Simple, accessible focus on key knowledge and practice of exam questions (consequence, narrative and importance) I live draw images in the narrative overview boxes to help students remember Early Migration - Oregon Trail, Mormons, Gold Rush Development - Homestead Act, Transcontinental Railroad & Timber Culture Final Settlement - Dawes Act, Oklahoma Land Rush & Manifest Destiny. Perfect for revision for grades 1-9
GCSE History - Recap & Review, American West Conflict & Tension

GCSE History - Recap & Review, American West Conflict & Tension

Edexcel GCSE History American West, 1830-95 Recap & Review - Revision PowerPoint Overview of the Conflict & Tension, Whites & Indigenous Peoples theme Extensive PPT that provides simple, accessible focus on key knowledge and practice of exam questions (consequence, narrative and importance) Early Government Policy Fort Laramie, 1851 The Plains Wars - Red Cloud, Little Crow & Black Kettle Impact of White Settlement on the Indigenous Peoples Reservations Little Big Horn Dawes Act Destruction of Buffalo Ghost Dance & Wounded Knee Perfect for revision for grades 1-9
GCSE History - Recap & Review, the Transcontinental Railroad

GCSE History - Recap & Review, the Transcontinental Railroad

Edexcel GCSE History American West, 1830-95 Recap & Review - Revision PowerPoint Overview of the importance of the Transcontinental Railroad. Simple, accessible focus on key knowledge and importance of the railroad in terms of Migration & Settlement theme. Focus on support for homesteaders and impact on migration/settlement of the West
GCSE History - Recap & Review, Reservations (American West)

GCSE History - Recap & Review, Reservations (American West)

Edexcel GCSE History American West, 1830-95 Recap & Review - Revision PowerPoint Overview of the impact of Reservations on Native Americans, Indigenous Peoples Simple, accessible focus on key knowledge and conseqeuences of the reservations after their introduction in the Indian Appropriations Act. Lots of examples & a focus on the impact.
Edexcel History - 1851 Fort Laramie Treaty Revision

Edexcel History - 1851 Fort Laramie Treaty Revision

Edexcel GCSE History American West The 1851 Fort Laramie Treaty Overview of the causes, key terms and consequences of the 1st Treaty. Conseqence Practice (4 Mark) with model answers to support Use of worked examples and live modelling Do Now linked to knowledge required Perfect for revision for grades 1-9
Edexcel Anglo Saxon and Norman England 5 Page History

Edexcel Anglo Saxon and Norman England 5 Page History

Edexcel GCSE History Anglo Saxon and Norman England 5 Page History Summary of the GCSE topic split into the main sections Overview of key areas Anglo Saxon England The Sucession Crisis, 1066 Norman Conquest & Battles of 1066 Williams Consolidation of Power Normanisation of England Anglo Saxon Resistance & Rebellion Williams Family & Succession Perfect for revision for grades 1-9
Edexcel Medicine - Big Picture on Cause A3 Revision

Edexcel Medicine - Big Picture on Cause A3 Revision

Edexcel GCSE History British Medicine Through Time Big Picture of Ideas on the Cause Revision Sheet Overview of change/continuity between Modern, Renaissance, Industrial & Modern with knowledge included 16 Mark Judgement Practice Retrieval Practice Comparison Activity A3 PDF Perfect for revision for grades 1-9
Edexcel Medicine - Industrial Hospitals & Florence Nightingale A3

Edexcel Medicine - Industrial Hospitals & Florence Nightingale A3

Edexcel GCSE History British Medicine Big Picture of Industrial Hospitals and Care Focus on the period 1800-1900 1 Page A3 Sheet Includes focus on key areas - Problems in 1800, the work of Florence Nightingale and the development of new hospitals. Exam Comparison Question (4 Mark) A3 PDF - Print it out, use for revision with you working under the visualiser. Perfect for revision for grades 1-9
Edexcel GCSE - Causes & Events of the Munich Putsch

Edexcel GCSE - Causes & Events of the Munich Putsch

Edexcel GCSE History Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1919-39 Complete Lesson Topic: The causes & events of the Munsich Putsch, 1932 Use of Alphonse the Camel to look at causation of Putsch Focus on 12 Mark Explain Question for the causes Timeline of events of Putsch activity, looking at causes of failure Perfect for revision for grades 1-9
Silk Roads Enquiry - KS3 Scheme of Work

Silk Roads Enquiry - KS3 Scheme of Work

KS3 History ‘What travelled the Silk Roads’ - Enquiry Question 5 Lessons, Assessment & Knowledge Organiser Lesson 1- What were the Silk Roads? Lesson 2 - Should the Silk Roads be renamed ‘The Slave Roads’ Lesson 3 - How were the Silk Roads the ‘Highway of Religion’ Lesson 4 - What can Baghdad tells about the spread of wisdom on the Silk Roads? Lesson 5 - Should Genghis Khan be remembered as the master of the Silk Roads? Lesson 6 - Assessment - Quiz & Essay answering the EQ Lessons all ready to go, no resources to print You may wish to print out some maps or information if you want. Knowledge Organiser used a revision tool for the assessment