Witches brew activity. Children to roll their dice and draw the correct number of items into their cauldron. A version where they can write what it in their cauldron and one where they can just draw.
I’m proud of my work signs.
Children can clip them to their work when they want it to be photographed and sent to their parents or can be used for displays.
Phonics detective hunt for phase 5 digraphs
ay, ea, ie, oe, ue, ew and ir
Other digraphs available on separate document.
Print out and hide the phase 5 words. Children to find them and write the word next to the correct picture om their
Phase 5 phonics hunt for digraphs:
oy, ou, ir, wh, ph, au and aw
Other digraphs available separately.
Print out and hide the phase 5 words. Children to find them and write the word next to the correct picture o their sheet.