4th year teacher sharing classroom resources! Currently working at a SEN secondary school for pupils with MLD, ASC, and SEMH needs. The majority of the resources here will be primary curriculum edited for secondary pupils, or secondary resources simplified.
4th year teacher sharing classroom resources! Currently working at a SEN secondary school for pupils with MLD, ASC, and SEMH needs. The majority of the resources here will be primary curriculum edited for secondary pupils, or secondary resources simplified.
This is a full lesson on road safety for ks3 pupils, or pupils with SEN who are learning the importance of road awareness and safety. This includes a starter speaking and listening activity with visuals to support, group discussions, activities, and a reflection to assess learning. This lesson focuses on drivers, passengers, and pedestrian responsibilities when using the road, the risks each might face, the impacts of choosing safe or risky choices, and how to prevent risky choices.
A sorting activity that has the features of non-fiction texts, and their matching purpose in the text. Pupils will have the features, for example, subheadings, and sort through until they find the card that explains what subheadings do for the reader.
A quick way to assess pupil comprehension, adapted learning in the lesson, and informative for next steps. Shows what degree objective has been achieved, level of support, if key learning has been met. One marking grid has been made for each lesson in the topic’s progression.
This is a complete lesson covering rock hardness, permeability, and an acid test. This includes a 5 min speaking and listening activity asking pupils to describe some rocks, a ppt with a quick recap of past learning (alive vs not alive, grains vs crystals, etc), before guiding learning for the lesson. Adult instructions are included for the teacher and / or other class adults, including questions to ask to scaffold and assess learning. A recording sheet for pupils is included, and there is a stretch activity if needed as well.
This lesson was made for year 7 SEN class, however, the learning objective is from the KS2 science curriculum!
This is a complete lesson (lesson plan, powerpoint, warm up activity with visuals, worksheet) for 3 adapted groups within the texts that teach sequence. Pupils work in their groups, with their texts, to box up their writing.
Essential Learning Question: Can I write up my innovated text?
Warm up: Can I make sentences that make sense? Can I sequence sentences in order from the text? Can I identify past tense verbs?
This is a complete lesson to go with the Texts that Teach book, Penguins. Included is a ppt with a speaking and listening warm up, a recap of past learning, differentiated learning for 3 levels, pupil activity sheets, and adult instructions for supported scaffolding / assessing learning.
Essential Learning Question: Can I identify nouns / verbs / adjectives for my innovated research? Warm up: Can I make sentences that make sense? Can I identify features of sentences from my imitated text?
This is a lesson that was taught for year 7 SEN, but is following the primary Texts that Teach sequence!
Flip it, Build it, Compare it.
Pupils need to be in pairs.
They flip over their cards (teachers decide how many, single digit numbers, 2 digit, 3 digit) and set them down in their box. They then make that number using dienes in the box. Once both players have drawn their numbers, they decide which one is bigger and write the number sentence, ie. “15 > 9” in their book before starting with their next cards.
An English activity based on the book If I Were Teacher For A Day. 3 adapted activity sheets: writing sentences based on what pupils see happening in the pictures before them, writing about what they would do if they were teacher for a day using book pictures as supports, and an independent write.
Assessment tool to make marking easier and capture pupil comprehension of learning material. Grids will show adapted learning, understanding of NC objectives, achieved learning, and help to inform next steps. One marking grid for each lesson in this topic’s progression.
Helpful resource to quickly show pupil comprehension of learning material in/after a lesson. Easy assessment tool, as school adults will see how much support the pupil needed, which NC objectives were adapted, any notes, and to what extent the learning objective was achieved. One marking grid for each lesson in topic progression.
An assessment tool for the KS2 science topic, plants. School adults will quickly and easily be able to capture pupil comprehension, adaptations made for the pupil, and to what extent the pupil achieved their learning outcome. One marking grid for each lesson in topic progression.
A way of organising pupil’s login info for all websites and technology used in school. Can be completed, laminated, and remain with pupils as they continue through their schooling.
Marking grids have been made for quick evaluation of pupil’s knowledge in accordance to Nataional Curriculum objectives for the topic and year group. Helps to speed up marking to give clear picture of pupil comprehension. One marking grid per lesson in the topic.
Designed as an independent activity, pupils are given two lists. Each list has a sentence starter, which they copy. Pupils then move to the second list, and choose one of the three options for how they want the sentence to end, and complete their sentence. This builds pupil confidence, ability to attend to a task independently, and support vocab choice through sentence scaffolds.