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Woman in Black SOW
SOW made for Year 7/KS3.
Assessment is based on the opening of chapter 2 and the presentation of pathetic fallacy
Lessons are 100 minutes long
Included resources and homeworks as well
Lessons uploaded as a zip file

KS3: Macbeth Act 3 Scene 1 and 2
Lesson focused on Macbeth’s soliloquy and the resulting actions
Aimed at year 8

KS3: Mini Unit focused on Nelson Mandela
3 lessons focused on exploring extracts from Mandela’s autobiography
Lesson are 100 minutes long
Was made to accompany SOW on the film Cry Freedom

Female Literature Booklet
Booklet including various extracts (1 poem, biographical extracts and articles) surrounding female figures. Made to accompany a SOW titled ‘Women Who Changed The World’

KS3: Macbeth Act 1 Scene 7
Lesson focused on exploring the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth
Aimed at year 8

KS3: Macbeth Act 2 Scenes 1 and 2
Lesson focused on the presentation of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth
Aimed at year 8

KS3: WW1 Poetry 'The Soldier'
Lesson exploring The Soldier by Rupert Brooke. Aimed at year 9. Included a second lesson aimed at lower ability students.

KS3: Macbeth SOW
Aimed at year 8 students.
Lessons cover the following scenes: 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7, 2.1, 3.4, 4.1, 5.1, 5.5
Assessment is focused on Lady Macbeth (primary focus on the SOW)

Victorian Literature SOW
SOW aimed primarily at looking at Victorian representation in Literature:
Childhood: David Copperfield x2, Jane Eyre x2.
Crime: Jekyll and Hyde
Descriptive writing lesson on Marley’s Ghost from A Christmas Carol
Descriptive Writing lessons on Victorian London
GCSE Engliah Language Skills lessons: orphans in Literature
All lessons designed for 100 minutes.

KS3: Of Mice and Men Low Ability
SOW designed for a class of year 9 students which included multiple ECHP, SEN, EAL students who had issues with information retention and recall.
Lessons are 100 minutes long.

KS3: WW1 Poetry 'Who's For The Game'
Lesson aimed at exploring ‘Who’s For The Game’ by Jessie Pope. Aimed at year 9 students

KS3 Famous Speeches: Emmeline Pankhurst
KS3 Famous Speeches
Lesson focused on exploring Emmeline Pankhurst’s ‘Freedom or Death’ speech
As part of a Famous Speeches unit aimed at year 7

KS3 Famous Speeches: Performance Poetry
KS3 Famous Speeches
Lesson focused on exploring’If I Should Have A Daughter’ by Sarah Kay (performance poetry)
As part of a Famous Speeches unit aimed at year 7

KS3 Famous Speeches: George VI
KS3 Famous Speeches
Lesson focused on exploring King George VI’s radio broadcast speech
As part of a Famous Speeches unit aimed at year 7

KS3 Famous Speeches: Shakespeare (Henry V)
KS3 Famous Speeches
Lesson focused on exploring Shakespeare speech from Henry V
As part of a Famous Speeches unit aimed at year 7

KS3 Famous Speeches: Michelle Obama
KS3 Famous Speeches
Lesson focused on exploring Michelle Obama’s speech at Maya Angelou’s memorial
As part of a Famous Speeches unit aimed at year 7