Students use this sheet to answer questions and colour code their answers to aid revision focus.
Brain - From memory
Book - From exercise or textbook
Buddy - From another classmate
Can be stuck into exercise books or filed away. Makes a great extended learning or revision task.
KS3 Humanities
Demonstrates how Christmas is celebrated around the world.
Allows students to travel around the classroom filling out their worksheet
Resources included:
* Powerpoint
* Information sheets
* Blank double-sided worksheet
Students use this sheet to answer questions and colour code their answers to aid revision focus.
Brain - From memory
Book - From exercise or textbook
Buddy - From another classmate
Can be stuck into exercise books or filed away. Makes a great extended learning or revision task.
Students use this sheet to answer questions and colour code their answers to aid revision focus.
Brain - From memory
Book - From exercise or textbook
Buddy - From another classmate
Can be stuck into exercise books or filed away. Makes a great extended learning or revision task.
Students use this sheet to answer questions and colour code their answers to aid revision focus.
Brain - From memory
Book - From exercise or textbook
Buddy - From another classmate
Can be stuck into exercise books or filed away. Makes a great extended learning or revision task.
This homework (extended learning) programme is designed to compliment the teaching of the Edexcel Geography A-Level using up to date resources to engage students beyond the classroom.
It includes:
Weekly tasks
Weekly Exam Question
Suggested list of wider media
Links to resources
It can be edited for schools which have one teacher for the whole spec. This programme is based on two lessons per week focused on coasts.
This can be set routinely in advance on line for students to follow independently.