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Hi! My name is Nicole Campbell and I specialise in PSHE and Citizenship in primary and secondary school. I have been teaching for nine years and have a BA in Media and Cultural Studies, a PGCE in Upper Primary and a Masters in Psychology. I am also a freelance writer and speaker.




Hi! My name is Nicole Campbell and I specialise in PSHE and Citizenship in primary and secondary school. I have been teaching for nine years and have a BA in Media and Cultural Studies, a PGCE in Upper Primary and a Masters in Psychology. I am also a freelance writer and speaker.
A Resilient Interview

A Resilient Interview

An interview sheet for children to record the answers of their friends or family to learn about other people’s resilience through challenges.
Resilient Me

Resilient Me

Get students to identify two situations that they find challenging and two ways they can use resilience to overcome these challenges!
Resilient Art

Resilient Art

A worksheet to get children to explore what or who they consider to be resilient. Get children to think of 4 objects/people that they think are resilient and list reasons why they think that.
Self-Awareness Tracker

Self-Awareness Tracker

This resource gives children the ability to have self-awareness and accurately recognise their own emotions, thoughts and values and how they influence their behaviour. They will also be able to accurately assess their own strengths and limitations with a well-grounded sense of confidence and optimism. This activity can be completed once a day, week or month depending on the child and the behaviour they display. It is helpful to keep a record of the activity to monitor how the child is feeling and what causes them to feel this way.
Year 1 Physical Health and Mental Well-being

Year 1 Physical Health and Mental Well-being

2 x lessons - Health Choices and Physical Health PSHE 2021 Lesson. Contains an 13-slide editable powerpoint with PSHE Village watermark. Learning Outcomes Lesson 1: To understand what it means to be healthy and why it is important To know ways to take care of themselves on a daily basis To understand basic hygiene routines, e.g. hand washing To know about healthy and unhealthy foods, including sugar intake Lesson 2:To know about physical activity and how it keeps people healthy To know about different types of play, including balancing indoor, outdoor and screen-based play To identify people who can help us to stay healthy, such as parents, doctors, nurses, dentists, lunch supervisors Key Vocabulary Lesson 1: healthy, unhealthy foods, importance of breakfast, high sugars, hygiene, handwashing, balanced diet Lesson 2: Fitness, health, physical activity, outdoor, indoor, heart, screen-time Thank you for choosing PSHE Village resources! :)
Year 5 Sleep Choices and Keeping Healthy in the Sun

Year 5 Sleep Choices and Keeping Healthy in the Sun

Year 5 Physical Health and Mental Well-being 2 x lessons - Sleep Choices and Keeping Healthy in the Sun PSHE 2021 Lesson. Contains an 17-slide editable powerpoint with PSHE Village watermark. Worksheets x 1. Learning Outcomes Lesson 1: To understand how sleep contributes to a healthy lifestyle To know a range of healthy sleep strategies and how to maintain them Lesson 2: To know about the benefits of being outdoors and in the sun for physical and mental health To understand how to manage risk in relation to sun exposure, including skin damage and heat stroke Key Vocabulary Lesson 1: Sleep deprivation, brain, memory retention, moodiness, depression, sleep strategies Lesson 2: Immune system, active, ultra-violet B radiation, vitamin D, melatonin, serotonin, equator, melanin Thank you for choosing PSHE Village resources! :)
Year 2 Sleep/Vaccinations and Healthy Teeth

Year 2 Sleep/Vaccinations and Healthy Teeth

Year 2 Physical Health and Mental Well-being 2 x lessons -Sleep and Vaccinations and Healthy Teeth -PSHE 2021 Lesson. Contains a 13-slide editable powerpoint with PSHE Village watermark. Worksheets x1 Learning Outcomes Lesson 1: To know routines and habits for maintaining good physical and mental health To understand why sleep and rest are important for growing and keeping healthy To know that medicines, including vaccinations and immunisations, can help people stay healthy and manage allergies and prevent disease. Lesson 2:To understand the importance of, and routines for, brushing teeth and visiting the dentist To know about food and drink that affect dental health Key Vocabulary Lesson 1: Sleep, rest, memory, vaccination, immunisation, disease, infection, protect Lesson 2: Teeth, enamel, food, dentist, healthy and unhealthy food and drink, brush, clean Thank you for choosing PSHE Village resources! :)
Year 3 Media Images and Celebrating Achievement

Year 3 Media Images and Celebrating Achievement

2 x lessons - Media Images and Celebrating AchievementPSHE 2021 Lesson. Contains an 16-slide editable powerpoint with PSHE Village watermark. Worksheets x 2. Learning Outcomes Lesson 1: • To recognise that images in the media can be changed, altered or adapted and therefore may not represent the ‘true’ image • To identify how an image can influence someone’s view about a place or product • To recognise why an image might be changed, such as to sell something, including an idea to others Lesson 2: To reflect on their achievements and describe what they are proud of • To describe the different ways achievements can be celebrated • To describe aspirations for the end of term/school year and how they will know if they have achieved them •To describe steps they can take to improve • To explain how making mistakes along the way can help them to learn Key Vocabulary Lesson 1:Media, images, distort, filters, confidence, self-image, advertising, influence Lesson 2: Media, images, distort, filters, confidence, self-image, advertising, influence Thank you for choosing PSHE Village resources!:)
Monday Early Morning Presentation for Wellbeing

Monday Early Morning Presentation for Wellbeing

An editable PowerPoint to welcome children into their school day. This supports emotional and social development as well as skills in global citizenship. Designed for Primary-aged students. Slide 1 A welcome slide to greet children and put a smile on their face. Slide 2 A daily timetable (children love to know what the day ahead looks like). Slide 3 A start of week check-in. Encourage children to set positive intentions for the week. Slide 4 A daily wellbeing activity. Children can record on whiteboards or in a specific wellbeing journal.
Tuesday Early Morning Presentation Winter Term

Tuesday Early Morning Presentation Winter Term

An editable PowerPoint to welcome children into their school day. This supports emotional and social development as well as skills in global citizenship. Designed for Primary-aged students. Slide 1 A welcome slide to greet children and put a smile on their face. Slide 2 A daily timetable (children love to know what the day ahead looks like)3 Slide 3 A daily wellbeing activity. Children can record on whiteboards or in a specific wellbeing journal.
Wednesday Early Morning Presentation Winter Term

Wednesday Early Morning Presentation Winter Term

An editable PowerPoint to welcome children into their school day. This supports emotional and social development as well as skills in global citizenship. Designed for Primary-aged students. Slide 1 A welcome slide to greet children and put a smile on their face. Slide 2 A daily timetable (children love to know what the day ahead looks like). Slide 3-5 Guess the country - childrren to guess in what part of the world the images have been taken. Slide 6 A daily wellbeing activity. Children can record on whiteboards or in a specific wellbeing journal.
Thursday Early Morning Presentation Winter Term

Thursday Early Morning Presentation Winter Term

An editable PowerPoint to welcome children into their school day. This supports emotional and social development as well as skills in global citizenship. Designed for Primary-aged students. Slide 1 A welcome slide to greet children and put a smile on their face. Slide 2 A daily timetable (children love to know what the day ahead looks like). Slide 3 A daily wellbeing activity. Children can record on whiteboards or in a specific wellbeing journal.
Friday Early Morning Presentation

Friday Early Morning Presentation

An editable PowerPoint to welcome children into their school day. This supports emotional and social development as well as skills in global citizenship. Designed for Primary-aged students. Slide 1 A welcome slide to greet children and put a smile on their face. Slide 2 A daily timetable (children love to know what the day ahead looks like). Slide 3 A end of week check-in. Encourage children to use sentence starters to reflect on the past week. Slide 4-6 Guess the Country - Children to guess what part of the world the images are taken in. Slide 7 A daily wellbeing activity. Children can record on whiteboards or in a specific wellbeing journal.
World Food Day: The Global Food Crisis

World Food Day: The Global Food Crisis

The global food crisis Around the world about 828 million people go to bed hungry every night. But food scarcity remains a complex problem to solve. This lesson plan on food scarcity can be used on 16 October for World Food Day. Help students explore some of the reasons why food is scarce and discuss the complexities of sharing food globally. Presentation slides and resources included Use this one-hour lesson to help your students: Understand what food scarcity means and how this links to stories in the news Discuss solutions to the global food crisis Consider who is responsible for solving the crisis The Economist Educational Foundation maintain full editorial control.
World Oceans Day 2023

World Oceans Day 2023

Global Citizenship A lovely summer term activity!!! 1 x lesson- World Oceans Day - PSHE 2023 Lesson. Contains a 13 slide editable powerpoint with PSHE Village watermark. Worksheets x 1. Resources you may need: plain white paper, lined paper, art materials, colours, paint, YOUTUBE wave video- sound for auditory learners (optional) The Ocean sustains our whole planet. It contributes to the air we breathe, the food we eat, the livelihoods of millions of people and so much more. And yet the health of our Ocean is under threat from global warming and human activities such as overfishing. World Ocean Day on June 8th is the perfect time to join thousands of other people who are taking a stand. You can follow the World Ocean Day campaign @MSCintheUK across the socials and using the below hashtag. #TheOceanAndUs Learning Outcomes –To cultivate fascination for the ocean. -To learn about what needs to be done to protect it -To raise awareness about its importance to humanity Thank you for choosing PSHE Village resources! :)
World Day Against Child Labour 2023

World Day Against Child Labour 2023

World Day Against Child Labour 2023 12th June 2023 1 x lesson- World Day Against Child Labour 2023 - PSHE 2023 Lesson. Contains a 21 slide editable powerpoint. Resources you may need: Laptops/ pads/ PCs for independent research in pairs/ groups. According to the UN Child labour remains a significant issue, with approximately 72 million working children denied education, safe working conditions and fair pay. In some of the least developed countries, it is estimated that up to one in four children are working in conditions detrimental to their health and development. Learning Outcomes -To understand where child labour is primarily occuring and how we are connected to it. -To learn about where children are working and being exploited. -To raise awareness and think of ideas to solve the problem. Thank you for choosing PSHE Village resources!
Religious Discrimination

Religious Discrimination

1 x lesson -Religious Discrimination-PSHE 2023 Lesson. Contains a 17-slide editable powerpoint. Resource sheet x1 Suited to Key Stage 3- Linked to PSHE Association Year 8 Curriculum - Relationships - Discrimination Learning Outcomes -To develop an understanding of religious discrimination -To understand its impact on individuals and communities -To explore ways to promote religious tolerance. Key Vocabulary Equality Act 2010, Religious Discrimination, tolerance Thank you for choosing PSHE Village resources!
Exploring the Connection between Food and Mental Health

Exploring the Connection between Food and Mental Health

1 x lesson -Exploring the Connection between Food and Mental Health-PSHE 2024 Lesson. Contains a 9-slide editable powerpoint. Resource sheet x1 Suited to Key Stage 4/ 5- Linked to PSHE Association Year 11 Curriculum - Health and Well-being - Responsible Health Choices Learning Outcomes -to be able to understand and articulate the connections between food choices and mental health -to examine the impact of nutrition on mood, cognitive function, and overall mental well-being. Case studies included in download 1x sheet and 1 x answer sheet Thank you for choosing PSHE Village resources!