I'm a French native teacher who loves creating resources to boost students' progress.
Most of my resources are ready to be used in your classroom. They also include answers to facilitate your life.
Do not hesitate to have a look at the many free resources I have shared.
In my shop, you can find reading and listening tasks that are scaffolded. Exam style questions. A variety of mats (knowledge organisers). Cultural references for A Level. Etc.
J'espère pouvoir vous aider!
I'm a French native teacher who loves creating resources to boost students' progress.
Most of my resources are ready to be used in your classroom. They also include answers to facilitate your life.
Do not hesitate to have a look at the many free resources I have shared.
In my shop, you can find reading and listening tasks that are scaffolded. Exam style questions. A variety of mats (knowledge organisers). Cultural references for A Level. Etc.
J'espère pouvoir vous aider!
This resource is aimed at French A level students working on the immigration/front national topic. It deals with “le rassemblement national”.
It is a great resource of EDEXCEL. It can be easily adapted for AQA.
It is composed of a listening/reading worksheet.
It’s an authentic resource that has been scaffolded with pre-reading/pre-listening tasks.
It includes exam style questions.
Answers are provided to facilitate your life.
They are ready-to-use resources which require minimum preparation.
More resources on the topic of “Le Front National” are available here :
They include the following subtopics : Marine Le Pen, Jean-Marie Le Pen, la création du FN, l’évolution du FN, l’opinion des Français, l’élection de 2002 / 2017, and more.
BUNDLE : Les changements de la société française
I have made this mat for my Y12/Y13 classes which focuses on the “famille” topic.
It includes the following sub topics :
les différents types de famille
L’adoption en France
Le mariage / le PACS
Les personnes vulnérables
A lot of facts, dates and statistics are provided for each sub-topic.
Potential exam style questions are also provided (speaking).
Sources are provided.
I hope this helps.
BUNDLE available here (+10 long writing model answers)
Worksheet to help my GCSE students write 150 words on four given bullet points using complex structures (extracted from the model answer).
BUNDLE available here (+10 long writing model answers)
Worksheet to help my GCSE students write 150 words on four given bullet points using complex structures (extracted from the model answer).
French A level -La résistance - La résistance française - l’importance de Jean Moulin et des femmes - les Français libres et le général de Gaulle
French A level Edexcel lessons.
This bundle is composed of more than ten lessons with a variety of homework tasks.
Here are the subtopics that will be studied:
La résistance française
• C’est quoi résister ?
o Les devoirs : Cacher des juifs chez soi
• Les témoignages de résistants
• Comment résister ? Le sabotage
o Les devoirs : Les groupes de résistants
L’importance de Jean Moulin et des femmes dans la résistance:
• Jean Moulin, c’est qui ?
o Les devoirs : Le Conseil National de Résistance e
• Les femmes dans la résistance (Lucie Aubrac)
• Les femmes dans la résistance (Joséphine Baker)
o Les devoirs : deux femmes entrent au Panthéon
Les Français libres et le général de Gaulle:
• De Gaulle, c’est qui ?
• L’appel du 18 juin 1940
o Les devoirs : la vérité sur l’appel du 18 juin 1940
• La France libre et les maquis
These lessons include listening and reading activities (authentic documents used). Exam style questions. Translations into French and into English. Speaking activities. Grammatical concepts.
They are great to use either in class, for homework, for independent studies or even for remote teaching.
They come with answers and a PowerPoint to facilitate your life.
If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to contact me on Facebook or by email (pvfrresources@gmail.com)
If you are looking for a Bundle for “La France Occupée”, click here:
If you are looking for a Bundle for “Le régime de Vichy”, click here:
Each long writing comes with :
4 bullet points (aiming at using 3 different tenses).
**A grade 8-9 modal answer. **
A vocabulary search activity to extract complex structures (+ tweak them in a different context).
+guidance to help you assess your students’ work faster.
Topics covered :
Special occasion
*Do not hesitate to let me know what you think of them. You can easily contact me on my Facebook page too.
Sentence builders and grammar worksheet on the topic of FOOD. I use them for my GCSE classes to either introduce, consolidate or revise grammar. They can also be used for good KS3 classes as the sentence builders provide a good amount of support.
This worksheet focuses on negative structures. (je ne mange pas de/d’ - je ne bois pas de/d’)
If you’re teaching the topic of food and want extra worksheets to support your teaching, or worksheets for independent learning, homework, extension tasks, home learning, etc. These ones are a good option!
Activities are scaffolded to support your students’ learning.
Answers are provided to make your life easier
Please bear in mind that these worksheets are also part of the BUNDLE that exists for FOOD here:
If you only want grammar worksheets on the food topic, you can go here:
Key words:
food and drink / daily life / food and eating out / free time activities/ la nourriture/ je mange/ je bois
French A level - La France occupée - La France sous l’Occupation et la collaboration - L’antisémitisme et l’Occupation - La vie sous l’Occupation et les représailles d’après-guerre
French A level Edexcel lessons.
This bundle is composed of more than ten lessons with a variety of homework tasks.
Here are the subtopics that will be studied:
• Les années noires
o Les devoirs : l’Opéra de Paris pendant les années noires
Grammaire : le passé simple
• La rafle du Vel’ d’Hiv
o Les devoirs : Le discours de Jacques Chirac en 1995
Grammaire : pronoms possessifs
o Les devoirs : Le discours d’Emmanuel Macron en 2022
• Les témoignages des survivants du Vel d’Hiv
o Les devoirs : le témoignage d’Annette Mulette
Grammaire : l’imparfait
• C’est quoi, l’antisémitisme ? L’étoile jaune ?
• L’Occupation de la France
o Les devoirs : l’exposition « Le Juif et la France »
• Les restrictions pour les Juifs en France
o Les devoirs : le statut des Juifs
• Le mémorial de la Shoah à Paris
• Les tickets de rationnement
o Les devoirs : Les tickets de rationnement et l’impact sur la santé de la population
• La vie sous l’occupation
o Les devoirs : L’histoire du STO
Grammaire : la voix passive
• Les femmes tondues
These lessons include listening and reading activities (authentic documents used). Exam style questions. Translations into French and into English. Speaking activities. Grammatical concepts.
They are great to use either in class, for homework, for independent studies or even for remote teaching.
They come with answers and a PowerPoint to facilitate your life.
If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to contact me on Facebook or by email (pvfrresources@gmail.com)
French GCSE worksheets to focus on the perfect tense with the festivals topic. They can also work well for good/strong KS3 students as the first page is usually self-explanatory.
They are composed of two parts for differentiation. The first page focuses only on regular and common verbs from core French GCSE vocabulary lists.
The second page focuses on French irregular verbs (some are also uncommon verbs).
Activities are all scaffolded and lead to a short piece of writing.
These French GCSE worksheets are great for independent learning, home learning, homework or even cover work.
Answers are provided to make your life easier.
Here are all topics you can find in my shop:
School, sport, hobbies, the world of work, media, home and house, food, family relationships, chores, routine, holidays, environment, festivals and traditions.
Each topic has a worksheet for each of the following tenses:
Imperfect tense, perfect tense, present tense, near future tense (+infinitive structures & modal verbs), future tense, conditional tense/mood.
Don’t hesitate to follow me on my Facebook and Twitter pages to be aware of updates. More worksheets to be added this year (including complex structures).
French GCSE worksheets to focus on the imperfect tense with the school topic. They can also work well for good/strong KS3 students as the first page is usually self-explanatory.
They are composed of two parts for differentiation. The first page focuses only on regular and common verbs from core French GCSE vocabulary lists.
The second page focuses on French irregular verbs (some are also uncommon verbs).
Activities are all scaffolded and lead to a short piece of writing.
These French GCSE worksheets are great for independent learning, home learning, homework or even cover work.
Answers are provided to make your life easier.
Here are all topics you can find in my shop:
School, sport, hobbies, the world of work, media, home and house, food, family relationships, chores, routine, holidays, environment, festivals and traditions.
Each topic has a worksheet for each of the following tenses:
Imperfect tense, perfect tense, present tense, near future tense (+infinitive structures & modal verbs), future tense, conditional tense/mood.
Don’t hesitate to follow me on my Facebook and Twitter pages to be aware of updates. More worksheets to be added this year (including complex structures).
French KS3 leisure activities.
This bundle is composed of PowerPoints with **answers included** and lessons in a booklet. This is perfect to be used in class, for homework, for remote teaching or independent learning.
Activities focus on the four skills : speaking ; listening ; speaking and writing.
The main part of each lessons is usually a sentence builder where the main vocabulary is taught/revised/mastered.
I will learn…
opinions to talk about activities ; who I do activities with ; how to conjugate ER verbs in the present tense ; when I do activities ; how to pronounce -ER verb endings ; to talk about activities I do not do ; to talk about activities I would like to do
Soundtracks hav now been uploaded.
I hope you will find these lessons helpful. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions either my email (pvfrresources@gmail.com) or on Facebook.
If you could leave a review here on TES, this would be greatly appreciated.
French A level - Les changements dans la société française (+30 lessons)
Lessons on:
Les changements dans les structures familiales
La structure de la famille en France
L’institution du mariage
Les relations en famille
L’enseignement en France
Aie! L’école me stresse!
Je m’oriente vers l’enseignement supérieur
De l’enseignement au boulot
Le monde du travail
L’équilibre travaille-vie personnelle, ça marche ?
Les grèves et les Français, un droit national ?
L’égalité homme-femme au travail : un mythe ou une réalité ?
Free lessons (family topic) here to give you an idea of how I structure them :
These lessons include listening and reading activities (authentic documents used). Exam style questions. Translations into French and into English. Speaking activities. Grammatical concepts.
They are great to use either in class, for homework, for independent studies or even for remote teaching.
They come with answers and a PowerPoint to facilitate your life.
If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to contact me on Facebook or by email (pvfrresources@gmail.com)
Four different worksheets to support the Allez 1 textbook for subunits (2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 / 2.4).
They will help your students consolidate grammar points seen in the textbook and stretch their ability.
Each worksheet comes with a reading activity, questions, instructions in French, grammar analysis. Some have translation or writing tasks.
It can be given as homework or be done in class.
Have a look in my shop at the “Allez 1 2.1 je suis quelqu’un de bien” FREE resource to have an idea of how my worksheets look like.
French GCSE listening worksheet. Listening revision. Listening practice.
This worksheet focuses on the media topic (my phone). It includes a variety of activities that are all scaffolded to lead towards an exam style question.
Matching-up activity :vocabulary extracted from the listening transcript. This should be done before playing the listening. This will help your students brainstorm vocabulary and focus on key words they need to be wary of, whilst working on the listening recording.
True false activity: sentences include synonyms of words from the transcript to help students focus on the meaning of the whole sentences.
Complete sentences : iGCSE exam style question. This activity usually uses synonyms instead of words extracted from the transcript.
Fill in the gaps - transcript : This could be given to weaker students to do the matching-up activity or used as a plenary.
Answers are provided to make your life easier
These worksheets are made for IGCSE classes but can easily be tweaked for AQA and EDEXCEL GCSE classes.
Technology in everyday life, Identity and culture, The world around us, the media, television
French resource to focus on the following subtopic:
autour de moi – chez moi (3.1)
j’habite dans une maison individuelle
It follows the order of the Allez textbook from Kerbooble. It is great of KS3 (Year 7 mostly).
(chez moi - Autour de moi - 3.1)
Answers are provided to help you. Activities included go from vocabulary search, grammar questions, translations to exam style questions.
If you want to get in touch, don’t hesitate to look for my page on Facebook or Twitter.
Bundle: More than 40 reading tasks for KS3 (Year 7 and Year 8) are available here:
I hope this helps.
French resource to focus on the following subtopic:
Mon monde perso – Les copains d’abord (2.4)
Mon meilleur ami s’appelle… il est… je le connais depuis…
It follows the order of the Allez textbook from Kerbooble. It is great of KS3 (Year 7 mostly).
(Les copains d’abord – Allez 2.4)
Answers are provided to help you. Activities included go from vocabulary search, grammar questions, translations to exam style questions.
If you want to get in touch, don’t hesitate to look for my page on Facebook or Twitter.
Bundle: More than 40 reading tasks for KS3 (Year 7 and Year 8) are available here:
I hope this helps.
Lesson on what I wear (les vêtements que je porte). Mon look. Ça c’est mon truc. (Allez 1 - 6.2). This lesson focuses clothes I wear when it is raining, hot, cold, etc.
Here is more information regarding lessons with PowerPoints you will find in my shop:
Each lesson comes with a .doc booklet and a PowerPoint with answers included to make your life easier.
Each lesson builds onto the previous ones to enhance prior knowledge and help students retain vocabulary.
Sentence builders are key elements of each lesson. You could use them to introduce new vocabulary and do fun activities with them. Do not hesitate to contact me on Facebook if you need some help.
I made sure to use a wide range of activities for the four skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing.
There are no listening tracks. I wrote the transcripts (which are included in the PowerPoint) and I usually either record myself or read it at loud. I hope this will work well for you.
You might want to edit/tweak the starter activity I created as it is usually linked to previous topics to reactivate prior knowledge. When I have slides introducing new vocabuary, I suggest adding pictures from Google Image to help your students.
key words:
French KS3 / mon look / ça c’est mon truc / je porte / Allez 1 6.1 / er verbs consolidation / Allez 1 6.2 / qu’est-ce que tu portes
French A level worksheet on “les divorces en France et la Covid-19” - le changement dans la famille. Les changements dans les structures familiales.
Divorces et la Covid-19 2020/2021.
It is composed of two exam style questions linked to a reading on “les divorces en France” as well as translations into French and into English.
This a great, up-to-date resource to revise the topic of “les changements dans les structures familiales”
Answers are included to make your life easier
Key words: French A level revision - worksheets- reading - translation - la famille - les changements dans la famille - les divorces en France - la structure de la famille en France - 2020 - 2021 - Covid 19 - le confinement
French KS3 lessons to learn how to describe myself, talk about my personality, my physical description and my animals. (9 lessons with PowerPoints and answers)
This bundle is composed of PowerPoints with **answers included** and lessons in a booklet. This is perfect to be used in class, for homework, for remote teaching or independent learning.
Activities focus on the four skills : speaking ; listening ; speaking and writing.
The main part of each lessons is usually a sentence builder where the main vocabulary is taught/revised/mastered.
I will learn…
to describe how I look ; to describe my personality ; to describe my family ; to talk about my pets
Soundtracks will be added before the end of September 2021. Should you buy this resource without the soundtracks (transcripts are provided), come back when they are uploaded here and you will be able to download them for free.
I hope you will find these lessons helpful. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions either my email (pvfrresources@gmail.com) or on Facebook.
If you could leave a review here on TES, this would be greatly appreciated.
French GCSE booklet with all the activities you need to complete the “jours ordinaires, jours de fête” topic (module 3 - Studio textbook).
The booklet works well with both AQA and Edexcel examboards.
Lessons included are :
C’est bientôt dimanche ? (two lessons)
Grammar : POUVOIR & DEVOIR (present tense)
Grammar : food vocabulary (+ SOME)
Regarde ce que je mange (one lesson)
Grammar : EN
La fête du quatorze juillet en France (one lesson)
Félicitations (two lessons)
C’est la fête (one lesson)
**ANSWERS are provided. **
These lessons include reading activities. Exam style questions. Translations into French and into English. Speaking activities. Grammatical concepts.
They are great to use either in class, for homework, for independent studies or even for remote teaching.
If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to contact me on Facebook or by email (pvfrresources@gmail.com)
Do not hesitate to check my shop for other modules.