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National Poetry Day 2019 Resource from Betjeman Poetry Prize

National Poetry Day 2019 Resource from Betjeman Poetry Prize

A comprehensive poetry analysis lesson plan for KS2 English students that uses Charles Causley’s poem ‘The Owl Looked Out of the Ivy Bush’ to encourage students to think more deeply about poetic voices and the intention’s behind ‘nonsense poetry’. Includes a copy of the poem and suggested lesson structure.
National Poetry Day 2019 Resource from The Emma Press

National Poetry Day 2019 Resource from The Emma Press

A classroom activity for KS2 students based on Richard O’Brien’s poem ‘Iguanadon’t’. Designed to teach students to experiment with wordplay and repetition, to find different ways to tell a story through poetry. The Emma Press encourage you to send the students work through to them to take a look. Resource include Richard O’Brien’s poem.
National Poetry Day 2019 Resource from the Poetry Archive

National Poetry Day 2019 Resource from the Poetry Archive

A lesson plan for KS2 and KS3 students based on Philip Gross’ poem ‘Nanny Neverly’. With activities covering reading, writing and spoken language, children are encouraged to create poems on their ‘Granny’, whether funny or sad, with suggested further reading ideas for contrast with Gross’ poem.
National Poetry Day 2019 Resource from The Poetry Society

National Poetry Day 2019 Resource from The Poetry Society

Activities for KS4 students based on Foyle Young Poet of the Year 2015 Award winner Andrew Telford’s poem ‘6 Ways to Look at The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Encouraging inventive ways of thinking through poetry analysis and group work. Includes Telford’s poem and extension activity for keen and curious learners.
National Poetry Day Toolkit 2019

National Poetry Day Toolkit 2019

National Poetry Day (October 3rd, 2019) is an annual celebration of poetry and all things poetical. It is about everybody sharing poetry, reading poetry, writing poetry and enjoying poetry. Use this pack of tips and activity ideas and join in the celebrations – not only on National Poetry Day itself but all year round. It’s full of activities schools can do (primary and secondary) and also contains book recommendations.
National Poetry Day 2019 Resource from Apples and Snakes

National Poetry Day 2019 Resource from Apples and Snakes

Activities and lesson plans for KS4 students based on Rue Gombochuma’s poem ‘The truth’. Designed to encourage children to think of stories and fantasies they heard growing up and how to reflect on these using a variety of poetic devices. Includes poem and detailed instructions for a lesson plan.
National Poetry Day Educational Resources LIGHT

National Poetry Day Educational Resources LIGHT

This year’s theme is LIGHT. We have wonderful education resources available to you here, to use in the run up to National Poetry Day 2015 on 08 October. Whatever you do, share your plans with us on Twitter with hashtag #nationalpoetryday.
National Poetry Day 2020 NLT KS2 Education Resource

National Poetry Day 2020 NLT KS2 Education Resource

Use this guide to make a rainbow poem with the whole class (or school). Designed for KS2, this resource uses colour association to create poetry, including a classic poem from Christina Rossetti and some handy video links to help students think about colour from other perspectives – have you ever seen what colour is like for a snake? Find out with this resource.
National Poetry Day 2020 NLT KS3 Education Resource

National Poetry Day 2020 NLT KS3 Education Resource

Using a classic poem from Paul Laurence Dunbar (influential for poets such as Maya Angelou), this guide explores how to write a poem about freedom (or its opposite). Group activities designed for KS3, and featuring links and prompts for further exploration of Dunbar’s legacy and other poetry writing techniques.
National Poetry Day 2020 Scottish Poetry Library Education Resource

National Poetry Day 2020 Scottish Poetry Library Education Resource

A guide to exploring limits through poetry, featuring the poem ‘Eye Chart’ by partially sighted poet Nuala Watt. Designed for KS3/4, this resource encourages students to examine their own strengths and weaknesses, and how these abilities make them feel, using this to create their own ‘Eye Chart’.
National Poetry Day 2020 First Story Education Resource

National Poetry Day 2020 First Story Education Resource

A guide to using poetry – based on your name – to create a deeper, more poetic expression of who you truly are. Designed for KS3/4, this guide explores how to use etymology to inspire your student’s writing. Featuring Lucy Webb’s poem ‘Etymology’ from 20:20 Vision: An Anthology by the First Story Group at Saint Gabriel’s College, London.
National Poetry Day 2020 CLPE Education Resource

National Poetry Day 2020 CLPE Education Resource

A guide to outlining your poetic vision for our planet and the environment by Sue Hardy-Dawson. Designed for KS2, this guide includes a poem from Where the Zebra’s Go (Otter-Barry Books) as well as links to more helpful videos from Sue on writing poetry and free teaching resources from CLPE.