Primary Topic Shop is a team of two people. Richard is a primary teacher and Christa is a graphic designer and photojournalist. Between them, they have the unique ability to create original material for their units. It doesn't hurt they are both very interested in the subject matter! In fact, Richard and Christa lived in Egypt where Richard worked at a British School. Now they live in Scotland and are researching UK history.
Primary Topic Shop is a team of two people. Richard is a primary teacher and Christa is a graphic designer and photojournalist. Between them, they have the unique ability to create original material for their units. It doesn't hurt they are both very interested in the subject matter! In fact, Richard and Christa lived in Egypt where Richard worked at a British School. Now they live in Scotland and are researching UK history.
Activities and reading response questions accompany information sheets covering Who Were The Vikings, Life in the Viking Age, Timeline, Beliefs, Jewellery, Runes, Sagas, Ships, Voyages, Weapons and Review
This resource explores the workings of sight, including the nature of light, the human eye, and the role of rods and cones. It covers topics such as the diagram and size of the eye, eye movement, depth perception, and the parts of the eye, including the blind spot. The resource includes a variety of interactive activities, including labeling the parts of the eye on a diagram, matching parts of the eye, a fun activity to discover the blind spot, depth perception experiments, and a true or false activity.
Aimed at KS2 Y4-6.
Pages: 11 (including 2 answer pages)
5 Information Pages
Fill in the Labels Activity
True or False Worksheet
Matching Worksheet
Find Your Blind Spot Activity
Depth Perception Experiments
Answer Sheets
In this lesson, students learn about ancient Roman myths. The PDF includes information handouts about myths including the myth of Romulus and Remus, Echo and Narcissus and Juno and the First Frogs, with differentiated reading response questions. The activities include making a comic strip, antonyms and synonyms, and remaking the myth.
27 Pages (including 6 answer sheets)
5 Information and Reading Handouts
Differentiated Reading Response (2 Comprehension Questions / 2 Multiple Choice / 1 True or False)
Making a Comic Activity
4 Comic Template Cut-out Pages
Remake the Myth Activity
Answer Sheets
This bundle has both the Roman and Greek versions of the same mythological beasts, Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cyclops, Harpy, Hydra, Medusa, Minotaur, Pegasus, Phoenix, Satyr/Faun and Siren.
This bundle is suitable if you are teaching about both the Ancient Romans and the Ancient Greeks. The Roman version uses the Roman names for gods and heroes (example: Jupiter and Hercules) and the Greek version has the Greek names (Zeus and Herakles). The introductions to the two resources also vary. The activities are the same.
Pages: Roman Mythological Beasts - 36 (including 7 answer sheets) + Greek Mythological Beasts - 36 (including 7 answer sheets)
Contents (X2):
12 Illustrated Listings
Constellation Page
Constellation Task Cards
Star Charts
Create a Monster Activity
Match the Beast Activity
Printable Memory Card Game
Questions / Multiple Choice / True or False (Differentiated Reading Response)
Questions or comments? Contact me at
All text and illustrations are by Christa Galloway, Primary Topic Shop.
Explore Ancient Rome with over 200 pages of illustrated handouts, worksheets and activities.
Types of resources included:
Information Handouts
Comprehension Questions
Multiple Choice
True or False
Fill In The Blank
Cross-Curricular Activities
Math Problems
Printable Card Games
Art Activities
All files are printable PDFs.
Gaius Julius Caesar was one of the most famous leaders of history. He was a brilliant military leader and brutal opponent to his enemies. Caesar only ruled Rome for a short time, but his political career changed the way Rome was governed. This resource covers Caesar’s early career, the First Triumvirate, the consulship, conquest in Gaul, crossing the Rubicon and Rome’s civil war, Caesar’s role in Egypt, his dictatorship, the Julian calendar, his assassination and the new Caesar. Three worksheets, three activities and answer sheets are also included.
Pages: 13 (including 5 answer sheets)
2 Information Handouts
Comprehension Worksheets (differentiated with questions & multiple choice)
Number the Events Worksheet
Caesar’s Legacy Activity
Quote Interpretation Activity
Coin Design Activity
Answer Sheets
This printable PDF includes an information handout and several worksheets. The information handout explores the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, the Roman festivals that influenced the Celts, the Christian All Saints’ Day and later traditions brought by Irish and Scottish immigrants to North America.
Pages: 15 (including 3 answer sheets)
1 Information Handout
3 Fill In The Timeline Activities (Differentiated)
1 Comprehension Questions
1 Multiple Choice Questions
Bobbing For Apples Quiz Game
Answer Sheets
This resource compliments the Origins of Halloween Poster.
This poster is a scalable pdf, this means you can print it as big as you like for your classroom. The timeline explores the origins of Halloween and how the traditions have changed over time. This poster compliments the Origins of Halloween resource.
This printable PDF covers Ancient Roman social classes and family structures. Several worksheets are included as well as a class play activity.
Pages: 13 (including 3 answer sheets)
3 Information Handouts
Comprehension Questions
Multiple Choice
Social Class Pyramid
Who Am I?
Write A Class Play
Answer Sheets
Terms of Use
This printable PDF includes an information handout, differentiated comprehension worksheets, and an art activity. The information consists of a brief passage on the life of St. Patrick, the early celebrations, as well as symbolism and colors associated with the holiday.
Pages: 6 including 2 answer sheets
1 Information Handout
1 Comprehension Questions
1 Multiple Choice
1 Art Activity
2 Answer Sheets
This resource explores how the sense of hearing works. The PDF includes reading pages about the sound, amplitude, frequency, parts of the ear, and locating sound. Vocabulary definitions are provided for reference. In addition, there are comprehension worksheets, activities and experiments where students can put their sense of hearing to the test.
Pages: 17 (including 6 answer pages)
3 Information Pages
Vocabulary Page & Activity
Cryptic Crossword
Differentiated Flavor Sorting
True or False Worksheet
Matching Activity
Exploring Taste Activity
Taste & Smell Experiment
Answer Sheets
The Viking Sagas lesson covers a brief history of sagas and examples of a legendary saga, and a historical saga. It includes a write your own saga activity.
Pages: 8 (including 2 answer sheets)
Information Pages
Comprehension Questions
Write Your Own Saga Activities
Color Puzzle
Creation Saga Drawing
Answer Sheets
All photos, illustrations and text are original by Christa Galloway, Primary Topic Shop.
This bundle includes an information handout, activities, worksheets, a game and a poster. The information handout explores the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, the Roman festivals that influenced the Celts, the Christian All Saints’ Day and later traditions brought by Irish and Scottish immigrants to North America. The game is a fun Bobbing for Apples Quiz Game, where students have to “bob for apples” (pick a letter card) and spell the answer to a quiz question. This can be played by individual students in stations, or by teams in a class. The poster features a timeline that explores the origins of Halloween and how the traditions have changed over time. The size of the poster is 11 x 17 inches but it is a scalable vector so it could easily be printed bigger or smaller.
Pages: 15 + poster
1 Information Handout
3 Fill In The Timeline Activities (Differentiated)
1 Comprehension Questions
1 Multiple Choice Questions
Bobbing For Apples Quiz Game
Answer Sheets
This lesson covers the classes of Vikings, laws, longhouses, warriors, trades, women and children. Activities include Longhouse Blueprint, Longhouse Area Math (these are two differentiated activities), Unscramble, Find the Definition, Walk-a-Mile, Reading Response and True False (differentiated), and a Maze. Aimed at KS2 Y4-6
Pages: 17 (plus 4 answer sheets)
7 Information Pages
2 Longhouse Area Math activities (differentiated)
1 Longhouse Blueprint Activity
1 Unscramble Activity
2 Multiple Choice Activities
1 Walk-a-Mile Activity
1 Reading Response / 1 True or False (differentiated)
4 Answer Sheets
The democracy we know today has its roots in the democracy that began 2,000 years ago in ancient Greece. Teach your students about the history of democracy in Greece, the three main institutions of ancient Greek democracy, and the difference between direct and representative democracy. This PDF has illustrated information handouts, worksheets and activities.
Pages: 10 (including 3 answer sheets)
2 Information Handouts
Comprehension Questions
Multiple Choice Questions
Direct vs Representative Democracy Activity
Discussion Ideas
Assembly Activity
Answer Sheets
Hatshepsut was a female pharaoh who ruled Egypt for 20 years of peace and prosperity. She was not the first female pharaoh, or even the most famous, but she was the most successful and powerful. After her death, evidence of her reign was erased, and she was forgotten for thousands of years.
This printable pdf resource explores Hatshepsut as daughter, wife and mother of a pharaoh, her reign as a queen regent and pharaoh, her trade and building projects, the attempt to erase her from history and the restoration of her temple and statues.
Number of Pages: 13 (including 4 answer sheets)
5 Information Pages (including key events summary and vocabulary)
Multiple Choice Questions
Comprehension Questions
Synonym Activity
Timeline Activity
Answer Sheets
Zenobia was a queen of Palmyra (Syria) in the third century who rose to power after the assassination of her husband and defied the Romans to create an Empire that lasted for only three years.
This printable PDF resource covers the life of Zenobia, from her youth as one of the few educated women of the time to her fate at the hands of the Romans. Information pages are followed by differentiated worksheets and activities.
Number of Pages: 14 (including 4 answer sheets)
3 Information Pages
1 Vocabulary Page with definitions
Differentiated Comprehension (Reading Response and Multiple Choice Questions)
Synonym Activity
Vocabulary and Punctuation Activity
Mint A Coin Activity
Answer Sheets
In this lesson, students learn about Ancient Greek myths. The PDF includes information handouts about myths including the myth of Pandora’s Jar, Echo and Narcissus and Juno and the First Frogs, with differentiated reading response questions. The activities include making a comic strip, word origins, vocabulary, and remaking the myth.
Pages: 27 (including 4 answer sheets)
5 Handouts (Information page and reading pages)
2 Comprehension Questions
1 Multiple Choice Questions
Vocabulary Activity
Word Origin Activity
Class Discussion Activity
Create-A-Comic Activity
Remake a Myth Activity
Answer Sheets
Olympias was a queen in the kingdom of Macedon, north of Greece. She is known as the mother of Alexander the Great, but she was a powerful woman in her own right, using politics, religion, and cunning to keep her family in power in a world ruled by men.
This printable PDF resource covers the life of Olympias, from when she met Phillip II until she was executed after ruling two kingdoms. Information pages are followed by differentiated worksheets and activities.
Number of Pages: 16 (including 4 answer sheets)
7 Information Pages (including key events summary and vocabulary)
Differentiated Comprehension (Reading Response and Multiple Choice Questions)
Synonym Activity
Interpretation Activity
Crossword Activity
Answer Sheets
This reading resource contains the text from Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale, The Little Mermaid, broken up with comprehension questions, illustrations, colouring/doodling sections and drawing activities, followed by a reading response and vocabulary activity.
Pages: 23 (including 1 answer sheets)
18 Reading Pages (interspersed with comprehension questions, drawing activities and colouring sections)
2 Pages Reading Response
2 Vocabulary Activities
1 Answer Sheets
Terms of Use