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ProfSeverus's Shop

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I have worked as an HLTA and MFL teacher for Secondary. These are mainly resources that I knocked up to suit my needs when I couldn't find what I was looking for, so I hope that they may be of use to you as well. Subjects I tend to cover are Literacy/English and Modern Languages but the resources are varied. A lot of the resources are differentiated and suitable for students with EAL or SEN, particularly in Key Stage 3.




I have worked as an HLTA and MFL teacher for Secondary. These are mainly resources that I knocked up to suit my needs when I couldn't find what I was looking for, so I hope that they may be of use to you as well. Subjects I tend to cover are Literacy/English and Modern Languages but the resources are varied. A lot of the resources are differentiated and suitable for students with EAL or SEN, particularly in Key Stage 3.
Missing Capital Letters

Missing Capital Letters

Literacy Students have to correct the sentences by putting in the missing capital letters. Feel free to jazz it up! *If you use this resource, I would be grateful if you left a review and let me know how it went. Thank you!*
Metaphors Worksheet

Metaphors Worksheet

Literacy A worksheet created to help my KS3 SEN class understand metaphors. It involves giving the meaning and drawing a literal visual picture, getting harder as it goes along. *If you use this resource, I would be grateful if you left a review and let me know how it went. Thank you!*


Literacy The lesson (KS3 SEN) focused on being able to write instructions using imperative verbs or bossy verbs! The starter quiz (uploaded on PDF) is NOT my own but I have uploaded it as that is what I used as a starter. Feel free to jazz it up!
Information and Advice Lesson

Information and Advice Lesson

Literacy Writing to inform and advice. This lesson was created for a KS3 SEN Literacy group, introducing them to the concepts of information and advice, enabling them to spot the difference and then write their own piece of information and advice writing. Feel free to jazz it up!
Holiday Adverts

Holiday Adverts

Literacy An on the board starter and a reading comprehension task based on the topic Holidays and Writing to Persuade or Advertise for an SEN KS3 class but could be adapted for others. The lesson before, students research different holidays. Here they learn what a holiday advert looks like before designing their own. Useful for Literacy classes or Entry Level / Step Up to English. Feel free to jazz it up! *If you use this resource, I would be grateful if you left a review and let me know how it went. Thank you!*
Holiday Research

Holiday Research

Literacy A guideline for students to follow while doing a research task. This can then act as a basis for a further lesson on advertising holidays, or as a speaking and listening task - for example, for Entry Level or Step Up to English. It gives them some structure for learning computer room research skills.
How to use Clicker 6 document

How to use Clicker 6 document

Literacy I prepared this worksheet to help staff navigate through the Clicker 6 software. I laminated the sheets double sided so that they could also be given to new support staff. Obviously the part about saving a Clicker 6 set will be particular to the school, so feel free to edit that. Hope you find it helpful.
Common Homophones for Revision

Common Homophones for Revision

Literacy This is presented on a powerpoint but I printed the sheets out in a size suitable to stick in books instead of asking the weak writers to copy them all out. The students can now refer to this page when given feedback about their spelling. Their They're Their Where Were Wear We're Your You're Too Two To
Homophones Picture Worksheet

Homophones Picture Worksheet

Literacy An A5 worksheet (cut in half) for students to create a visual to remember homophones. I gave each student in the class a different pair of homophones and they had to draw each one and also write a sentence for each one. If you wanted each student to have a complete set you could then photocopy them. This was successful because it allowed my weak writers to understand the concept without having to do lots of writing. A5 is also easier/neater for their books!
Film Review Planning and Checklist Framework

Film Review Planning and Checklist Framework

Literacy Film Review Planning - this sheet was used as a framework for students with SEN to make notes on during and after watching a film. Sentence starters are included to help them. Film Review Checklist - the students then typed up their reviews using the framework. They were each given a checklist/task list to tick off as they worked to help them focus on what was important. Also useful for differentiating within a mainstream lesson.
Facts and Opinions Lesson

Facts and Opinions Lesson

Literacy This lesson had the objective of recognising the difference between facts and opinion. It should be quite self-explanatory on the powerpoint itself. In one lesson I used stand up/sit down for a fact/opinion. In another lesson where this would have been too disruptive, I handed out two different coloured cards and they held up the appropriate one. This would also be appropriate for Entry Level/Step Up to English. Feel free to jazz it up!
Apostrophes of Possession Extension

Apostrophes of Possession Extension

Literacy An idea for a bit of extended writing inspired by the lesson on Apostrophes for Possession. When it was clear other work was being finished up or the point of the lesson had been grasped, I put this on the board as an extension for those who had finished. Use of superheroes and celebrities just to capture their imagination!
Apostrophes of Omission Extension

Apostrophes of Omission Extension

Literacy Just one slide. An idea I had for some extend writing but focusing the sentence starters on our topic of 'Apostrophes of Omission/Contraction.' I just put this screen up as students began to say they were 'finished' with the other tasks.
20 Creative Writing Prompts

20 Creative Writing Prompts

Literacy For a quick lesson or to give some inspiration for writing a longer piece, here are 20 ideas that could spark the imagination. Best used for descriptive writing.