I've been teaching for just over 10 years now (you wouldn't believe how quickly that time as gone) and am a Head of Department at an outstanding school in the south of London.
I have consistently high examination results and want to share my resources with experienced teachers and those who are new to the profession. Planning lessons and creating resources takes a huge amount of time so why not use the experience of other teachers out there?
I've been teaching for just over 10 years now (you wouldn't believe how quickly that time as gone) and am a Head of Department at an outstanding school in the south of London.
I have consistently high examination results and want to share my resources with experienced teachers and those who are new to the profession. Planning lessons and creating resources takes a huge amount of time so why not use the experience of other teachers out there?
Stop the clock using a variety of activities to consolidate out topic of migration and population.
activities include sources; population pyramids and development data. Map descriptors. Time line task showing the events from 1970 and reading and memory task.
An excellent lesson for which I have received very positive feedback from my school.
Open ended activity for pupils to test themselves on the following areas of their coasts revision.
I gave a set of very open instructions about how to go about this task and was thrilled with the outcome and discussion this created.
The following areas are assessed / included within this card sort;
Methods of beach profile, groyne measurements, field sketch, Environmental Quality Survey / Bipolar review, sediment analysis, LSD test and wave count.
Equipment used for all of the above
Sampling type
Links to either** coastal management** or processes
Data presentation type
Conclusions / outcomes drawn from the data
I have included some photos to show the different ways in which my pupils interpreted this activity.
Data presentation sheet and supporting presentation to accompany sheet
Includes sampling, profiling, space for descriptions of data and analysis of data while evaluating the presentation and comparing the different sites of collection.
Presentation includes sample answers and how to present the data
A full and concise ppt which includes tasks and information on all of the required elements of the 2022 exams.
The following information / tasks are included
Themes of the rivers topic
Outline of the content in paper 2 with updated exam timings and marks available
Recap of river processes, river characteristics and river management
Question structure information
The enquiry process
How to form and enquiry question
types of data; primary, secondary, qualitative and quantitative etc.
General examples of fieldwork methods including pros and cons.
Specific rivers fieldwork methods recap; velocity, sediment, gradient and width and depth
Sampling methods
Sample questions with annotation of sources and rewording
Markscheme (not provided by exam board in sample material so written by me in line with Edexcel themes)
Data presentation methods
Mean, Media, Mode, Range, inter-quartile range etc
Please review the ppt. A lot of time went into putting this together - will be making one for coasts and for the human topics over the next few days. Check out bundle rates for discounts.
Stop the clock using a variety of activities to to consider why the impacts of the 2023 earthquake have been so severe,
Activities include sources;
Map descriptors.
Literacy and comprehension
Simplified Parks recovery model
An excellent lesson for which I have received very positive feedback from my school.
Lesson recaps the characteristics of India. Includes refrence to globalisation andencourages geographical language. focus on source skills in relation to Indias growth graph and guideto proportionate mapping.
links to ‘Why has globalisation occured’
10 page bible for all the requirements of paper 3 including; People and the biosphere, Forests under threat and Consuming resources
topic checklists and key words laid out in a pupils friendly way.
12 page bible for all the requirements of paper 1 including; Hazardous Earth, Development Dynamics and Challenges of an Urban World
topic checklists, sample questions and key words laid out in a pupils friendly way.
A range of value questions here which require skills based application; for example photo stimuli, describe, explain and assess questions. There are fieldwork questions which relate to pupil trips as well as some of the unfamiliar content - some past paper and others teacher constructed.
Full mark scheme included.
A range of value questions here which require skills based application; for example photo stimuli, describe, explain and assess questions. There are fieldwork questions which relate to pupil trips as well as some of the unfamiliar content - some past paper and others teacher constructed.
Full mark scheme included.
Cambridge International Assessment Paper 2 traffic light sheets for the 1st 3 topics;
Settlement dynamics
Also included is a breakdown of command words that are found within the paper with definitions and mark association.
A full and concise ppt. which includes tasks and information on all of the required elements of the 2022 exams.
The following information / tasks are included
specification requirements of geology maps and G.I.S
What to expect in the 2022 exams
Question formation and expected mark associations
What is a geology map
British Geological Survey - features of the site
Pros and cons of the site
Planning an investigation using geology maps
What is google earth (G.I.S.)
Google earth - features of the site
Pros and cons of the site
sample questions associated with geology maps and G.I.S.
Mark schemes to go with all questions
Please review the ppt. A lot of time went into putting this together - will be making one for coasts and for the human topics over the next few days. Check out bundle rates for discounts.
Cambridge International Assessment Paper 1 traffic light sheets for the 1st 3 topics;
Hydrology and fluvial geography
Atmosphere and weather
Rocks and weathering
Stop the clock using a variety of activities to consolidate our topic of Russia, would also be relevant to an introduction to global groupings or superpowers
Activities include sources;
Development data.
Map descriptors.
Reading and comprehension
Ranking and justification task
An excellent lesson for which I have received very positive feedback from my school.
A full and concise ppt. which includes tasks and information on all of the required elements of the 2022 exams.
The following information / tasks are included
specification requirements of geology, flood risk maps and G.I.S
What to expect in the 2022 exams
Question formation and expected mark associations
What is a geology map
British Geological Survey - features of the site
Pros and cons of the site
Planning an investigation using geology maps
What is google earth (G.I.S.)
Google earth - features of the site
What is the Environmental Survey Flood Risk mapping
Environmental Survey Flood Risk - features of the site
Pros and cons of the site
sample questions associated with geology, flood risk maps and G.I.S.
Mark schemes to go with all questions
Please review the ppt. A lot of time went into putting this together - will be making one for coasts and for the human topics over the next few days. Check out bundle rates for discounts.
Starts with a multiple choice test to check the uderstanding of global circulation model before moving on to skills builder looking at satellite images. Lesson progresses to cover the ITCZ in detail and the distribution of different world biomes. Sample answers for pupills to mark and comment on. All workseets included.
For use along side the Edexcel B core text book
Starts with a whiteboard activity to check the understanding of air pressures and their impact on climate before moving on to some of the key words that are relevant to lesson on past climate. Resource includes information on different theories and supporting questions. Breakdown of an ‘assess’ 8 mark question and finishes with traffic light and a ‘ping-pong’ style plenary. All worksheets included.
For use along side the Edexcel B core text book
Will be uploading a climate graph homework shortly
Starts with a sentence un-jumbler activity to reveal the topic of past climates before moving on to the features of good descriptive answers formed around a graph. link to BBC classclip on evidence of past climate change with organisation activity. Time line activity on the events that have occurred in the recent past. All worksheets included.
For use along side the Edexcel B core text book and older version
Will be uploading a climate graph homework shortly