Welcome to RA Resources. I have an extended range of fully resourced, high quality History lessons for KS2, KS3 and GCSE aimed at schools, tutors and home learning. Having taught History abroad and then in Cornwall for 20 years, these lessons reflect my creativity and teaching experience.
Please feel free to email me with any enquiries about the resources on offer. You can keep up to date with my latest published lessons using the Facebook link in my shop.
Welcome to RA Resources. I have an extended range of fully resourced, high quality History lessons for KS2, KS3 and GCSE aimed at schools, tutors and home learning. Having taught History abroad and then in Cornwall for 20 years, these lessons reflect my creativity and teaching experience.
Please feel free to email me with any enquiries about the resources on offer. You can keep up to date with my latest published lessons using the Facebook link in my shop.
This lesson presents a number of tasks for the student to complete to gain an understanding of the events which led to the Cuban Missile Crisis and the consequences of the crisis for the development of the Cold War.
The lesson resources include:
1 x A4 Workbook Style Fact Sheet (PDF & PPT) – Included in every Cold War lesson!
1 x Main Power Point Lesson
The main PowerPoint includes:
RECAP: Class clip from BBC Bitesize and map showing the location of Cuba in relation to the key areas of the Cold War so far.
BACKGROUND: 12 clearly presented slides covering the main events which led to the Cuban Missile Crisis if you would like to take the students through this in presentation format. Each slide animated to bring in information step by step. Each slide begins with a connective phrase which will be useful for the students in their narrative accounts.
TASK SHEET 1: A basic comprehension sheet for students to either fill in or use to show their understanding in their book. (Printable).
TASK SHEET 2: A storyboard style sheet which includes 10 boxes with key terms for each stage which students can use to analyse the links between the events. (Printable)
TASK SHEET 3: A worksheet which asks the students to think about the consequences of the Cuban Missile Crisis and develop an explanation for each one. An example is given for the students to see the difference between their ‘point’ and the ‘explanation’ of this point.
CHALLENGE TASK: Students asked to identify and explain key turning points in the events which led to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
EXAM QUESTIONS: 3 example exam questions which can be based around this topic (Consequences, narrative account and importance).
PLENARY: Students handed a storyboard of events which has been mixed up - they should correct the order of the events.**
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This is the final lesson for the unit. It cover the events that led to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the following consequences. It will also ask the students to explain the importance of the fall of the Berlin Wall for the end of the Soviet Union by 1991.
The lesson resources include:
1 x A4 Workbook Style Fact Sheet (PDF & PPT) – Included in every Cold War lesson!
1 x Main Power Point Lesson
The main PowerPoint includes:
RECAP 1: A 10 question multiple choice quiz about why the Berlin Wall was built to help recap prior knowledge from an earlier lesson. Answers revealed on the following slide (see image).
RECAP 2: Students are presented with 5 images which they must use to identify the actions that Mikhail Gorbachev had taken from the previous lesson to bring about the end of the Cold War (Brezhnev Doctrine, Afghanistan, Perestroika, Glasnost, INF Treaty). Students prompted into discussion and explanation to recap his actions.
STARTER: Students given two sources (written and visual) and have to infer what each tells them about the immediate impact of the fall of the Berlin Wall on the citizens of East Berlin.
BACKGROUND SLIDES: Gives a stage by stage overview of the events which led to the fall of the Berlin Wall.
TASK SHEET: Students prompted through a series of tasks which lead to explaining the main consequences and the importance of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Extension tasks given.
EXAM QUESTIONS: Three types of exam questions given for this topic.
FACT SHEETS: A fact sheet has been included for this lesson but also the previous lessons about the erection of the Berlin Wall for any students who may need this catch up.
PLENARY/EXTENSION: From all of Gorbachev’s actions, students score or shade on a graph, which had the biggest impact on bringing about the end of the Cold War and the collapse of Communism.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson specifically looks at the consequences and importance of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979.
The lesson resources include:
1 x A4 Workbook Style Fact Sheet (PDF & PPT) – Included in every Cold War lesson!
1 x Main Power Point Lesson
The main PowerPoint includes:
RECAP: Students complete the alphabet quiz where they need to think of a key word from the Cold War topic so far for each letter of the alphabet.
STARTER: Location of Afghanistan - what issues can the student identify from the location of the Soviet Union and their knowledge of religions around this area. You may wish to supplement with a world map.
BACKGROUND: Slides which fully explain why the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979.
TASK 1: Students have to read through the main consequences of the invasion and categorise them into one of 5 different categories (see image). The students will then find this useful to help them organise their consequences response in a more structured and historical way as well as learn the consequences of the invasion.
TASK 2: Chronology - just in case a narrative account comes up, the students are asked to re-arrange 10 events of the invasion into the correct chronological order.
EXAM FOCUS: Students in this lesson focus on the consequences question: Explain two consequences of the Soviet invasion of the Soviet Union (1979) [8] Sentence starters are given along with an example paragraph for analysis by the students.
EXTENSION TASK: A modern political cartoon looking at the different interpretations of Afghanistan over time.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
Students use written and visual sources to investigate what life was like in the London East End district of Whitechapel during the time of the Jack the Ripper murders. This lesson is specifically designed to give students the ‘big picture’ of Whitechapel before focussing on the Whitechapel murders.
The lesson includes:
1x 26 slide PowerPoint lesson
1x Metropolitan Police Report Worksheet
The lesson presentation includes:
Slide 1: Title Slide
Slide 2: Lesson aims and outcomes
Slide 3: An overview of where Whitechapel is located
Slide 4: An overview diagram of the main issues covered in the lesson.
Slide 5: Starter Source Activity - Students analyse a map of Whitechapel to infer from it facts about the area. Answers provided.
Slide 6: Starter Source Activity -A further source which encourages students to add more information to their findings in Source A.
Slide 7: Main task instructions
Slide 8: Printable worksheet
Slide 9- 14: 7 visual sources linked to what life was like in Whitechapel - all with provenance and prompt questions.
Slide 15-17: 5 written sources linked to what life was like in Whitechapel - all with provenance and prompt questions.
Slide 18: Task 2 - Discussion questions with answers
Slide 19-20: Task 3 - Match up the social issue in Whitechapel with the type of crime it links to.
Slide 21: Task 4 - Students instructed to write a police report about the area of Whitechapel.
Slide 22: Challenge questions
Slide 23-24: Learning Review - 12 question quiz with answers
Slide 25: Learning Review 2 - Key Term Jeopardy
Slide 26: More from RA Resources
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
Students analyse six fact files about the main Jack the Ripper suspects before arguing which individual was guilty and prepare a ‘Most Wanted’ poster about their chosen suspect.
The 19 slide lesson includes:
Slide 1: Title slide
Slide 2: Lesson aims and outcomes
Slide 3: As you enter discussion - what does the term ‘innocent until proven guilty’ mean?
Slide 4-6: Recap - A gap fill recap of the Jack the Ripper murders with answers and printable worksheets for students to write on.
Slide 7: Starter Task - Picture quiz - why would gaining accurate eyewitness evidence be difficult in 1880s Whitechapel?
Slide 8-9: Task 1 - Useful key terms match up with answers.
Slide 10-11: Task 2 - Instructions to the main table fill task with printable worksheet/table for students to fill in.
Slide 12-14: 6 fact files about the suspects.
Slide 15: Task 3 - Students to explain their top suspect with a writing frame given to help them explain their choice.
Slide 16: Task 4 - Instructions about how to complete a ‘Most Wanted’ poster about their chosen suspect.
Slide 17: Challenge questions and cartoon analysis
Slide 18-19: Learning Review - Which suspect quiz with answers revealed.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This is the final set of lessons needed to teach Unit 4 of the Edexcel GCSE History Migrants in Britain. Each lesson contains a variety of tasks and activities aimed at all levels along with example exam questions, discussion tasks and learning reviews. In addition, you will also find a fact sheet for each lesson which is based on information from all GCSE text books. Therefore, there is no need for any other resources such as text books.
Lesson 18: The changes to society in the period c.1900-present
Lesson 19: The impact of both world wars on migration to Britain
Lesson 20: Migration to Britain after 1945 to the present day
Lesson 21: The experiences of migrants in Britain during the world wars.
Lesson 22: The experiences of black and Asian migrants to Britain after the world wars
Lesson 23: The impact of migration on Britain in the modern period.
Lesson 24: Case Study - Caribbean migrants to Bristol
Lesson 25: Case Study - Asian migrants to Leicester
This is the full collection of all of my lessons about the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth I specifically aimed at KS3 and fully adaptable for KS2 & KS4.
Please read the list of lessons below carefully so you are fully aware of the resources you are buying.
Lesson 1: The strengths and weaknesses of Elizabeth I.
Lesson 2: Princess Elizabeth’s early life and education.
Lesson 3: the challenges faced by Elizabeth I in 1558.
Lesson 4: The importance of portraits to Queen Elizabeth I
Lesson 5: Queen Elizabeth I’s Religious Settlement.
Lesson 6: Queen Elizabeth’s execution of Mary, Queen of Scots
Lesson 7: The causes of the invasion of the Spanish Armada
Lesson 8: The events of the invasion of the Spanish Armada
Lesson 9: Explaining the defeat of the Spanish Armada
Lesson 10: Causes of the Elizabethan ‘Age of Exploration’.
This lesson specifically examines the experences of migrants from the Caribbean, Africa and Asia (India & Pakistan) in the second half of the 1900s. It specifically looks at the changing attitudes towards migrants after 1945, Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech, Race Relation legislation and the riots in Brixton and Burnley/Oldham/Bradford
Slide 1:Title slide
Slide 2: GCSE graded lesson outcomes
Slide 3: The role of the media in reporting on migration
Slide 4-6: Information about Enoch Powell’s Rivers of Blood speech with analysis questions & student printout.
Slide 7-9: Source based activity based on various experiences of migrants to Britain (sources and tables included)
Slide 10: Printable question sheet for students to use alongside the lesson fact sheet
Slide 11: 1960s Political cartoon analysis to show accepted attitudes at the time.
Slide 12: Big discussion question about the overall experiences of migrants after 1945.
Slide 13-15: Photographic images showing the race riots
Slide 16: Practice exam questions
Slide 17: Recap Activity
Slide 18: Lesson fact sheet
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson explores the background, work and impact of Joseph Lister’s work with antiseptics and carbolic acid. Students then question his importance in the progress of medicine.
**The lesson includes: **
Clear learning aims and achievements
Recap task: Key words linked to the lesson
Starter activities: A range of visual sources, mainly illustrations to examine the before and after of antiseptics.
Background information: About the life and work of Lister
Task Sheet: A worksheet covering all aspects of Lister’s work with questions progessively becoming more challenging.
Exam focus: A 16 and 12 mark question with structure advice
Plenary: What was more important - Antiseptics or anaesthetics?
FACT SHEET: Every lesson comes with a fact sheet which can be given to the students as a replacement for a text book. This means you will not need any other resources for the lesson unless you feel you would like to offer more.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
**This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use. **
These resources have been designed to be used to help students revise all of the main topics included in The USA, 1954-75: Conflict at Home and Abroad. Each resources is an A4 Power Point and where appropriate, the answers are given in the ‘notes’ section of each slide.
This pack includes:
1: Civil Rights and Race Relations Timeline Fill Activity
2: Vietnam War Timeline Fill Activity
3: Civil Rights Key Individuals Match Up Task
4: Vietnam War Key Individuals Match Up Task
5: Civil Rights Groups Match Up Activity
6: Vietnam War Groups Match Up Activity
7: Civil Rights Key Events Summery Sheet
8: Vietnam War Key Events Summery Sheet
9: Vietcong Tactics Knowledge Organiser
10: Civil Rights Key Term Glossary Fill (x2 sheets)
11: Vietnam War Key Term Glossary Fill (x2 sheets)
12: Statistics Quiz
13: Exam Practice ‘Explain why’ task
14: Event Organiser Sheet (more suitable for lower ability)
15: The role of US President in Civil Rights and Vietnam
16: Civil Rights Knowledge Checker (taken directly from the specification)
17: Vietnam War Knowledge Checker (taken directly from the specification)
Please note that all images (clipart/icons/photos) used in these resources are copyright free and in the public domain unless otherwise stated in the notes.
This lesson examines the many short term and longer term consequences of the crusades. It cover the many objects that were brought back to England as well as the ideas. It also examines the longer term impact the crusades had on our lives including people’s attitudes towards Islam.
In this resource pack you will get:
1 x A4 Worksheet about the various consequences of the crusades. Students read through the consequences to categorise them
1 x A4 question sheet which asks students to explain their most important consequences
1 x A4 answer sheet for the GCSE style question - Explain two consequences of the crusades
1 x Main Power Point which guides you and the students through the lesson:
Slide 1: Title slide - To examine the impact and consequences of the Crusades
Slide 2: Recap Starter Quiz - Filling in the missing terms about the Crusades
Slide 3: Answers revealed for the starter quiz
Slide 4: Printable student versions for the starter quiz
Slide 5: Animated and engaging background information about the relationship between the Christians and the Muslims during the Crusades
Slide 6: Animated and engaging background information about the modern day perspective of the Crusades
Slide 7: An overview of the impact of the crusades and introduction of the task
Slide 8: Task overview and model of what to do
Slide 9: Evaluating the consequences of the Crusades - additional higher level questions
Slide 10-12: GCSE style exam question - Explain two consequences of the Crusades - PEE structure and model answer given
Slide 13: Learning Review Option 1 - Memory game with full instructions
Slide 14: Learning Review Option 2: Pictionary
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson looks at the care received in the early Medieval hospitals as well as that in the home. There is a focus on aspects of similarity and difference.
Every lesson in this topic includes: Clear learning aims and achievements, a recap task, a starter activity, background information, a variety of tasks to pick from to suite your students, extension and challenge tasks, exam questions, a learning review (plenary) and finally a fact sheet which can be used as a stand alone resource for the lesson or as part of revision/student catch up.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson covers the period of detente during the 1970s. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand this period of time and how it led to an easing of the Cold War tensions. They will then be able to explain the factors that led to the end of detente.
The lesson resources include:
1 x A4 Workbook Style Fact Sheet (PDF & PPT) – Included in every Cold War lesson!
1 x Main Power Point Lesson
The main PowerPoint includes:
RECAP: A chart showing all of the key events which caused tension since 1945. The students are asked to rate/shade in their graph to identify how much tension each event caused between the two sides of the Cold War.
STARTER: Students discuss 4 questions about WHY there was a call for peace during this time in history from: the USA, the Soviet Union, the world, the public.
BACKGROUND: Key terms such as detente and MAD covered to give a brief overview of the topic.
TASK 1: Students should be able to explain WHY there was a call for detente in this time by filling in the peace symbol with their facts. (see image).
TASK 2: A choice of two worksheets which can also be printed if needed. Students should now use BBC Bitesize/the fact sheet or their text book to explain why there was detente in this time. The differentiated fact sheet outlines the key events already for the students.
TASK 3: Students now identify the various reasons why detente ended by 1979.
EXTENSION TASK: Asks higher ability students to think about the propaganda used during this time and asks if detente really did happen.
FACT SHEET: A fact sheet crammed full of information about the causes, events and consequences of detente.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson examines the complex timeline of how Hitler was selected as Chancellor by Hindenburg in Janaury 1933.
This lesson includes:
Clear learning aims/targets
Provoking starter tasks and discussion activities
Printable worksheets
Engaging background information
Challenge tasks
Exam links
Learning Review
Fact Sheet linked to the GCSE specification
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson examines the causes, events and consequences of the Gunpowder Plot as part of a case study which examines the reasons why the plotters were punished so harshly.
Slide 1: Title slide
Slide 2-3: Recap Task - Students have to use the initials of key terms linking to Early Modern crimes, methods of law enforcement and punishments to help them remember their learning from previous lessons
Slide 4: A high quality image of the punishments given to the Gunpowder Plotters with source inference questions about what the students can see
Slide 5: The basic background facts about the causes of the Gunpowder Plot
Slide 6-8: Chronology Activity - students have to use their basic prior knowledge of the events to correctly place the events into the correct chronological order. Help and answers revealed as well as student friendly printouts.
Slide 9: Various levelled tasks and questions abaout the events
Slide 10-11: Activity to explain the outcomes of the Gunpowder Plot in terms of why laws were created afterwards
Slide 12: Test Your Knowledge recap
Slide 13: Lesson Fact Sheet
To take into account copyright, all photographic and illustrative images have been attributed where appropriate and/or are all in the public domain. Clipart/vector images are all creativecommons.publicdomain.zero.1.0 which do not have to be attributed. If you have any issues regarding copyright please email me in the first instance.
This bundle includes the following lessons. I have numbered them as their order in the whole topic:
Lesson 11. The submission of the earls after Hastings
Lesson 12. William’s use of rewards, the borderlands and Marcher Earldoms
Lesson 13. The features and reasons for castle building.
Lesson 14. Anglo-Saxon resistance (Edwin and Morcar)
Lesson 15. Anglo-Saxon resistance (York and Durham)
Lesson 16. Anglo-Saxon resistance Hereward the Wake Ely
Lesson 17. The Harrying of the North
Lesson 18. Norman Landownership
Lesson 19. Revolt of the Norman Earls
Lesson 20. William’s Royal Control
These useful sheets can be used in the everyday classroom setting to help teach a unit, used as book inserts or revision materials. They set out an easy to follow guide to answering each question type from Edexcel GCSE History Paper 2 exams. They are student friendly and provide clear instructions about each question on each sheet.
You will receive the following:
An exam paper writing frame for the British Depth Study (Anglo-Saxon and Norman England, King Richard, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I)
An exam paper writing frame for the Period Study (Spain & New World, British America, The American West, Cold War & Middle East)
A BONUS literacy support sheet - this includes some really useful sentence starters to help students write their answers, especially for the Paper 2 questions.
Please note that all images used in these resources are copyright free or have been attributed in the notes section of each slide. If you believe there are any errors, please email me in the first instance.
This bundle is for Edexcel GCSE History and includes all of the lessons and resources you will need for the teaching of Unit 3.
Lessons included:
Lesson 20: Further improvements to Farming
Lesson 21: The end of the Open Range
Lesson 22: The Exoduster Settlement
Lesson 23: The Oklahoma Land Rush
Lesson 24: Lawlessness - Billy the Kid and Wyatt Earp
Lesson 25: The Johnson County War
Lesson 26: The Battle of Little Bighorn
Lesson 27: The Wounded Knee Massacre
Lesson 28: The Extermination of the Buffalo
Lesson 29: Life on the Reservation
Lesson 30: The Dawes Act
This bundle contains everything you need to teach Unit 2 (Migration in Early Modern England). With all of these lessons there is no need for any additional text books as fact sheets for each lesson are included (they have been adapted from both Pearson and Oxford GCSE History text books).
Lesson 6: What changes were there in English society?
Lesson 7: Which groups migrated to England and why?
Lesson 8: What were the experiences of the migrant groups?
Lesson 9: What impact did the migrant groups have on England?
Lesson 10: Case Study - The Flemish and Walloon weavers in Sandwich and Canterbury
Lesson 11: Case Study - The success of Huguenot migrants in Soho and Spitalfields, London.