Grüß di! Salut! ¡Hola ! Ciao !
Hello, I am a teacher of German, Spanish and French (with a bit of Italian thrown in). I would like to share with you some resources that I have put together and used with success in the classroom.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated !
Grüß di! Salut! ¡Hola ! Ciao !
Hello, I am a teacher of German, Spanish and French (with a bit of Italian thrown in). I would like to share with you some resources that I have put together and used with success in the classroom.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated !
This is a French sentence builder based around the point de départ and unit 1 of dynamo 3 module 3. Aimed at Year 9
The first page has sentences builders which show students how to form sentences based on their opinions of different genres of music, of different songs and finally a sentence builderon how to form comparative sentences: rap est plus intéressant que le rock
Following this are 3 pages worth of EPI activities such as completing missing words, match ups, translations, broken words, close reading, find someone who, sentence puzzles and rock-climbing translations
I created this for a cover lesson, but it would be suitable for home learning and an in class activity.
Many thanks
Volume one of an independent French study booklet which covers:
Basic greetings
Numbers 1-20
The verb avoir
Volume 1 includes 12 pages of activities which include:
Missing letters
Faulty translations
Translations into English
Number sequences
word snakes
colour by numbers
Translations into French
Break up the sentences
Reading and understanding a basic conversation
Creating a dialogue
Skills review
Match up the verb forms
Highlight the mistakes
Volume 2 coming soon!
This resource would be good for in-year transfers, cover work, homework and so much more! :)
A 4 page worksheet resource based on *Dynamo 2 module 3 unit 2 On va au ciné? * It would be perfect for cover work or home learning, and even as a lesson resource.
Students move from classifying films into the correct French genre to close reading, match ups, re-ordering translations to match a dialogue, guided translations, translations French --> English and finally, writing their own answers to the questions: Qu’est-ce que tu vois normalement? and Qu’est-ce que tu vas voir ce soir?
A resource based on VIVA 1 which introduces school subjects and the verb estudiar. There is also a recap of days of the week, a sentence builder and translation activities.
A 3 page worksheet resources based on Stimmt 1 module 2 unit 1 Extreme Haustiere
Label the animals
Masculine, feminine, neuter
which animals are hiding? colour by numbers
sentence builder
Sentence puzzles
Break the flow
Translation into English
rock-climbing translation
This was created for a cover lesson but it could also be used as homework, remote learning and in class resource.
A worksheet which would be perfect as cover or a lesson activity for Viva 1 module 3.4 durante el recreo.
The activities become increasingly more challenging, moving from a match the vocab to the picture task to creating their own piece of writing about what they do at break.
A quiz created to complement the studio 2 unit on film- but could easily be used with other schemes of work or as revision.
Students listen to soundtracks to different films. They then have to guess the film, give the genre of the film in French, and write an opinion of that film. There are 3 points available for each film.
A set of 12 German posters including some well known idioms in the TL.
These would be perfect for a cultural display and to help students reach grade 7+ in their speaking and writing GCSE.
This resource is provided in a high quality PDF file as well as a set of PNG images.
Viel Spaß !
A 3 page worksheet based on Dynamo 3 module 3.2 de jeunes réfugiés.
It includes students thinking about what a refugee is, match up activites, work on the verb aller, the near future tense, sentence puzzles, close reading, translation and a final individual writing task.
I created this for a cover lesson for my year 9s but the worksheets could also be used as homework and remote learning.
KS3/KS4 GCSE German French and Spanish AVOCADO classroom display to help students develop their writing and speaking using: Adjectives, Verbs, Opinions, Connectives, Adverbs, Detail, Outstanding, and Sequencers. In 3 languages! German, French and Spanish. A great point of reference in lessons.
A writing support sheet created for less confident students in preparation for a writing and speaking assessment.
In a sentence builder style, which helps to show students how to structure their sentences.
This would also be great as a revision aid for Studio 1 module 3 mes passetemps.
Key questions included:
A quels sports joues-tu?
Tu fais souvant du sport?
Que fais-tu sur ton portable?
Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire le weekend?
Que fait ton ami(e) le weekend?
7 visual German posters for display around the classroom to encourage students to use more TL
The posters include the phrases:
Darf ich auf die Toilette gehen?
Ich weiß es nicht/ Ich bin mir nicht sicher.
Ich habe meinen Kuli vergessen.
Ich habe mein Heft vergessen .
Ich brauche Hilfe, bitte.
Wie sagt man ________ auf Deutsch/Englisch ?
Es tut mir Leid, dass ich verspätet bin.
This is a comprehensive knowledge organiser of key phrases for students to use when describing a photo in their speaking exam.
Includes phrases of:
-speculation and inference
A resource created for my very low ability students in year 9.
First of all they need to match food vocabulary to pictures.
Then they use a sentence builder to translate sentences from French --> English and then English --> French.
They can then draw on the blank plate what a typical school dinner looks like for them, and then write about it using the sentence starters and vocabulary covered.
This is a writing support sheet I prepared for my lower ability year 9 group in preparation for their end of year exam.
It provides support for 4 questions that require students to use the Present, perfect and future tense, as well as giving opinions.
The 4 questions covered are:
Décris une personne dans ta famille
Qu’as-tu fait hier soir?
Que vas-tu faire le weekend prochain?
Students read across the boxes from left to right, to help them to structure their answers.
These three Powerpoints were sent out to form groups when we welcomed Ukrainian refugees to our school. The aim was to enable students and staff to greet and welcome these refugees in their native language.
Powerpoint 1: Introduction to Ukrainian culture
PowerPoint 2: Learn basic Ukrainian 1
PowerPoint 3: Learn basic Ukrainian 2