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Ancient Greece Myth Describing the Setting
Ancient Greece Myth Describing the Setting using the senses.

Ancient Greece Personification Worksheet KS2
A worksheet for Year 5 to practise writing personification. Based upon the Ancient Greece theme.

Ancient Greece Myth Plan
A 2 page, Ancient Greece Myth plan document. Links perfectly to the WAGOLL and scaffold sheet.
Split into 7 sections.

Professor Me... Harry Potter Themed Activity
If you were a profressor at Hogwarts…
What House would you be attached to?
What would your witch or wizard name be?
What subject would you teach?

Ancient Greece Alphabet Worksheet
A worksheet I adpated from online to be used on Ancient Greece Day. We will write our own names on to parchment using this alphabet.
Keynotes Education Crossgate Cornwall PL15 9SX

A Greek myth written by myself titled Adonis and the Manticore. Includes: hero, setting, mythical creature, god, magical object.
This version has been simplied for EAL or SEN.
One that contains more advanced vocabulary is available.

Non-chronological report Spy Gadget WAGOLLs
x2 Non-chronological report Spy Gadget WAGOLL used for teaching non-chronological reports alongside Reading Alex Rider, Storm Breaker.
I usually start by showing the children my watch design and then they create their own. We complete a guided write about the watch. They then have a go at designing their own spy gadget and attempt to write their own report.

Poems for comparing
7 poems for comparison. Ideal for using with the comparison table. The poems include a range of poetic devices such as: onomatopoeia, alliteration, similes etc.

Poetry Comparison Table
A differentiated table with the headings - Poetic terms, Definition, Examples.
Table 1 already has the poetic terms and the children just need to find the examples and write a definition.
Table 2, the poetic terms are blank and the children need to find the examples, and then write a definition.

Ancient Greece Themed Table Group Cards
6 different names, perfect for Ancient Greece Day or when you are teaching about Ancient Greece.
The cards are A4 landscape, can be printed on card and folded so that the design is on both sides.
File comes with:
x6 cards black and white version
x6 cards colour version
x6 cards parchment version
x6 cards simple parchment version

Ancient Greece Myths Features Analysis KS2
A booklet collection of myths:
Pandora’s Box
The Quest of Medusa’s Head
Daedalus and Icarus
Odysseus and Cyclops
Theseus and the Minotaur
Includes a table for reading the myths and identifying the features. Great for helping to understand the structure/features of myths. This is good for the exposure stage of the unit.
Another simple sheet designed for children to idetify the different elements of an Ancient Greek myth, looking more at the mythical creature. This is good for focusing on the mythical creature, before the children innovate or redesign.

Ancient Greek Myth WAGOLL and Scaffold sheet
A Greek myth written by myself titled Adonis and the Manticore. Includes: hero, setting, mythical creature, god, magical object.
Also includes a scaffold (fill in the gaps) to help the children innovate and make the story their own.
A simplied version for EAL or SEN is available.

Ancient Greek Myth Word Mat
An Ancient Greece Myth word mat designed to help students describe a setting, hero or monster. The product is two pages, ideal for printing back to back and laminating to use again.

Shakespeare Themed Newspaper Article WAGOLL Hamlet
A Shakespeare Themed Newspaper Article WAGOLL for Hamlet.
This is a copy of a newpaper article written on a parchment style background. It includes KS2 expected features of a newspaper article:
An effective headline and introduction which summarises the article
Written in the past tense and in third person
Written in a formal tone
Includes adverbials and different types of sentences
Include quotes from witnesses.

Shakespeare Themed Newspaper WAGOLL Romeo & Juliet
A Shakespeare Themed Newspaper Article WAGOLL for Romeo & Juliet.
This is a copy of a newpaper article written on a parchment style background. It includes KS2 expected features of a newspaper article:
An effective headline and introduction which summarises the article
Written in the past tense and in third person
Written in a formal tone
Includes adverbials and different types of sentences
Include quotes from witnesses.

Guided Reading Fiction Cards KS2
18 Guided Reading Fiction Cards KS2
Perfect for printing and laminating and using for different fiction texts.
The children can work in groups and ask each other the questions or can be used as a whole class.

Shakespeare Themed Features of Journalistic Writing Cards
Shakespeare Themed Features of Journalistic Writing Cards
3 pages = 12 cards to print and laminate perfect for a working wall.

Shakespeare Themed Journalistic Writing Word Mat
A Shakespeare Themed Journalistic Writing Word Mat two sided - with reminders of the 5Ws, what makes a good headline and suggested words and phrases to incorporate into your newspaper report.

Non-chronological report Spy Gadget
x1 Word mat of sentence starters
x1 Word mat of technical vocab relating to spy gadgets
x1 Non-chronological report planner
A great resources especially when used with my WAGOLLs.
I usually start by showing the children my watch design and then they create their own. We complete a guided write about the watch. They then have a go at designing their own spy gadget and attempt to write their own report.