Remedia Publications was founded by two experienced special education teachers who recognized a great need for special materials that would help their struggling learners develop and improve basic skills. They believed that teachers know best when it comes to creating learning material, so they assembled a team of other experienced teachers and began developing unique learning products suitable for students in both special ed. classes and regular ed. classes.
Remedia Publications was founded by two experienced special education teachers who recognized a great need for special materials that would help their struggling learners develop and improve basic skills. They believed that teachers know best when it comes to creating learning material, so they assembled a team of other experienced teachers and began developing unique learning products suitable for students in both special ed. classes and regular ed. classes.
This lesson unit is packed with 46 exercises designed to expand students’ awareness of a wide variety of learning techniques. Scheduling, outlining, note-taking, memorizing, test-taking (essay and objective), and reference tool use are all covered.
Whether learning to skim, using acronyms to remember, or organizing information into idea-grams, students will hone a number of learning styles sure to improve they study habits.
Challenged readers of all ages are sure to enjoy these activities as they sharpen their reading and writing skills. Features 30 stories with:
- Controlled vocabulary
- Short sentences
- Simple sentence structures
- Cloze reading
- Repetitive words
You’ll love having these ready-to-use activities on hand for review, remediation, and enrichment! Let Remedia Publications help your students have fun mastering those all-important basic skills.
60 pages includes an answer key.
Each of the 23 lessons in this unit boasts three learning activities. First students use a dictionary to help write sentences about three words that have been presented. Each word relates to a yet unknown “core” word. Next, students complete a dot-to-dot picture that reveals an image of the core word. Finally, having identified the core word, students are asked two research questions about it. The answers to are easily found in an encyclopedia or other resource book. In addition to vocabulary building, the dot-to-dot activities give students practice counting - by odd numbers, by 2’s, starting with 35, and so on.
Practicing penmanship!
Each of the 44 lessons in this unit are designed so students can learn useful information while practicing good cursive handwriting and improving near-point copying skills.
The workbook pages have been sequentially arranged by difficulty – beginning with one-sentence copying activities and ending with 50-word paragraph copying. Each exercise boasts a different topic, from “famous quotes” and “inventions” to “manners” and “nutrition.”
Research suggests that writing information in addition to reading the information improves the chances that the information will be understood and remembered.
52 pages.
Improve critical thinking skills and you're sure to improve reading comprehension, problem solving, writing skills and more! The Critical Thinking Skills Series includes over 400 pages of step-by-step activities, that have been carefully structured to give students the thinking and logic skills they need to master every area of learning. The delightful exercises challenge students to think using a variety of methods such as analogies, classification, drawing solutions, and more! Each book is arranged sequentially to help learners develop critical thinking in easy-to-digest steps. A terrific way to give your students the tools they need for success in school as well as in their daily lives!
Help your students develop important survival skills while improving their reading, writing, spelling, and vocabulary!
This practical unit is filled with easy-to-use activities that focus on essential vocabulary and real-life situations to help students become more confident and independent. Key words are introduced, then reinforced through step-by-step exercises emphasizing word pronunciation, definitions, spelling, handwriting, problem solving, and more! A terrific way to help your students acquire vital life skills!
Words Include: deposit, withdraw, overdraft, balance, minimum balance, overdrawn, stock, percentage, and many more.
Interest Level 7-12 | Reading Level 4-5
Contents Include:
- 7 Lessons
- Activities cover: savings & checking accounts, budgets, credit, interest, discounts, and more
- Answer key
- And more!
Skills Covered Include:
- Apply math to real-life situations
- Apply information
- Choose the correct word
- Expand vocabulary
- Understand meaning of words and ideas
- Use context clues
- Use dictionary and glossary skills
- Develop consumer skills
- Find relevant facts
- Understand and use reference sources
- Understand consumer information
- Fill out forms correctly
Life Skills | Kitchen Safety | Cooking | Food Prep | Knife Safety | Kitchen Fires. | Appliances | Burns | Is it time to teach KITCHEN SAFETY? These easy-to-use & highly-visual lessons are ready when you are! Short reading passages introduce students to key safety topics, while simple multiple-choice questions challenge students to show what they know. A great way to teach kitchen safety and life skills in a very deliberate and explicit manner! For students of all ages. (See product preview for tons of sample pages).
Kitchen Safety
Grease Fires - (How to put them out)
Fire Extinguishers
Stove Top & Cooking Safety
Fire-Safe Clothing
Small Appliance Safety
Burns, Scalding & Steam
Potholders & Oven Mitts
Knife Safety
Where to Store Cleaning Supplies
Wet & Slippery Floors
Trip Hazards & Falling Accidents
Step Stools & Ladders
And more!
Students read each short passage then answer relevant kitchen safety questions. These realistic and highly-visual activities challenge students to read for details, locate information, use context clues, sequence events, and more.
Students are sure to LOVE learning how to cook and prepare meals safely. Whether learning the correct way to use a knife or how to put out a grease fire, your students will get their fill with these explicit life-skills lessons.
Multiple-choice and cloze reading comprehension questions challenge students after reading each passage. Questions require students to read for details, locate information, use context clues and more… Basic kitchen terms are used throughout, giving students opportunities to expand their vocabulary along the way.
These multiple-choice activities require very little writing… making them ideal for daily lessons, review, progress monitoring, enrichment, quiz games, and task cards. All activities are multiple choice.
47 Pages
Answer Key
Help your students develop important survival skills while improving their reading, writing, spelling and vocabulary!
This practical book is filled with easy-to-use activities that focus on essential vocabulary and real-life situations to help students become more confident and independent. Key words are introduced, then reinforced through step-by-step exercises emphasizing word pronunciation, definitions, spelling, handwriting, problem solving, and more! A terrific way to help your students acquire vital life skills!
Words Include: resume, employer, social security, qualified, salary, interview, overtime, supervisor, and many more.
Interest Level 7-12 | Reading Level 4-5
Contents Include:
- 7 Lessons
- Activities that cover abbreviations, personal data, job applications, paychecks, safety, and much more
- Answer key
Skills Covered Include:
- Apply information
- Choose the correct word
- Expand vocabulary
- Understand meaning of words and ideas
- Use context clues
- Develop life/survival skills
- Write an original sentence
- Understand consumer information
- Spell correctly
- Apply math to real-life situations
The future looks brighter for students who use these activities to develop valuable life and survival skills! 160 essential survival signs and symbols vocabulary words are introduced in context and then reinforced in motivating exercises that emphasize word pronunciations and definitions. Interesting stories and real life activities improve problem solving and writing skills.
As students work their way through the exercises, they will gain knowledge that will allow them to become more confident and independent in the real world.
Reading Level 3-4 | Interest Level 4-12
Contents Include:
- Safety Words
- Mobility Words
- Restriction Words
- Information Words
- Review
- Answer Key
Putting knowledge to work. Comprehension implies the understanding of information and the ability to see basic relationships. The 26 lessons in this unit provide plenty of practice in areas that emphasize comprehension. Students are involved in interpreting verbal and visual communications (A dinosaur “size chart” is provided. “How long was the Tyrannosaurus?”), making comparisons (Using the Table of Contents provided: “Which chapter is shorter?”), and finding relationships with the “big picture” (Using the map of the Lone Star Camp: “Where does the trail from the cabin lead?”). The sequential activities featured here are sure to develop critical thinking skills.
“Synthesis” is the ability to combine parts of a whole in new and different ways. It requires students to think flexibly, determine alternatives, and find new ways to accomplish a given task. A more advanced level of abstract thinking is needed for synthesis. The 25 lessons in this unit encourage students to go beyond the obvious to more original thoughts. Example: An illustration of a bulb connected to a battery is presented. “Electricity is stored in a battery.” Look at the accompanying pictures of batteries, wires, and light bulbs. “Which bulbs do you think will light up?”The sequential activities featured here are sure to develop critical thinking skills.
Life Skills * Reading Comprehension * Recipes * Cooking * Gathering Ingredients * Following Directions * Special Education
A recipe for success! Teach essential life skills AND reading comprehension with these tasty recipes! Students are sure to LOVE learning all about cooking, and how to prepare these delicious menu items. From No-Bake Cookies to Easy Brownies and Cheesy Potatoes to Enchiladas your students will get their fill with these solidly conceived life-skills lessons.
Each of these recipes is a simple, REAL recipe that can be prepared at home after learning. There is even a no-cook recipe included that can be completed IN CLASS!
Life Skills * Reading Comprehension * Simple Recipes * Cooking * Ingredients * Special Education * Ready-to-Use * Print & Go Lessons
A recipe for success! Teach essential life skills AND reading comprehension with these super-short but tasty recipes! Students are sure to LOVE learning about cooking and how to prepare these delicious menu items. From Chili Dogs to Cheeseburgers and Blueberry Muffins to Ice Cream Sandwiches your students will get their fill with these solidly-conceived life-skills lessons.
Each lesson features a simple, REAL recipe that can be prepared at home after learning. There are even a few ‘no-cook’ recipes included that can be completed IN CLASS!
Multiple-choice comprehension questions (10 per recipe) challenge students to read each recipe carefully. Questions require students to read for details, locate information, use context clues, sequence recipe steps, calculate cooking times, understand ingredients and their measurements, make inferences, and more… Kitchen and measuring terms are used throughout, giving students opportunities to expand their vocabulary along the way.
You’re going to love these ready-to-use printable lessons. Just print and go!
Each recipe includes 10 multiple choice questions making them ideal for assessment, review, task boxes, hands-on learning, quiz cards and more… These easy-to-use lessons do not require writing. All answers are multiple choice.
30 Printable Pdf Pages
Answer Key
Help your students develop important writing skills with this fun and delightfully illustrated book. Easy Sentence Writing will inspire students to develop sentence-writing skills. Four formats add variety as they write original sentences, create sentences from pictures, form sentences from a word bank and more.
Build Basic Skills the hands-on way!Young readers will have a great time as they complete over 60 fun-filled activities designed to improve reading, handwriting, comprehension, and fine motor skills! Each delightful lesson includes an easy-to-read mini-story followed by simple writing and comprehension activities. As a reward for completing each lesson, students are invited to color the story's lively illustration. Great for building reading confidence!
Packed with informative short stories, comprehension questions, and various research activities, this 23-lesson book provides valuable practice in the specific reading skill that emphasizes inference comprehension.The stories lack some facts that the reader must infer from the text in order to detect certain details. Questions following each story test student’s ability to recognize information that is implied but not directly given. 28-page book includes an answer key.
Reading Level 3-4 | Interest Level 4-12
These brief, high-interest stories and cloze procedure to increase comprehension! Besides stories and context clues, each book provides word lists and comprehension questions to promote greater understanding of each selection. A good tool for students who need help with word order or sentence structure.
The 20 cloze procedure lessons in each book will help students not only gain a greater understanding of concepts, but will assist in expanding their vocabulary.
Questions follow each cloze paragraph exercise - thus insuring that students have a broad understanding of the story by incorporating thinking skills as well as recall activities. The questions involve inference, prediction, and relationship.
The spelling words in this unit are sometimes referred to as "spelling demons." This unit offers spelling "gremlins" as a fun spin on the term "demons." Each activity page has a gremlin who offers an example of a memory link or mnemonic device to help students remember one of the lesson's spelling words.
Some students learn to spell through visualization while others make use of phonetic elements of a word. Since these words and groups contain no common phonetic elements, this unit is best suited to your visual learners.
This unit contains 15 lessons which include practice and activity pages for each word list.
180 Spelling Words Include:
- dessert
- cousin
- either
- enough
- February
- hour
- height
- terrible
- principal
- rough
- rhyme
- yolk
- whose
- and more!
Contents Include:
- Suggestions for Use
- 15 Lessons
- 12 Spelling Words per Lesson
- Games
- Writing Activities
- and more!
Bring Classic Literature to Life… with “Around the World in 80 Days” Abridged Novel & Study Guide:
Introduce students to great literature while also improving their fluency, specific reading skills, comprehension, and vocabulary with this easy-to-read, abridged version of the Jules Verne classic “Around the World in 80 Days.” Featuring 10 easy-to-read short chapters, this classic keeps interest high, while students read and then pause to work on activities at the end of each chapter. This high-interest / easy-to-read version of the classic novel is sure to become a classroom favorite!
*** The Adapted/Abridged Version of the Novel
*** 10 Easy-to-Read Short Chapters
*** 60 Pre-Reading & Vocabulary Activities
*** 100 Comprehension & Specific Reading Skill Activities
EASY-TO-USE: These lessons are an easy way to engage students and help them appreciate the excitement of classic literature! Simply download the pdf and you’re ready to start using them today! :)
Written to excite even the most reluctant reader, this classic story features 10 short, easy-to-ready chapters. Sentences were carefully constructed to ensure students of all abilities are able to read and appreciate this captivating classic. Reading levels were measured using the Fry Readability Scale.
Skill-specific activities challenge students’ understanding of the story and focus on main idea, inference, recalling details, critical thinking, and sequencing.
Key words are defined and used in context prior to each chapter to make reading easier and more pleasurable. Activities feature a modified Cloze format and use McGraw-Hill’s Core Vocabulary.
Exciting illustrations in every chapter help students during pre-reading activities as they visualize what they are reading.
Interest Level: Gr. 4 - 12
Reading Level: Gr. 2
136 Ready-to-Use Google Slides! Engaging Lessons, Tips, & Techniques to help students learn how to find AND get a Job! * Finding Jobs * Applying for a Job * Resumes * Cover Letters * Interviews * Wages * Salaries * Real-life Situations * Help students prepare for the real-life challenges of getting a job with these new life-skills Google Slides lessons! (see the product preview to see TONS of sample pages).
The first step towards REAL independence is getting a job… But how do you FIND one… and how do you GET one? These life-skills lessons help students learn the best tips, strategies, and techniques for Getting a Job! These realistic lessons answer many questions such as, “Do I need a resume?” “How do I stand out?” “What should I wear to an interview?” “What should I ask?” “How do I choose between two job offers?” and more…
Finding a Job:
Students learn about the various ways to find a job using online companies such as,, and Lessons also help focus on employment agencies, company websites, networking, want ads, and more.
Applying for a Job:
Students learn about creating memorable cover letters, successful resumes, and completing job applications.
Job Interviews:
Lessons cover what to wear, the importance of being punctual, what to say and questions to ask.
Job Details:
Students are introduced to the world of wages, salaries, commissions, benefits, paid holidays, sick days, health insurance & more.
Real-life Situations:
Students get realistic hands-on practice as they follow five people through their job searches from the beginning of the process all the way to the end.
These ready-to-use lessons are sure to save you time! Simply download and start assigning them to your students. Assign the entire set or just a few for today’s lesson.
Part of the new Independent Living Series, Getting a Job provides practical advice and helpful information to teach students how to successfully prepare for, locate, and get a job. This series offers a large, easy-to-read font, colorful photos and illustrations, and a low reading level to ensure these lessons are accessible and usable for all students. (See the product preview for more sample pages).
Follow-up activities include practical application math, basic comprehension questions to reinforce understanding, and practical writing exercises. Some questions ask students to think about the information given and express their opinions and ideas.
These essential lessons include a glossary of key words and phrases students may not be familiar with plus activities to test understanding of the new words and phrases. These words and phrases are highlighted in bold throughout the text.
These sequential lessons walk students through key topics and guides them along the path towards Independent Living.