Providing quality tested Geography resources at an affordable price. Take the stress out of your teaching and enjoy what many teachers joined the profession for, working with young people. Please follow & review to help me grow my store!
Providing quality tested Geography resources at an affordable price. Take the stress out of your teaching and enjoy what many teachers joined the profession for, working with young people. Please follow & review to help me grow my store!
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In this two hour KS3 lesson, pupils evaluates the impact of tourism on national parks. Students are required to reflect on the wide range of economic opportunities within national parks, and consider if these positives outweigh problems caused by such use. Students complete a card sort task to categorise tourist impacts. Students use role play cards to identify key issues before taking part in a debate. An engaging cartoon is provided, from which pupils must identify problems that tourists introduce. A conflict matrix is used to reflect on how the wide range of user groups may come into conflict with each other.
Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:-
Tourism topic bundle
Check out some of my other products relating to Tourism:-
What types of tourism exist?
Why has the tourism industry grown?
Why do coasts, mountains and cities attract visitors?
How do glaciers shape the land?
What are the features of a glaciated landscape?
How can conflict in national parks be managed?
Where is the Amazon Rainforests & what is it like?
Why is the Amazon Rainforests under threat?
How can eco-tourism help to manage rainforests sustainably?
Why do tourists visit extreme environments?
How does tourism impact Antarctica?
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This 1 hour KS3 lesson investigates how and why companies are able to become global brands. Pupils develop their awareness of the characteristics of transnational co-operations, using Apple as a case study. Pupils engage in a duel-coding activity, learning the benefits of producing and selling goods in lots of countries around the world.
Check out some of my other products relating to Globalisation:-
What are products and services?
What are producers and consumers?
How has employment structure changed in the UK?
What is globalisation?
What factors have caused globalisation?
How do conflict minerals affect people living in Africa?
Does slavery still exist? (Investigating Apple’s iPhone factories)
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In this** 2 hour KS3 lesson**, pupils investigate extreme tourism in Antarctica. Students watch a video clip to understand why tourists visit this extreme but beautiful continent. Source images are used to teach pupils about the conflicts caused by tourists. A card sort activity is included in which pupils categorise the positive and negative impacts of tourism. Students are taught about the strategies being use to make Antarctica tourism more sustainable.
Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:-
Tourism topic bundle
Check out some of my other products relating to Tourism:-
What types of tourism exist?
Why has the tourism industry grown?
Why do coasts, mountains and cities attract visitors?
How do glaciers shape the landscape?
What are the features of a glaciated landscape?
Why does conflict exist in national parks?
How can conflict in national parks be managed?
Where is the Amazon Rainforests & what is it like?
Why is the Amazon Rainforests under threat?
How can eco-tourism help to manage rainforests sustainably?
Why do tourists visit extreme environments?
How does tourism impact Antarctica?
In this 2 hour KS3 lesson pupils investigate why the global development gap exists. Carefully selected video clips are used to highlight the origins of inequality. Students analyse sources to discover social, political, geographical, historical and economic factors that have influenced development. A differentiated worksheet is included, in which pupils are required to explain the various causes of this pressing issue.
**Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- **
Development topic bundle
Check out some of my other products relating to weather and climate:-
What is development?
How can we measure development?
What is Africa like?
What are Africa’s climate zones?
How do squatter settlements affect peoples quality of life?
How does quality of life differ between HIC & LIC countries?
How can fair trade help to reduce the development gap?
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This 2 hour KS3 lesson teaches pupils about the true cost of a booming technology industry. Students investigate the sourcing of columbite-tantalite, a vital element in creating components that store energy and are used in almost all of our small electronic devices, especially our mobile phones. Pupils describe the location of the DRC before analysing source images, showing conditions found within coltan mines. A categorising activity teaches pupils about the impact mining on local people. Two supporting documentaries (warning - Includes some graphic scenes) are provided to support the lesson, allowing pupils to realise the untold, harsh and harrowing reality If you like my work, please follow me for more resources and leave a review!of global trade.
Check out some of my other products relating to Globalisation:-
What are products and services?
What are producers and consumers?
How has employment structure changed in the UK?
What is globalisation?
What factors have caused globalisation?
Why is Apple such a successful global brand?
Does slavery still exist? (Investigating Apple’s iPhone factories)
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This 1 hour KS3 lesson teaches pupils how to measure distance on maps using a scale bar. A spot the difference style exercise is used to introduce the concept of scale. A step by step guide shows students how to measure both straight and curved lines. A video worked example supports pupil understanding. Pupils are then to attempt a worksheet activity. Questions are scaffolded to challenge pupils of all abilities. Answer slide provided.
Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:-
Geographical skills topic bundle
Check out some of my other products relating to Geographical skills:-
Where are the major oceans, countries, continents, rivers and mountains?
How can we use a compass?
What are lines of latitude and longitude?
How can we use 4 & 6 figure grid references?
Why are map symbols useful?
How is height represented on a map?
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This 2 hour KS3 lesson investigates working conditions at Foxconn’s Apple iPhone factory. Pupils learn about the hardships faced within the Chinese manufacturing sector. Students use source images to discuss both the working and living conditions at the Foxconn site, and reflect on why worker suicide is at a record high. The lesson includes a cards sort task, allowing pupils to evaluate the actions of Apple in Shenzhen, as well as supporting video links. Pupils are required to write a diary entry from the perspective of a Foxconn working.
Check out some of my other products relating to Globalisation:-
What are products and services?
What are producers and consumers?
How has employment structure changed in the UK?
What is globalisation?
What factors have caused globalisation?
Why is Apple such a successful global brand?
How do conflict minerals affect people living in Africa?
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In this 2 hour KS3 lesson pupils learn about relief, convection and frontal rainfall. Students map how rainfall varies across the UK and investigate the reasons for this. Interactive sides allow the processes to be easily visualised. Three exercises are used to aid the understanding of these various rainfall types.
**Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- **
Weather topic bundle
Check out some of my other products relating to weather and climate:-
What is the difference between weather and climate?
What is the water cycle?
How can symbols be used to show weather patterns?
How can we describe weather patterns using weather symbols?
Is all rainfall produced in the same way?
Why does the UK experience the weather it does?
Why do floods occur and what are the effects?
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This 1 hour KS3 lesson introduces the concept of globalisation. Students reflect on why they know so much about celebrities they have never met, can watch sporting events in foreign nations and eat food from around the world.
Check out some of my other products relating to Globalisation:-
What are products and services?
What are producers and consumers?
How has employment structure changed in the UK?
What is globalisation?
What factors have caused globalisation?
Why is Apple such a successful global brand?
How do conflict minerals affect people living in Africa?
Does slavery still exist? (Investigating Apple’s iPhone factories)
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This 1-2 hour KS3 lesson teaches pupils to use map symbols. Students are initially required to try to identify potential map symbols on an OS image. Understanding is developed through a mix and match task, followed by a fun kinaesthetic ‘pairs’ style activity. Students finally design their own treasure map, being required to write a descriptive paragraph to guide their partner to the buried treasure!
Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:-
Geographical skills topic bundle
Check out some of my other products relating to Geographical skills:-
Where are the major oceans, countries, continents, rivers and mountains?
How can we use a compass?
What are lines of latitude and longitude?
How can we use 4 & 6 figure grid references?
How is height represented on a map?
How can we measure distance using maps?
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This 2 hour KS3 lesson teaches pupils about approaches that reduce ocean plastic pollution. Students learn how the 6r’s (refuse, recycle, redesign, repair, reduce and reuse) help to make our use plastic more sustainable. Pupils explore the benefits of a circular economy, compared to recycling or linear economies. Students are required to provide examples for each of the 6r’s, before engaging in a silent debate, in which they evaluate the effectiveness of a wide range of potential solutions.
Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:-
India & The Plastic Problem
Check out some of my other products relating to India & The Plastic Problem:-
Why is plastic hazardous?
Where is India and what is it like?
How does India’s physical Geography influence the location of its major cities?
Why does India have a monsoon climate?
How do ocean gyres move plastic pollution?
How developed is India?
Why does India have so many squatter settlements?
What are the impacts of marine plastic waste?
How can plastic waste be reduced?
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This two hour KS3 lesson develops Geographical skills, teaching pupils to identify height and topographic changes on maps. The lesson overviews colour shading, spot heights and contour lines. Pupils describe changes to elevation across India using a choropleth map. Students then learn how contour lines can be used to describe topography and undertake an activity in which they draw their own topographic map. A mix and match task requires pupils to match hill shapes to their respective topographic (contour) map.
Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:-
Geographical skills topic bundle
Check out some of my other products relating to Geographical skills:-
Where are the major oceans, countries, continents, rivers and mountains?
How can we use a compass?
What are lines of latitude and longitude?
How can we use 4 & 6 figure grid references?
Why are map symbols useful?
How can we measure distance using maps?
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This 1-2 hour KS3 lesson teaches pupils about the different employment sectors. Pupils explore how the UK’s employment structure has changed over time. Geographical skills are developed through line graph analysis, with students being required to annotate their graphs (using cards) to explain the changes.
Check out some of my other products relating to Globalisation:-
What are products and services?
What are producers and consumers?
What is globalisation?
What factors have caused globalisation?
Why is Apple such a successful global brand?
How do conflict minerals affect people living in Africa?
Does slavery still exist? (Investigating Apple’s iPhone factories)
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This 2 hour KS3 lesson teaches pupils about the features and causes of the Indian monsoon. Students improve Geographical skills, producing a climate graph from Mumbai climate data. Next, pupils describe the distribution of rainfall across India, using a choropleth map. Important techniques to support students in improving their accuracy is included. A supporting video clip is used to help visual learners complete a flick book, in which pupils sequence the key stages that result monsoon climates.
Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:-
India & The Plastic Problem
Check out some of my other products relating to India & The Plastic Problem:-
Why is plastic hazardous?
Where is India and what is it like?
How does India’s physical Geography influence the location of its major cities?
Why does India have a monsoon climate?
How do ocean gyres move plastic pollution?
How developed is India?
Why does India have so many squatter settlements?
What are the impacts of marine plastic waste?
How can plastic waste be reduced?
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In this 1-2 hour KS3 lesson, pupils evaluate India’s economic development. Source photographs are used to allow students to reflect on quality of live. Pupils then compare India to other world nations in terms of income and life expectancy. In the following task, students use statistics to create choropleth maps, showing how development varies across India. A question sheet tests understanding of the various measures and stretches more able pupils.
Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:-
India & The Plastic Problem
Check out some of my other products relating to India & The Plastic Problem:-
Why is plastic hazardous?
Where is India and what is it like?
How does India’s physical Geography influence the location of its major cities?
Why does India have a monsoon climate?
How do ocean gyres move plastic pollution?
How developed is India?
Why does India have so many squatter settlements?
What are the impacts of marine plastic waste?
How can plastic waste be reduced?
In this 2 hour KS3 lesson pupils will learn why areas flood through a heads and tails exercise. They investigate the social, economic and environmental impacts of flooding through a role play task. Teacher role play prompt questions are included here to direct discussion. A lesson worksheet is used to organise pupils learning throughout the lesson.
**Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:- **
Weather topic bundle
Check out some of my other products relating to weather and climate:-
What is the difference between weather and climate?
What is the water cycle?
How can symbols be used to show weather patterns?
How can we describe weather patterns using weather symbols?
Is all rainfall produced in the same way?
Why does the UK experience the weather it does?
This 2 HOUR KS3 lesson investigates the factors influencing mass rural to urban migration in China. Pupils are required to create a comic strip, summarising key messages from a comprehension exercise. The task teaches pupils about the hardship rural migrants experience and addresses the ‘perceived’ benefits of urban life. The lesson includes a case study video link to aid pupil understanding, as well as an additional worksheet task, in which pupils categorise the impacts of rural to urban migration.
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This 1 hour KS2 lesson teaches pupils how to use both the four and six point compass. Students test their newly learnt skills though a engaging mapping task.
Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:-
Geographical skills topic bundle
Check out some of my other products relating to Geographical skills:-
Where are the major oceans, countries, continents, rivers and mountains?
What are lines of latitude and longitude?
How can we use 4 & 6 figure grid references?
Why are map symbols useful?
How is height represented on a map?
How can we measure distance using maps?
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This 1 hour KS3 lesson introduces India as the case study for our ‘Plastic Problem’ unit. Pupils use a fun kinaesthetic activity to assess what their peers know about India. Students then use a question compass to reflect on source images. Pupils develop their Geographical skills, learning how to locate India at a range of scales. Peer assessment is utilised to feedback improvements to the class, developing an awareness of assessment criteria.
Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:-
India & The Plastic Problem
Check out some of my other products relating to India & The Plastic Problem:-
Why is plastic hazardous?
Where is India and what is it like?
How does India’s physical Geography influence the location of its major cities?
Why does India have a monsoon climate?
How do ocean gyres move plastic pollution?
How developed is India?
Why does India have so many squatter settlements?
What are the impacts of marine plastic waste?
How can plastic waste be reduced?
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This 1-2 hour KS3 lesson uses pupil led learning to investigate the hazards volcanoes pose. The lesson then considers how tourism, farming, geothermal energy and resources can encourage people to live near these hazards despite of the danger they present. An independent decision making task is used to test pupils understanding.
Bundle and save! This lesson is part of a larger bundle:-
Tectonic Hazards Topic Bundle
Check out some of my other products relating to Tectonic Hazards:-
What factors effect the risk from natural hazards?
What are the layers of the Earth?
What are tectonic plates?
Why are earthquakes and volcanoes found at plate boundaries?
What are earthquakes?
Are tsunamis the deadliest natural hazard?
Why live in tectonically active regions?
How can hazard risk be mitigated?