I am a dedicated mother closely monitoring and educating my 8 year old child. I make educational material for my child and his friends on a regular basis.
I am a dedicated mother closely monitoring and educating my 8 year old child. I make educational material for my child and his friends on a regular basis.
The objective of this package is to teach kids time table for 2 , 5 and 10 by visualizing multiplication and not just memorizing.
The pack is based on the theme of a fictitious fruit market with it’s own currency. A teacher can use this pack to explain the concept of multiplication through role play of customer and shopkeeper. Once the concepts are clear to the kids, they can be provided a more formal approach through additional material in the pack for time tables and worksheets. A board game is also provided which can be used as a summary as well as to assess how through the kids are with their tables.
Contents of this pack
• 10 notes each of denomination 2, 5 and 10.
• Timetable charts of 2, 5 and 10.
• 10 pieces of each type of fruit.
• Pawns for Shop Keeper and Customer
• Fruit Trays
• Cues for possible conversation between Shop Keeper and Customer
• Worksheets for multiplication
• Worksheet for skip count
• Board game
This pack is tested with 6 year olds and they truly enjoy it.
These worksheets cater to Grade 1 kids. Each worksheet consists of 3 story problems based on a theme. The first story problem in every sheet is simple addition of 2 numbers, the second problem is simple subtraction and the third is simple addition of 3 numbers.
There are 5 worksheets with the following themes
• Ron’s Birthday
• Miss Muffin’s Class
• Fun at the Amusement Park
• Mom’s Baking Day
• Farmer Joe
Answer Keys are provided.
My kids enjoyed solving the attractive worksheets.
These are a set of 20 task cards for ‘Multiplication Word Problems’ for Grade 3 kids . Please have a look at the preview to see the level of complexity of the problems
Product Description
These are a set of 20 task cards for ‘Addition and Subtraction Word Problems’. Please have a look at the preview to see the level of complexity of the problems.
The problems have been tested with 8 – 9 year old kids.
These worksheets are tailored for KG and Grade 1 Kids. They comply with the Common Core Standards for these grades.
The TOC is as follows
Shapes chart displaying the 16 shapes which are dealt with in subsequent worksheets
Worksheets for the following
o Simple Shapes
o More Shapes
o Solid Shapes
o Making Shapes
o Shapes in Daily Life
o Odd Shape Out
o What comes next? (in a sequence)
o Color fractions of Shapes
o Write fractions of Shapes
o Counting Shapes
Shapes Board Game
These worksheets, bookmarks and activities for creating your own calendar form an exciting pack to reinforce concepts of calendar. I have provided ample worksheets to understand and practice days of the week, month, leap year .
The TOC is as follows
• Worksheets for the following
Sequence of Days of the Week
Days of the week - Abbreviations
Days of the week- Ordinal Numbers
Sequence of Months
The Twelve Months- Abbreviations
How many days in a month?
Months with 30 days
Months with 31 days
A Special Month
Month Problems – January
Month Problems- February
Month Problems – March
Month Problems- December
Lisa’s Important Month
Name the Month
• The Month Song- Poster
• Make Your Own Calendar Activity
• Month Themed Bookmarks
• Answer Keys
• Acknowledgement
I hope your kids enjoy this package as much as mine did.
You can read about how I use this package in my blogpost Teaching Time.
These worksheets and activities on ‘Time’ are tailored for Grade 1, 2 and 3 kids. The worksheets deal with the concepts of time. There are posters and worksheets to show and tell the time for the Hour, the Half-Hour, Quarter To, Quarter Past , 5 Minute Intervals, A.M. and P.M , 24 Hour Time Format .
Also included is a cut out for making a paper clock with moving hands that requires no pins or other attachments.
The TOC is as follows
Posters for the following (6 posters)
The Hour
Half Past
Quarter Past
Quarter To
Facts about the Clock’s Hands
The 24 Hour Time Format
Worksheets for the following (20 worksheets)
The Hour- Tell and Show the Time
Fun at the Fair
Half Past - Tell and Show the Time
Victoria Zoo Feeding Times
Quarter To, Quarter Past – Tell & Show the Time
Saturday TV Shows
Jane’s Morning Schedule
John’s School Time- Table
Start and End Times
Counting Minutes in the Hour
5 Minute Intervals – Show the Time
A.M or P.M.
Sense of Time
Early, On time or Late
24 Hour Time Format- Tell & Show the Time
Activities and Games
Tell the Time Board Game
Make Your Own Clock
Answer Keys
I have not included answer keys for the simple Show and Tell time worksheets as these are pretty straight forward for the teachers and will add to the bulk of the package.
My kids enjoyed the worksheets and decorating their own clocks