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Our resources are written by experienced sixth form practitioners, capitalising on their backgrounds in pastoral care, careers education, honing study skills and building wider awareness of the world in readiness for adult life.




Our resources are written by experienced sixth form practitioners, capitalising on their backgrounds in pastoral care, careers education, honing study skills and building wider awareness of the world in readiness for adult life.
A Guide to Gatsby Benchmark 4 - how to achieve it

A Guide to Gatsby Benchmark 4 - how to achieve it

This resource includes a Ppt to explain Gatsby Benchmark 4 within the context of the 8 benchmarks and the recent updated benchmarks for implementation from September 2025. The presentation includes suggestions for how to implement the benchmark and underlines the responsibility of each department. In addition, I have put together a list of sources of posters and information along with suggested visits and experiences. This is very far from an exhaustive list and I will try to keep it updated and add to it periodically. If you have any suggestions of things to add, please add them via our FB page https://www.facebook.com/groups/1454056151669562 Thank you
Making the most of your summer break, learning from Year 12, preparing for Year 13

Making the most of your summer break, learning from Year 12, preparing for Year 13

This presentation is ideal for an assembly with Year 12 before the summer break, to remind them of the importance of taking a break, while also taking stock of Year 12 and planning to build skills, complete college work and prepare for post 18 applications. It discusses achieving a balance, the importance of planning and reminds about techniques to help with effective study.
Sofonisba Anguissola, artist  -Women in History

Sofonisba Anguissola, artist -Women in History

This short presentation introduces students to Sofonisba Anguissola, an accomplished woman painter from the 16th/17th century. At a time when men dominated the professional art world, Sofonisba made a career at the Spanish court and beyond, was mentored by Michelangelo and blazed a trail as a leading portrait painter. This presentation could support Gatsby Benchmarks 3 and 4 and demonstrates what dedication in the face of obstacles can achieve.
Stellar astrophysicist, Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin - Women in History

Stellar astrophysicist, Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin - Women in History

This presentation could be used to promote women in science/STEM, accompany work on the composition of stars or generally inspire and demonstrate what women can achieve. It could contribute to Gatsby Benchmark 4. It is a brief introduction to the career of Cecilia Payne, who made some of the most fundamental discoveries regarding stars, including that their composition was predominantly Hydrogen, very much against the popular belief of the day that stars had a similar composition to the Earth. This is part of our Women in History collection.
Valentine's Day assembly

Valentine's Day assembly

Assembly on the origins and history of Valentine’s Day, with opportunities to also reflect on different types of love and what constitutes healthy relationships (relationship green flags). The assembly is designed for sixth form but could easily be adpated for younger students. All slides are fully editable and many include notes for further discussion/ with additional information/ ideas.
Mother's Day Assembly

Mother's Day Assembly

This assembly looks at the history of Mother’s Day, the religious and secular significance. It also recognises that not all families are the same and that the care givers may not be the mother, or that date may bring memories of a loved one who has died. The message is one of showing appreciation, on Mother’s Day and every day.
St George's Day Assembly

St George's Day Assembly

This assembly deals with the history behind St George (as well as the myth), looking at his roots far from England, who venerates him and how he came to be patron saint of England. It also looks at what he stands for; he was chosen as representing the knightly ideals, e.g. bravery and integrity and in religious terms as a Christian martyr, represents holding firm to his beliefs.
St David's Day Assembly

St David's Day Assembly

This assembly looks at the celebrations for St David’s Day, the history of the saint, his legacy and modern day traditions, celebrating Wales at home and around the world.
NASA Women - Women in History

NASA Women - Women in History

This presentation is part of our Women in History series, celebrating female role models. It features a range of women who contributed to the goal of space travel, from Dorothy Vaughan and Katherine Johnson and their contribution to the maths of space travel, to the women such as Sally Ride and Nicole Aunapu Mann who literally reached for the stars.
Mental Health Awareness Week Assembly - Anxiety Monday May 08 - Sunday May 14

Mental Health Awareness Week Assembly - Anxiety Monday May 08 - Sunday May 14

This assembly highlights this year’s theme of Anxiety, how it can affect anyone and everyone, but also looking at supporting and understanding those whose circumstances mean they are more vulnerable to feelings of anxiety. It looks at how you can cope with anxiety and where to seek help if you have ongoing problems with anxiety. It will also be part of a bundle with other resources looking at situations where stress and anxiety are more prevalent, such as when facing disappointment, or in the face of exams, and areas of our lives we can work on to help improve our mental health, such as sleep, friendship and acts of kindness.
The Curie Women - Women in History

The Curie Women - Women in History

This presentation could be used as a starter during Women’s History Month, as examples of resilience, in Science, Music or English to exemplify what is possible. It outlines the contribution and legacy of the Curie family, in particular focusing on Marie Curie and her daughters. Marie Curie is a name known to most, but her 2 daughters and their spouses created their own body of work and lasting achievement.
Formidable Female Composers - Women in History

Formidable Female Composers - Women in History

This is an introduction to some of the women composers whose names may be less familiar than their male counterparts, despite the undoubted contribution they made. It offers a chance to find out more and begin to understand the struggles they had. It could be part of Women’s History Month, or serve to support Gatsby Benchmarks 3 and 4. It is wholly adaptable and individual slides could be used as starters. This is part of our Women in History series, please check out our shop for other presentations and bundles.
Empowerment - Building Awareness

Empowerment - Building Awareness

This lesson looks at the idea of ‘empowerment’ ,where it might be lacking and what protections are in place to aid empowerment. As well as thinking about the idea, it looks at the responsibility of employers and the individual to support ensuring that employees are empowered to reach their full potential. The lesson also looks at those who may find their power diminished and looks at protected characteristics and the Equality Act. It encourages students to consider their role in supporting others. The lesson suggests optional video content and gives opportunities for discussion, so is easily adaptable to your time allowance. The lesson ends with a plenary and links to further reading or viewing.
Female Genital Mutilation - Building Awareness

Female Genital Mutilation - Building Awareness

This is not an easy subject, but that doesn’t make it one to shy away from. Nevertheless, to make it easier for teachers to deliver, the Ppt presentation signposts to various video links which can help with explanations. The lesson allows for discussion about why this is being discussed, what it actually means and what it means for those who have been victims of FGM. The teaching notes include a link to duplicate a questionnaire on Forms to assess students’ understanding of the question in advance and the notes also make suggestions of how to adapt the lesson to suit your timeframe. The penultimate slide brings the lesson together in a plenary and the final slide includes links to sources and further information.
Student Finance - Preparing for life beyond college (Student loans)

Student Finance - Preparing for life beyond college (Student loans)

There is a lot of information available about student finance, but it can be a baffling experience, so this lesson aims to cut through the basics of what to consider and what aspiring university students will need to have to hand to apply and what they will need to manage. It also touches on the pros and cons of degree apprenticeships and deals with the parental burden which can be glossed over with regard to maintenance. It allows for discussion and the teaching notes include a link to duplicate a survey on Microsoft Forms to get students thinking about what they do and do not know and what they will need to budget for. The Ppt is easily adaptable and aims to include all you will need for the lesson, but bearing in mind differing time frames for lessons, there are sections you can choose to include or omit to suit your needs.
Cooking at university/ for yourself - Preparing for life after college

Cooking at university/ for yourself - Preparing for life after college

For some going to university or leaving home for an apprenticeship may be the first time some young people have had to fend for themselves in the kitchen, This lesson looks at basics you will need to get started, cooking suggestions, shopping suggestions, ways to save money and chances for discussion. The lesson is completely adaptable to suit different time allocations, so take a look in advance and see what will work best for your cohort. It also includes Teaching Notes and some Sample Recipes to help students get started.
Hate Crime

Hate Crime

This resource is designed to build student’s understanding of what Hate Crime is, why it happens and how to deal with it. As well as an introductory quiz on Forms to get students thinking (link in teaching notes) there is a Ppt presentation and headline discussion worksheet. The presentation ends with a plenary which can be adapted to use with smaller groups or for individuals to feedback on their understanding.